Options passed to query and queryIterable.



compartment?: string

Cloud service only. Compartment id or name to use for this operation.

Default Value




consistency?: Consistency

Consistency used for the operation. Defaults to consistency.

continuationKey?: null | QueryContinuationKey

Note: this option is not used and ignored when using queryIterable.

Continuation key returned in QueryResult from previous call to this API used to continue the query. If there are no more results, continuation key will be null. Note that it is possible that continuation key is not null, but the query has no more results remaining. In this case the next call to query will result in rows being empty array and next continuation key being null. This is possible if the previous call to query fetched all remaing rows in the result set but was stopped due to the set limitations, including maxReadKB, maxWriteKB and limit. In this case the server will not look ahead to check if any more results remain.

durability?: Durability

On-premises only. Durability value used for the update query operation. Defaults to durability or if not set, default server-side durability settings are used. This option only applies for update queries, i.e. queries issued via INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT and DELETE statements. For read-only SELECT queries this option is ignored.

limit?: number

Sets the limit on number of rows returned by the operation. This allows an operation to return less than the default amount of data.

maxMemoryMB?: number

Maximum amount of memory in megabytes that may be used locally in this query execution for operations such as duplicate elimination (which may be required if using an index on an array or a map) and sorting. Such operations may require significant amount of memory as they need to cache full result set or a large subset of it in locally. If memory consumption exceeds this value, error will result. Default is 1GB. Defaults to maxMemoryMB.

maxReadKB?: number

Sets the limit on the total data read during this operation, in KB. This value can only reduce the system defined limit. An attempt to increase the limit beyond the system defined limit will result in error. This limit is independent of read units consumed by the operation.

maxWriteKB?: number

Sets the limit on the total data written during this operation, in KB. Relevant for update and delete queries. This value can only reduce the system defined limit. An attempt to increase the limit beyond the system defined limit will result in error. This limit is independent of the write units consumed by the operation.

namespace?: string

On-premises only. Namespace to use for this operation.

Note: if a namespace is specified in the table name for the request (using the namespace:table_name format), that value will override this setting.

Default Value




timeout?: number

Timeout for the operation in milliseconds.

Default Value


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