The demo directory contains a more complete example that shows some of the potential of the RWP*Load Simulator such as:
Note that this example was created in a previous release of rwloadsim, and that it therefore does not use newer features such as embedded sql.
The following files are available:
file | description |
demouser.sql | SQL script to create an rwldemo user; it may need modification for tablespace allocation |
demotables.sql | SQL script to create an extremely simple order system with headers and lines |
demouser.rwl | Declaration of a rwl database that accesses the rwldemo user |
insertdemo.rwl | Declaration of SQL and procedures that will insert orders into the system |
querydemo.rwl | Declaration of two types of queries simulating respectively a simple order query, and a more complex query |
massinsert.rwl | A simulation that really is a mass insert of orders |
testquery.rwl | A small test of the querydemo.rwl procedures |
awrdemo.rwl | Declarations of everything necessary to create awr snapshots and report, this includes database, SQL statements and procedures |
runsimulation.rwl | An actual simulation which executes a mix of the three “business” procedures, insert, simple query, complex query, and at the same time creates an awr of the run |
It is recommended that you copy the contents of the demo directory to a work directory of your own before running these demonstrations.
To run the demonstration, you should initially create the rwloadsim repository as described previously. Next, create the rwldemo user using the demouser.sql script (after providing a proper password and potentially modifying tablespace name), and load the tables into the new schema using demotables.sql. You are now ready to add some data, and you can e.g. add 3000 orders by executing (you will need to modify demouser.rwl with password, and possibly connect string):
rwloadsim demouser.rwl insertdemo.rwl massinsert.rwl
You should see something like:
RWP*Load Simulator Release Beta on Fri Jul 20 04:51:24 2018
Created demouser as session pool (4..5) to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
created 1000 orders with 5519 order lines in thread 2
created 1000 orders with 5424 order lines in thread 1
created 1000 orders with 5567 order lines in thread 3
created 3000 orders with 16510 order lines in total
You can use sqlplus to actually query the rwl_demo_ord or rwl_demo_lin tables of your rwldemo schema. Now load some more data by executing:
rwloadsim -i runcount:=10000 demouser.rwl insertdemo.rwl massinsert.rwl
You should inspect the two files insertdemo.rwl and massinsert.rwl to see what actually happens. You will e.g. see that massinsert.rwl starts a number of threads (3 by default) that each will execute a control loop inserting orders in a busy loop.
Next, take a look at querydemo.rwl and testquery.rwl and execute:
rwloadsim demouser.rwl querydemo.rwl testquery.rwl
The testquery.rwl starts two threads that execute the simple query and one thread that executes the complex query. An output may be:
RWP*Load Simulator Release Beta on Fri Jul 20 04:56:55 2018
Created demouser as session pool (4..5) to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
selected 1 orders with 2 order lines in total
sumetotal 43839.42 in thread 3
selected 10 orders with 61 order lines in thread 2
selected 10 orders with 54 order lines in thread 1
selected 21 orders with 117 order lines in total
sumetotal 56494.25 in total
Also try
rwloadsim -i showres:=2 demouser.rwl querydemo.rwl testquery.rwl
and see the difference; this shows how you can prepare your rwloadsim input files such that they can output some debug if needed.
Let us next go on to see how execution results are stored in the rwloadsim repository. Repeat the above, but also give the -sss option and rwloadsim.rwl file as input (as before, you may need to modify password and add a connect string in this file):
rwloadsim -sss rwloadsim.rwl demouser.rwl querydemo.rwl testquery.rwl
In addition to output like the above, it will also show a runnumber at the end. This number is the primary key of the rwlrun table and the foreign key of all results tables. Now logon via sqlplus to the rwloadsim user, and (here with runnumber 144 as example), run these queries:
SQL> select * from runres where runnumber=144;
---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
144 0 qcomplex .000961 .0776 4 1
144 0 selorder .002127 .016213 14 2
This example output shows that there were two different procedures being executed, qcomplex and selorder, the wtime and etime columns show the total time waited to get a session, respectively to execute the procedure, ecount shows the execution count, and tcount shows the number of threads where this procedure was executed.
The total time for execution (that is session wait time plus actual execution time) is grouped into buckets and the results are saved in the histogram table as this query shows:
SQL> select * from histogram where runnumber=144
2 order by vname, buckno;
---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
144 0 qcomplex 12 .0078125 1 .005058
144 0 qcomplex 13 .015625 1 .011962
144 0 qcomplex 14 .03125 1 .018795
144 0 qcomplex 15 .0625 1 .042746
144 0 selorder 10 .001953125 12 .014195
144 0 selorder 11 .00390625 2 .004145
You can for example see that there were 12 executions of “selorder” that took less that 1.95ms and 2 that took between 1.95ms and 3.9ms. Similarly, there were 1 execution in each of the execution time intervals ending at 7.8ms, 15.6ms, 31.2ms and 62.5ms respectively for the “qcomplex” procedure. The TTIME column shows the total execution time for all executes in that particular execution time bucket. The BUCKTIM column is the high end limit for the range of the bucket, the low end limit is BUCKTIM/2 (which is the high end of the preceding bucket).
