Extract Domain Resource Tool

You can use the Extract Domain Resource Tool to create resource files for use with the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator or Verrazzano. This allows the Kubernetes resource definitions to be generated from a model file. This is especially useful when making configuration changes to the domain that also need to be reflected in the resource file. For example, adding a cluster to the domain only requires that it be added to the topology section of the WDT model, then a new resource definition file can be generated that contains information pertaining to the new cluster to apply to Kubernetes.

Verrazzano support is deprecated in WDT 4.0.0 and will be removed in a future release.

By default, the resource file generated is pretty minimalistic and will always require editing. For example, the Extract Domain Resource Tool run against a simple model with only an Administration Server will generate something the looks similar the one shown here. Note that the .spec.domainHome attribute value was populated using the -domain_home command-line argument.

apiVersion: weblogic.oracle/v9
kind: Domain
    name: mydomain
    namespace: mydomain
        weblogic.domainUID: mydomain
    domainHome: /u01/domains/mydomain
    domainHomeSourceType: FromModel
    image: '{{{imageName}}}'
    # Add any credential secrets that are required to pull the image
    imagePullSecrets: []
        name: mydomain-weblogic-credentials
          - name: JAVA_OPTIONS
            value: -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
          - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
            value: '-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Xms64m -Xmx256m '
        introspectorJobActiveDeadlineSeconds: 900
            domainType: WLS
            modelHome: '{{{modelHome}}}'
            runtimeEncryptionSecret: mydomain-runtime-encryption-secret

To help make this tool more useful (and more automated), the model includes optional, top-level kubernetes and verrazzano sections that feed into the generated domain resource. Looking at the previous example output, you see that the .spec.image and .spec.configuration.model.modelHome attributes are

More information about the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator can be found here.

More information about Verrazzano can be found here.

Here is an example command line for the Extract Domain Resource Tool:

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/extractDomainResource.sh -model_file /tmp/mymodel.yaml -variable_file /tmp/my.properties -output_dir /tmp/resource -target wko -oracle_home /tmp/oracle -domain_home /u01/mydomain 

For the simplest case, the Extract Domain Resource Tool will create resource files based on the templates corresponding to the target argument, using information from the command line and the domain sections of the model. Information about target types and templates can be found Target environments page.

The value of the optional -domain_home argument will be applied to the corresponding field in the template output, if specified. As an alternative, the domain home value can be specified in the related section of the WDT model.

Domain name and UID fields in the template will use the domain name in the topology section of the model, or the default base_domain. The cluster entries will be pulled from the topology section of the model; their replica counts will have been derived from the number of servers for each cluster.

The user is expected to fill in the image and secrets information identified by --FIX ME-- in the resource output.

For more advanced configurations, including pre-populating the --FIX ME-- values, the user can populate the related section of the WDT model, and those values will appear in the resulting custom resource definition (CRD) resource files. In this example the kubernetes section of the model overrides and adds some values to the CRD generated for WebLogic Kubernetes Operator.

        name: myName
        namespace: myNamespace
        image: 'my.repo/my-image:2.0'
            name: '@@PROP:mySecret@@'
                domainType: 'WLS'
                -   secret1
                -   secret2
                -   name: USER_MEM_ARGS
                    value: '-XX:+UseContainerSupport -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom'
                -   name: JAVA_OPTIONS
                    value: '-Dmydir=/home/me'

This example uses @@PROP:mySecret@@ to pull the value for webLogicCredentialsSecret from the variables file specified on the command line. This can be done with any of the values in the CRD sections of the model. More details about using model variables can be found here.

Using the wko target with this example, the resulting domain resource file would contain:

apiVersion: weblogic.oracle/v8
kind: Domain
    name: myName
    namespace: myNamespace
    image: 'my.repo/my-image:2.0'
        -   name: USER_MEM_ARGS
            value: '-XX:+UseContainerSupport -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom'
        -   name: JAVA_OPTIONS
            value: '-Dmydir=/home/me'
    domainHome: /u01/mine/domain
            domainType: WLS
        -   secret1
        -   secret2
    -   clusterName: mycluster
        replicas: 2
    -   clusterName: mycluster3
        replicas: 4

If clusters are specified in the kubernetes/spec section of the model, those clusters will be combined with any clusters from the topology section of the model.

If the WDT model has a value of Never for spec/imagePullPolicy, the imagePullSecrets default value will not be added.

A full list of sections and variables supported by the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator is available here. The Extract Domain Resource Tool supports a subset of these sections, including metadata, serverPod, and spec.

The verrazzano section of the WDT model can be used to update the CRDs generated for Verrazzano targets, such as vz and vz-dii. More information about this model section can be found here.

The Model Help Tool can be used to determine the folders and attributes that can be used in the CRD sections of the model. For example, this command will list the folders and attributes in the spec folder in the kubernetes section:

<wls-deploy-home>/bin/modelHelp.sh -oracle_home /tmp/oracle kubernetes:/spec

This command will list the folders and attributes in the application/spec folder in the verrazzano section:

<wls-deploy-home>/bin/modelHelp.sh -oracle_home /tmp/oracle -target vz verrazzano:/application/spec

The content for the CRD sections is not generated when a model is discovered by the Discover Domain Tool.

Parameter table for extractDomainResource

Parameter Definition Default
-archive_file The path to the archive file. This can also be specified as a comma-separated list of archive files. The overlapping contents in each archive take precedence over previous archives in the list.
-domain_home The domain home directory to be used in output files. This will override any value in the model.
-model_file The location of the model file. This can also be specified as a comma-separated list of model locations, where each successive model layers on top of the previous ones.
-oracle_home Home directory of the Oracle WebLogic installation. Required if the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
-output_dir The location for the target output files.
-target The target output type. The default is wko. For more information about target types, see Target Environments.
-variable_file The location of the property file containing the values for variables used in the model. This can also be specified as a comma-separated list of property files, where each successive set of properties layers on top of the previous ones.