Represents one of put or delete sub operations in the operations array argument provided to writeMany method. It contains row for put operation (as put key) or primary key for delete operation (as delete key) and may contain additional properties representing options for this sub operation. These options are the same as used for put and delete and they override options specified in WriteMultipleOpt. for this sub operation. Exceptions to this are timeout, compartment, namespace and durability which cannot be specified per sub-operation, but only for the whole writeMany operation.

If issuing operations for multiple tables, you must also specify tableName for each operation. See writeMany for more details.

Note that in a more simple case where operations are for a single table and are either all put or all delete and you don't need to set per-operation options, you may prefer to use putMany or deleteMany methods and avoid using this type.

Type Parameters

  • TRow = AnyRow

    Type of table row instance. Must include primary key fields. Defaults to AnyRow.


  • WriteOperation


abortOnFail?: boolean

If true, and if this operation fails, it will cause the entire writeMany operation to abort.

delete?: Expand<Partial<ExtractByType<TRow, KeyField>>>

Primary key for delete operation, designates this operation as delete. One and only one of put or delete properties must be set.



exactMatch?: boolean

Same as exactMatch, valid only for put operation.

identityCacheSize?: number

Same as identityCacheSize, valid only for put operation.

ifAbsent?: boolean

Same as ifAbsent, valid only for put operation.

ifPresent?: boolean

Same as ifPresent, valid only for put operation.

matchVersion?: RowVersion

Same as matchVersion for put operation or matchVersion for delete operation.

put?: TRow

Row for put operation, designates this operation as put. One and only one of put or delete properties must be set.

returnExisting?: boolean

Same as returnExisting for put operation or returnExisting for delete operation.

tableName?: string

Table name for the operation. Only needed when issuing operations for multiple tables. This property is mutually exclusive with tableName parameter to writeMany.

ttl?: number | TimeToLive

Same as ttl, valid only for put operation.

updateTTLToDefault?: boolean

Same as updateTTLToDefault, only valid for put operation.

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