
Procedure declaration

Procedures are a primarily building block of rwloadsim, particularly when doing actual load simulation. If a procedure includes processing of SQL, rwloadsim will automatically ensure there is a database session available when the procedure is called. If the database is declared using some pooling, the session will similarly be automatically released when no longer needed.

A function is similar to a procedure, but it has a return value and is used in expressions.

Both procedures and functions are declared with a header, a potentially empty list of arguments and the actual code implementing the functionality required. They can have local variables that, just as the arguments, are only available inside.

A sample procedure declaration is the following:

procedure isbig(double x)
  if x>1000.0 then
    printline x||" is larger than one thousand";
    printline x;
  end if;
end isbig;

Due to the scope rules of local variables, if you e.g. attempt something like

procedure trynestedlocal(integer x)
  if x>0 then
    integer y := 3*x; # y is local to the procedure
    integer y := -3*x; # so you cannot re-declare y here
  ... # do something with y

you will get an error about re-declaration of the local variable y.

Procedures are called very similar to how built-in statements are: The name of the procedure is followed by a list of arguments separated by comma. Each argument must be an expression. As examples, samples calls to the isbig procedure are:

isbig 50;
integer a := 200;
isbig a+42;

Note that in previous versions of rwloadsim, the procedure call syntax required a set of parentheses was required around the potentially empty list of arguments. This is now optional, but is still used in several distributed .rwl files in e.g. the public directory.

Function declaration

A function is similar to a procedure, but it has a return value of a specified type, and it is used in expressions.

An example of a function declaration is the following:

function add(integer a, integer b)
return integer
  return a+b;
end function;

Functions are called as part of expressions and a sample call is

isbig add(200, 300);