
Error handling

Syntax errors during parsing or executions errors will be printed to stderr with an RWL-nnn error number, file name, line number and error text, much like ORA-nnnnn errors. Syntax errors during parse will prevent later execution. There are three categories of errors: warnings, errors and critical errors, plus a special RWL-600 internal error which is used by rwloadsim itself to report abnormal situations.

If you receive an RWL-600 error, please report it providing as much evidence as possible.

If executing database calls results in some ORA-nnnnn error, that will also be reported and - if available - the error location in the SQL text is also identified. A few examples are shown by this rwl program (here shown with line numbers)

     1  integer a, b, c; b := 3;
     2  procedure ifnull()
     3    if a then
     4      printline "a is not zero";
     5    end;
     6  end;
     7  ifnull();
     8  c := ; # wrong syntax
     9  c := 0;
    10  printline b/c;

If you save the above (taking out the line numbers) in a file called errors.rwl, and execute it, you will see following output:

RWL-064: warning at [errors.rwl;3]<-[errors.rwl;7]: executing if with NULL argument - false assumed
RWL-278: error at [errors.rwl;8]: parse error at position 6: unexpected ';'
RWL-008: error at [errors.rwl;8]: expected valid expression
RWL-022: error at [errors.rwl;10]: attempted division by zero

The RWL-064 error tells that at line 7 in errors.rwl, you called a procedure which then at line 3 executed an if statement with a null argument.

The RWL-278 error is a syntax error found at line 8 saying that the symbol ‘;’ found at character posistion 6 was unexpected. The subsequent RWL-008 error gives more detail saying that in stead of the unexpected symbol, an expression was expected.

Finally, when executing line 10, a division by zero was attempted.

Note that in all cases, execution actually continues, even in the division by zero case.

You can get more detailed information about an RWL- error my providing the error number to the rwlerror program. As an example, executing rwlerror 278 will produce this output

RWL-278 error: "parse error at position %d: %s"
A syntax error was found during parsing by bison at the character position
shown; the error may include the unexpected symbol and/or a list of expected
symbols to help identify the actual error. It is followed by another error
showing the rwloadsim error.

A full list of all errors it available at