
Random procedures

Another main feature of rwloadsim is to randomly execute certain “business logic”; this is what random procedure arrays do. A random procedure array contains a number of (identically shaped) procedures each with some probability of execution associated with it.

When a named random procedure is being executed, one of the procedures in the array will be executed with the given probability.

Take this example that first declares four procedures and then a random procedure array:

procedure one(integer x) ... end;
procedure two(integer y) ... end;
procedure three(integer z) ... end;
procedure four(integer x) ... end;

random procedure array doit ( one 10, two 25, three 5, four 60 );

As the sum of the four values is 100, the values are effectively percentages. The net result is that whenever your rwloadsim program executes “doit value;”, the actual execution will with the specified probability be one of those four. As with random strings, rwloadsim will scale the weights to probabilities in the range [0;1].

Although you don’t actually declare the arguments in a random procedure array declaration, they do take arguments just like a normal procedure, and all procedures used in its definition must take the same arguments (argument names can be different.)