If you have some rwl scripts that you would like to distribute to other systems, these systems will need an installation of rwloadsim to execute these. This requirement can be lifted using the generate option of rwloadsim, which will create a single executable that has both the code to rwloadsim itself and also includes your rwl script source code.
After generating such an executable, it can be copied to any system that has an Oracle environment, such as Instant Client, a server or a full client installation. The only requirement is that the version of the Oracle environment on the target system is the same version or newer than on the system, where you ran the generation.
As an example, the ociping.rwl and connping.rwl scripts available in the public
directory would be useful to distribute without having the need for a complete
rwloadsim install.
To generate the former as an executable, you can simply do
rwloadsim --generate=ociping --generate-banner='RWP*OCIPing Utility' -u ociping.rwl
The executable, ociping, can then be copied to any system that has the required Oracle environment, where it can be executed.
It is recommended that you generate executables in a version that is the lowest you suspect to be available for actual execution.