All Classes and Interfaces

Cloud service only.
ArrayValue represents an array of FieldValue instances.
On-premises only.
A callback interface used by the driver to obtain an authorization string for a request.
Cloud service only.
A FieldValue instance representing a binary value.
A FieldValue instance representing a boolean value.
Consistency is used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.
Consistency types
Default retry handler.
Cloud service only.
Represents the result of a NoSQLHandle.delete(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.DeleteRequest) operation.
Cloud service only.
A FieldValue instance representing a double value.
Cloud service only.
Defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation.
A replicated environment makes it possible to increase an application's transaction commit guarantees by committing changes to its replicas on the network.
Defines the synchronization policy to be used when committing a transaction.
Represents a base class for operations that support a Durability setting.
Cloud service only.
FieldValue is the base class of all data items in the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud system.
The type of a field.
Cloud service only.
Represents the argument of a NoSQLHandle.getIndexes(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetIndexesRequest) operation which returns the information of a specific index or all indexes of the specified table, as returned in GetIndexesResult.
IndexInfo represents the information about a single index including its name and field names.
Represents the input to a NoSQLHandle.get(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest) operation which returns a single row based on the specified key.
Represents the result of a NoSQLHandle.get(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest) operation.
Represents the argument of a NoSQLHandle.getTable(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetTableRequest) operation which returns static information associated with a table, as returned in TableResult.
The operation attempted to create an index for a table but the named index already exists.
Cloud service only.
The operation attempted to access a index that does not exist or is not in a visible state.
A FieldValue instance representing an integer value.
The exception is thrown if the application presents an invalid authorization string in a request.
A FieldValue instance representing an explicit JSON null value in a JSON object or array.
JsonOptions allows applications to configure how JSON is parsed on input and generated on output.
An exception indicating a problem parsing JSON.
JsonReader reads a file or string that has JSON objects in it that may represent rows and makes them available using the Iterable interface.
Cloud service only.
Represents the argument of a NoSQLHandle.listTables(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.ListTablesRequest) operation which lists all available tables associated with the identity associated with the handle used for the operation.
A FieldValue instance representing a long value.
MapValue represents a row in a NoSQL Database table.
Represents the input to a NoSQLHandle.multiDelete(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.MultiDeleteRequest) operation which can be used to delete a range of values that match the primary key and range provided.
A base exception for most exceptions thrown by the driver.
NoSQLHandle is a handle that can be used to access Oracle NoSQL tables.
NoSQLHandleConfig groups parameters used to configure a NoSQLHandle.
Factory class used to produce handles to operate on tables.
A FieldValue instance representing a null or missing value in a fully-typed schema.
A FieldValue instance representing an arbitrary-precision numeric value.
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
The operation attempted is not supported.
Cloud service only.
A class encapsulating a prepared query statement.
A request that encapsulates a query prepare call.
The result of a prepare operation.
Represents the input to a NoSQLHandle.put(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest) operation.
Specifies a condition for the put operation.
Represents the result of a NoSQLHandle.put(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest) operation.
QueryIterableResult represents an Iterable over all the query results.
A request that represents a query.
QueryResult comprises a list of MapValue instances representing the query results.
RateLimiter interface provides default methods that all rate limiters must implement.
Represents a base class for read operations such as NoSQLHandle.get(oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest).
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
ReplicaStats contains information about replica lag for a specific replica.
A request is an abstract class used as a base for all requests types.
Cloud service only.
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because the configured timeout interval is exceeded.
The operation attempted to create a resource but it already exists.
Cloud service only.
The operation attempted to access a resource that does not exist or is not in a visible state.
Result is a base class for result classes for all supported operations.
A base exception for all exceptions that may be retried with a reasonable expectation that they may succeed on retry.
RetryHandler is called by the request handling system when a RetryableException is thrown.
A class that maintains stats on retries during a request.
Cloud service only.
Public class to manage SDK version information
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
Claim keys in the resource principal session token(RPST).
This interface allows user to control the collection of driver statistics at runtime.
A Profile that determines what stats are logged
Handler interface that user can register to get access to stats at the end of the interval.
On-premises only.
A FieldValue instance representing a string value.
An exception that is thrown when there is an internal system problem.
On-premises only.
On-premises only.
On-premises only.
On-premises only.
this class is no longer used
The operation attempted to create a table but the named table already exists.
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
Table limits option
The operation attempted to access a table that does not exist or is not in a visible state.
Cloud service only.
TableRequest is used to create, modify, and drop tables.
Cloud service only.
The current state of the table
An exception indicating a table size limit has been exceeded by writing more data than the table can support.
Cloud service only.
Cloud service only.
TableUsage represents a single usage record, or slice, that includes information about read and write throughput consumed during that period as well as the current information regarding storage capacity.
Cloud service only.
A FieldValue instance representing a timestamp value.
TimeToLive is a utility class that represents a period of time, similar to java.time.Duration in Java, but specialized to the needs of this driver.
The exception is thrown if an application does not have sufficient permission to perform a request.
This exception is thrown if the server does not support the current driver protocol version.
This exception is thrown if the server does not support the current query protocol version.
On-premises only.
Version is an opaque class that represents the version of a row in the database.
The Result associated with the execution of an individual operation in the request.
A base class for results of single row modifying operations such as put and delete.
Cloud service only.