Finally take a look at the persec table, which shows the number of execute in each 1s interval since the start of the simulation:
SQL >select * from persec where runnumber=144
2 order by vname, second
3 /
---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
144 0 qcomplex 1 1
144 0 qcomplex 2 1
144 0 qcomplex 3 1
144 0 qcomplex 4 1
144 0 selorder 1 0
144 0 selorder 2 2
144 0 selorder 3 4
144 0 selorder 4 4
144 0 selorder 5 4
The four entries for the qcomplex procedure show that there was one execution in the each of the first four seconds. For the selorder procedure, there were no executes in the first second, two in the second, and four in each of the next three. If you take a look at testquery.rwl, you will see that these counts are expected, as both the execution of selorder and of qcomplex have a fixed arrival rate specified with every 0.5 and every 1 respectively. For the two threads executing selorder, you will also see that the start time is specified as 1*threadnumber, so the actual work will start with a delay, which is visible in the last column above for selorder.
A real simulation would execute things much faster than every second, it would run for a longer time, and it would also need to create an awr report. First take a look at awrdemo.rwl and potentially modify the username and/or password for the account that can execute the dbms_workload_repository package; you may also need to add a connect string. Next, take a look at runsimulation.rwl which combines everything. In addition to have $include directives to include all necessary files, it also shows the $statistics:all that has the same effect as providing options to rwloadsim to enable statistics gathering. The core of it contains:
# Start a number of real worker threads
threads thrcount # start 20 threads
at demouser # Using this database
every erlang2(0.05) # simulate arrival rate of 20 per second
stop totaltime # until this time
doeither(); # executing this
# Use one thread to gather and make awr
threads !!doawr # make sure 0 or 1 threads start
at awruser
# begin 5 seconds into run
wait 5;
# end 5 seconds before finish
wait totaltime-runseconds()-5;
There are two groups of threads, one doing the actual simulation and one simply taking an awr. The first group only has a control loop, the number of threads and the stop time are provided as variables (that have default values which can be changed on the rwloadsim command line), and it executes a procedure called “doeither”. This is defined as a random procedure array, so it will effectively call either of the three procedures, insorder, selorder, qcomplex with certain probability.
The second group has has a sequence of simple statements, it effectively calls a procedure called beginawr() after 5 seconds, which effectively gathers a snapshot in the workload repository. It then waits until 5 seconds before endtime, and calls makeawr(), which gathers a second snapshot and actually writes the awr file (by default in text format; see the awrdemo.rwl file).
Now execute:
rwloadsim runsimulation.rwl
it will run for about a minute and upon completion show something like:
created 1475 orders with 8127 order lines in total
selected 3814 orders with 20803 order lines in total
sumetotal 11711940.24 in total
runnumber: 146
Your rwloadsim repository will now contain data from this run, and you can e.g. run queries like (you need to specify your actual runnumber shown):
SQL> select vname, wtime/ecount avgw, etime/ecount avge
2 , (wtime+etime)/ecount avgt
3 from runres where runnumber=146;
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
insorder .000041883 .001258232 .001300115
qcomplex .000038146 .015732283 .015770429
selorder .000054529 .000891503 .000946032
SQL> select * from histogram where runnumber=146
2 and vname = 'selorder' order by buckno;
---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
146 0 selorder 8 .000488281 15 .006649
146 0 selorder 9 .000976563 3091 2.32041
146 0 selorder 10 .001953125 669 .741815
146 0 selorder 11 .00390625 11 .027817
146 0 selorder 12 .0078125 22 .137362
146 0 selorder 13 .015625 20 .206681
146 0 selorder 14 .03125 0 0
146 0 selorder 15 .0625 3 .183512
The first query shows the average wait time to get a session, the average execution time for the database work, and the average total time for the three procedures. The second query shows the histogram of execution times for the “selorder” query; most executions (3091) were in the (rounded) interval [0.5ms;1ms], 15 were even faster and 3 were in the (rounded) interval [31ms;62ms]. You can run similar queries for the other procedures, and you can query the “persec” table to see how many executions there were of each in each of the 60 seconds total elapsed time. There are also two views named fractiles and percentiles respectively, and you can e.g. execute:
SQL> select * from fractiles where runnumber=146
2 and vname='selorder' order by bucktim;
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
146 selorder .000488281 15 .391542678
146 selorder .000976563 3091 81.0754372
146 selorder .001953125 669 98.5382407
146 selorder .00390625 11 98.825372
146 selorder .0078125 22 99.3996346
146 selorder .015625 20 99.9216915
146 selorder .03125 0 99.9216915
146 selorder .0625 3 100
to show the fractile information in the histogram. As an example, this results tells that approximately 81% of the executions of selorder were faster than (about) 1ms. Similarly, you can do
SQL> select vname, pct90, pct95, pct98 from percentiles
2 where runnumber=146;
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
insorder .001854784 .00192695 .003092448
qcomplex .040267857 .0540625 .062339286
selorder .001475646 .001755258 .001923025
showing the 90%, 95% and 98% percentiles of execution times for the three procedures.
