Cloud service only. Note: this type is only relevant when using the driver with the Cloud Service or Cloud Simulator. It is not relevant when using the driver with on-premise NoSQL Database (see KVSTORE), in which case it is ignored in the operations mentioned below and is not returned as part of TableResult.

A TableLimits object is used during table creation to specify the throughput and capacity to be consumed by the table. It is also used in an operation to change the limits of an existing table. These operations are performed by tableDDL and setTableLimits methods. The values provided are enforced by the system and used for billing purposes.

Throughput limits are defined in terms of read units and write units. A read unit represents 1 eventually consistent read per second for data up to 1 KB in size. A read that is absolutely consistent is double that, consuming 2 read units for a read of up to 1 KB in size. This means that if an application is to use ABSOLUTE it may need to specify additional read units when creating a table. A write unit represents 1 write per second of data up to 1 KB in size.

In addition to throughput, table capacity must be specified to indicate the maximum amount of storage, in gigabytes, allowed for the table.

In PROVISIONED mode (the default), all 3 values must be specified whenever using this object. There are no defaults and no mechanism to indicate "no change."

In ON_DEMAND mode, only the storageGB parameter must be specified.


  • TableLimits


Capacity mode of the table, PROVISIONED or ON_DEMAND.

Default Value


readUnits?: number

The desired throughput of read operation in terms of read units, as a positive integer. A read unit represents 1 eventually consistent read per second for data up to 1 KB in size. A read that is absolutely consistent is double that, consuming 2 read units for a read of up to 1 KB in size.



storageGB: number

The maximum storage to be consumed by the table, in gigabytes, as positive integer.

writeUnits?: number

The desired throughput of write operation in terms of write units, as a positive integer. A write unit represents 1 write per second of data up to 1 KB in size.

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