nextNext start time. This can be used when retrieving large number of replica stats records over multiple calls to getReplicaStats. Pass this value as startTime on the subsequent call to getReplicaStats.
statsReplica statistics information. Represented as an object with keys being region id (see regionId) of a replica and values being an array of ReplicaStats for that replica. If region option is set, this object will contain only one key-value pair for the given region.
Note that in either case this object will contain only keys for which there is at least one ReplicaStats record returned (it will not contain keys for regions for which no stats records were found according to values specified in ReplicaStatsOpt or applicable defaults).
Print replica lag info for EU_ZURICH_1 region.
for(const rec of statsResult.statsRecords['eu-zurich-1']) {
tableTable name.
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Result returned by getReplicaStats. It contains replica statistics for the requested table.