Class TableResult


public class TableResult extends Result
TableResult is returned from NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) and NoSQLHandle.tableRequest(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest) operations. It encapsulates the state of the table that is the target of the request.

Operations available in NoSQLHandle.tableRequest(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest) such as table creation, modification, and drop are asynchronous operations. When such an operation has been performend it is necessary to call NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) until the status of the table is TableResult.State.ACTIVE or there is an error condition. The method waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) exists to perform this task and should be used to wait for an operation to complete.

NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) is synchronous, returning static information about the table as well as its current state.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TableResult

      public TableResult()
  • Method Details

    • getTableState

      public TableResult.State getTableState()
      Returns the table state. A table in state TableResult.State.ACTIVE or TableResult.State.UPDATING is usable for normal operation.
      the state
    • getDdl

      public String getDdl()
      Returns the DDL (create table) statement used to create this table if available. If the table has been altered since initial creation the statement is also altered to reflect the current table schema. This value, when non-null, is functionally equivalent to the schema returned by getSchema(). The most reliable way to get the DDL statement is using NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) on an existing table.
      the create table statement
    • getTableId

      public String getTableId()
      Cloud service only.

      Returns the OCID of the table. This value will be null if used with the on-premises service.

      the table OCID
    • getCompartmentId

      public String getCompartmentId()
      Cloud service only.

      Returns compartment id of the target table

      the compartment id if set
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace()
      On-premises service only.

      Returns the namespace of the table, or null if it is not in a namespace. Note that the tablename is prefixed with the namespace as well if it is in a namespace.

      the namespace id if set
    • getTableName

      public String getTableName()
      Returns the table name of the target table. If on-premises and the table is in a namespace the namespace is included as a prefix using the format namespace:tableName
      the table name
    • getSchema

      public String getSchema()
      Returns the JSON-formatted schema of the table if available and null if not
      the schema
    • getTableLimits

      public TableLimits getTableLimits()
      Returns the throughput and capacity limits for the table. Limits from an on-premises service will always be null.
      the limits
    • getFreeFormTags

      public FreeFormTags getFreeFormTags()
      Cloud service only. Returns the FreeFormTags associated with this table, if available, or null otherwise.
      the FreeFormTags
    • getDefinedTags

      public DefinedTags getDefinedTags()
      Cloud service only. Returns the DefinedTags associated with this table, if available, or null otherwise.
      the DefinedTags
    • getMatchETag

      public String getMatchETag()
      Cloud service only. Returns the matchETag associated with this table. The matchETag is an opaque field that represents the current version of the table itself and can be used in future table modification operations to only perform them if the matchETag for the table has not changed. This is an optimistic concurrency control mechanism.
      the matchETag
    • getOperationId

      public String getOperationId()
      Returns the operation id for an asynchronous operation. This is null if the request did not generate a new operation. The value can be used in GetTableRequest.setOperationId(java.lang.String) to find potential errors resulting from the operation.
      the operation id, or null if not set
    • isFrozen

      public boolean isFrozen()
      Returns whether or not the table's schema is frozen. The schema can only be frozen when using the cloud service and a frozen schema is required for replicating a table
      true if the schema is frozen
    • isReplicated

      public boolean isReplicated()
      Cloud service only. Returns true if the table is replicated.
      the flag
    • isLocalReplicaInitialized

      public boolean isLocalReplicaInitialized()
      Cloud service only. Returns true if the table is a replica and its initialization process has been completed, otherwise return false.
      true if the table is a replica and it's been initialized
    • getReplicas

      public TableResult.Replica[] getReplicas()
      Cloud service only. Returns a array of TableResult.Replica if the table is replicated, or null if table is not replicated.
      the remote Replicas
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • waitForState

      @Deprecated public static TableResult waitForState(NoSQLHandle handle, TableResult result, TableResult.State state, int waitMillis, int delayMillis)
      use waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) instead. Waits for the specified table to reach the desired state. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. The state of TableResult.State.DROPPED is treated specially in that it will be returned as success, even if the table does not exist. Other states will throw an exception if the table is not found.
      handle - the NoSQLHandle to use
      result - a previously received TableResult
      state - the desired state
      waitMillis - the total amount of time to wait, in millseconds. This value must be non-zero and greater than delayMillis
      delayMillis - the amount of time to wait between polling attempts, in milliseconds. If 0 it will default to 500.
      the TableResult representing the table at the desired state
      IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not valid.
      RequestTimeoutException - if the operation times out.
      NoSQLException - if the operation id used is not null that the operation has failed for some reason.
    • waitForState

      @Deprecated public static TableResult waitForState(NoSQLHandle handle, String tableName, TableResult.State state, int waitMillis, int delayMillis)
      use waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) instead. Waits for the specified table to reach the desired state. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. The state of TableResult.State.DROPPED is treated specially in that it will be returned as success, even if the table does not exist. Other states will throw an exception if the table is not found.
      handle - the NoSQLHandle to use
      tableName - the table name
      state - the desired state
      waitMillis - the total amount of time to wait, in millseconds. This value must be non-zero and greater than delayMillis
      delayMillis - the amount of time to wait between polling attempts, in milliseconds. If 0 it will default to 500.
      the TableResult representing the table at the desired state
      IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not valid.
      RequestTimeoutException - if the operation times out.
    • waitForState

      @Deprecated public static TableResult waitForState(NoSQLHandle handle, String tableName, String operationId, TableResult.State state, int waitMillis, int delayMillis)
      use waitForCompletion(oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle, int, int) instead. Waits for the specified table to reach the desired state. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. The state of TableResult.State.DROPPED is treated specially in that it will be returned as success, even if the table does not exist. Other states will throw an exception if the table is not found.
      handle - the NoSQLHandle to use
      tableName - the table name
      operationId - optional operation id
      state - the desired state
      waitMillis - the total amount of time to wait, in millseconds. This value must be non-zero and greater than delayMillis
      delayMillis - the amount of time to wait between polling attempts, in milliseconds. If 0 it will default to 500.
      the TableResult representing the table at the desired state
      IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not valid.
      RequestTimeoutException - if the operation times out.
    • waitForCompletion

      public void waitForCompletion(NoSQLHandle handle, int waitMillis, int delayMillis)
      Waits for a table operation to complete. Table operations are asynchronous. This is a blocking, polling style wait that delays for the specified number of milliseconds between each polling operation. This call returns when the table reaches a terminal state, which is either TableResult.State.ACTIVE or TableResult.State.DROPPED. This instance must be the return value of a previous NoSQLHandle.tableRequest(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest) and contain a non-null operation id representing the in-progress operation unless the operation has already completed. This instance is modified with any change in table state or metadata.
      handle - the NoSQLHandle to use
      waitMillis - the total amount of time to wait, in millseconds. This value must be non-zero and greater than delayMillis
      delayMillis - the amount of time to wait between polling attempts, in milliseconds. If 0 it will default to 500.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not valid.
      RequestTimeoutException - if the operation times out.