Options passed to deleteRange.



compartment?: string

Cloud service only. Compartment id or name to use for this operation.

Default Value




continuationKey?: null | MultiDeleteContinuationKey

Continuation key returned in MultiDeleteResult from the previous call to this API and can be used to continue this operation. Operations with a continuation key still require the primary key.

durability?: Durability

On-premises only. Set the desired durability for master/replica sync/acks. Defaults to durability or if not set, the default server-side durability settings are used. See Durability.

fieldRange?: FieldRange

Field range based on columns not provided in partial key. For more details, see FieldRange.

maxWriteKB?: number

The limit on the total KB written during the operation. This value can only reduce the system defined limit. An attempt to increase the limit beyond the system defined limit will result in error.

namespace?: string

On-premises only. Namespace to use for this operation.

Note: if a namespace is specified in the table name for the request (using the namespace:table_name format), that value will override this setting.

Default Value




timeout?: number

Timeout for the operation in milliseconds.

Default Value


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