Class: queryHandlers



Contains out of the box query handlers.


(static) getOracleRestQueryHandler(storeName, createQueryExp, dataMapping) → {Function}

Returns the Oracle Rest Query Handler which handles the query parameters according to the Oracle Rest Specification. Note the Oracle Rest Specification requires queries to be specified in the q parameter e.g. ?q= but does not enforce a particular format for the query itself. Therefore this API takes a parameter createQueryExp where the developer can plugin a function which takes the parameter value and returns a persistence store query. If none if provided then the default is to use the ADFBc REST query parameter structure which has the form: ?q=EmpId=100. Offline supports the following ADFBc operators in the expression: >, <, >=, <=, =, !=, AND, OR, LIKE, IN. In addition, the query handler supports the limit and offset query parameters used for paging in the Oracle REST specification.
Name Type Argument Description
storeName string The store name against which queries should be executed
createQueryExp function <optional>
Optional function takes URL query parameters and returns a query expression which will be executed against the persistent store. If null then use the ADFBc REST query parameter structure.
dataMapping DataMapping <optional>
Optional dataMapping to apply to the data
Returns the query handler

(static) getSimpleQueryHandler(storeName, ignoreUrlParams, dataMapping) → {Function}

Returns the Simple Query Handler which matches the URL query parameter/value pairs against the store's field/value pairs.
Name Type Argument Description
storeName string The store name against which queries should be executed
ignoreUrlParams Array <optional>
An array of URL params to be ignored
dataMapping DataMapping <optional>
Optional dataMapping to apply to the data
Returns the query handler