The final step in this complete example is to show a multi-process run. It requires two steps: A prepare step with the -P option producing a file that will be read by the -R option, and an actual execution step with many processes having the same file as -R option. The shell script does exactly this. It initially does:
rwloadsim -q -P Moption.txt rwloadsim.rwl
and then in a loop starts a number of processes in the background similar to
rwloadsim -R Moption.txt --totaltime=300 runsimulation.rwl &
and finally waits for the background processes to finish. Some details are left out here, as an example, it is necessary to ensure awr is only generated by one of the processes. When executing, you need to be able to create about 50 sessions in your database. If you type
it will run for about 5 minutes and upon finishing, you will see something like this (repeated five times for each process):
created 7299 orders with 40083 order lines in total
selected 19202 orders with 105399 order lines in total
sumetotal 55399747.91 in total
runnumber: 147
An awr file will have been created (find its name by doing ls -ltr), and an extract from the SQL ordered by CPU might be:
SQL ordered by CPU Time DB/Inst: C2/c2 Snaps: 18963-18964
CPU CPU per Elapsed
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) %CPU %IO SQL Id
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ------ -------------
35.2 14,265 0.00 21.4 82.9 42.4 .3 61ht2hkmagbn5
Module: rwloadsim@slc09nzr (TNS V1-V3)
select /*+use_nl(l o) use_nl(r l) index(o pk_ord)*/ o.ordno , o.b , o.c , o.
pl , l.linno , l.e , , r.g , sum(l.e) over (partition by o.ordno)
sume , count(l.e) over (partition by o.ordno) cntl , sum(length(translate(,
' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','-'))) over (order by o.ordno) sltp from rwl_demo_or
4.0 92,074 0.00 2.4 8.2 48.6 2.7 855gyybkhcnc9
Module: rwloadsim@slc09nzr (TNS V1-V3)
select l.ordno , l.linno , l.e, , l.refno , r.g, from rwl_demo_lin l
join rwl_demo_ref r on l.refno = r.refno where l.ordno = :1 order by l.linno
Let us now finally see a few queries against the rwloadsim repository. Because this was a multi process run, the procno column of the various tables will now have a non-zero value, and there will be a total of five different values as seen here:
SQL> select * from runres where runnumber=147
2 and vname = 'qcomplex';
---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
147 9179 qcomplex .25899 57.71752 2933
147 9182 qcomplex .290062 58.146928 2980
147 9176 qcomplex .107874 57.712318 2999
147 9172 qcomplex .097843 58.014568 2937
147 9174 qcomplex .097493 56.297332 2906
You would very likely need to aggregate this and for that purpose, each of the three tables, runres, histogram and persec, have aggregate views where the procno column is replaced by a pcount column; the view are named as the base table with an appended _a. As an example:
SQL> select * from runres_a where runnumber=147;
---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
147 5 qcomplex .852262 287.888666 14755
147 5 selorder 3.802066 90.211869 95625
147 5 insorder 1.24865 132.845251 36669
An example of a more complex query using the pivot clause to generate per second execution counts for each of the three procedures is available in persec_q.sql. An example (with just the few first and few last result rows) is:
SQL >set echo on
SQL >@persec_q
SQL >select * from
2 (select vname, second, scount from persec_a where runnumber = (select max(runnumber) from rwlrun))
3 pivot
4 (sum(scount) for vname in ('selorder' as selorder, 'insorder' as insorder, 'qcomplex' as qcomplex))
5 order by second
6 /
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 282 112 40
2 299 126 61
3 319 129 54
4 317 125 50
5 317 112 46
6 307 118 53
7 320 121 53
297 280 128 43
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
298 307 125 34
299 306 123 36
300 341 132 45
If the output from this is saved to a spool file, you could subsequently use gnuplot or some other tool with graphing possibilities to produce graphs.
The oltp workload that is distributed with rwloadsim has some roots in this sample and although it is quite complex, you will recognize some of the same constructs: Shell script to wrap rwloadsim calls, generation of awr, actual workload implemented in various rwl files, etc.