Friendly Eats Tutorial
This is an example of porting a simple Firebase web application based on JavaScript Firebase API - version 8 and describs a public Tutorial to the Parse Platform leveraging an alpha quality JavaScript library included in this example.
We recommend that you complete the original FriendlyEats tutorial instructions using Firebase.
After completing the tutorial, you have a functioning application. Next, you can adapt that application to use the Developer Preview of the Firebase API emulation using the following steps:
Open the file index.html in an editor in the directory /friendlyeats.
Look for the Firebase library imports. For example:
... <script src="/__/firebase/9.6.6/firebase-app-compat.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/9.6.6/firebase-auth-compat.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/9.6.6/firebase-firestore-compat.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/init.js"></script> ...
Comment out the Firebase imports and replace with the following imports and code. Change the
to match your Oracle Backend for Parse Platform environment. For example:<!-- comment these out: <script src="/__/firebase/9.6.6/firebase-app-compat.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/9.6.6/firebase-auth-compat.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/9.6.6/firebase-firestore-compat.js"></script> <script src="/__/firebase/init.js"></script> --> <script src="//"></script> <!-- add this: --> <script src="/parsef/parsef.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script>"COOLAPPV100"; Parse.initialize(; Parse.serverURL = "http://localhost:1337/parse"; </script>
The added lines do the following:
The Firebase API emulation library (called
) is included with this line:<script src="/parsef/parsef.js"></script>
To enable the import, create a directory
under the project directory and copy the file parsef.js into it. -
The Parse JavaScript SDK is included with this line:
<script src=""></script>
To configure communication with the Oracle Backend for Parse Platform, you must set your own
andParse serverURL
. This initial setup is done using these lines of code:<script>"COOLAPPV100"; Parse.initialize(; Parse.serverURL = "http://localhost:1337/parse"; </script>
Change the code according to your actual
Parse server URL
. -
Repeat the original tutorial steps to load Restaurants and Ratings into the Parse Server and ensure that the original JavaScript demo application is still running without any other changes.
Stop and restart the Firebase CLI.
Reload the web page from URL
Click on ADD MOCK DATA and wait until it finishes before adding restaurants to the Parse Server.
Click on any restaurant. Notice that ratings are empty because the client is no longer asking for data from Firebase or Firestore.
Click on ADD MOCK RATINGS. In a few seconds, you should see the list of ratings added. If not, close the page by clicking X on the upper left corner, and click again on the same restaurant to force a reload. For example:
Click the + symbol on the upper right corner to add your own rating to the restaurant. For example:
Notice the list is updated after saving. For example:
Check the original sort and filter functions. Choose “Ramen” as the Category:
Notice the updated page after the filter is applied:
NOTE: In this step, we do not need to add an index definition to the collection as we did in the original tutorial, since this is done automatically in the Parse Server.
You can further test the sort functionalities by adding more reviews to other restaurants. This allows you to see the number of reviews and average ratings.
Next, go to the Extra Parse Test Code page to learn more.