COMMIT_A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
The policies default to COMMIT_NO_SYNC for commits of replicated transactions that need acknowledgment and SIMPLE_MAJORITY for the acknowledgment policy.
COMMIT_A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
The policies default to COMMIT_NO_SYNC for commits of replicated transactions that need acknowledgment and SIMPLE_MAJORITY for the acknowledgment policy.
COMMIT_A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
The policies default to COMMIT_NO_SYNC for commits of replicated transactions that need acknowledgment and SIMPLE_MAJORITY for the acknowledgment policy.
createCreates a Durability instance while validating the arguments passed.
Durability object
If any of the provided values for masterSync, replicaSync or replicaAck is missing or invalid.
Sync policy when committing transaction on the master node
Sync policy when committing transaction at a replica node
The acknowledgment policy used when obtaining transaction acknowledgments from replicas
Generated using TypeDoc
On-premises service only. Helper class that defines some useful Durability constants as well as a method to create Durability instances. Note that durability instance is a plain JavaScript object as described in Durability.