Push all the required images to OCIR and subsequently use from there. Follow the below steps for pushing the images to OCIR
Create an “Auth token” which will be used as docker password to push and pull images from OCIR.
Login to OCI Console and navigate to User Settings, which is in the drop down under your OCI user-profile, located at the top-right corner of the OCI console page.
Auth Tokens
link located near bottom-left corner of the page and then Click the Generate Token
Enter a Name and Click “Generate Token”
NOTE: It will only be displayed this one time, and you will need to copy it to a secure place for further use.
Using the Docker CLI to login to OCIR ( for phoenix : phx.ocir.io , ashburn: iad.ocir.io etc)
$ docker login phx.ocir.io
$ username - axcmmdmzqtqb/oracleidentitycloudservice/myemailid@oracle.com
$ password - abCXYz942,vcde (Token Generated for OCIR using user setting)
$ docker tag
docker tag oracle/wccontent: phx.ocir.io/axcmmdmzqtqb/oracle/wccontent:
$ docker push docker push phx.ocir.io/axcmmdmzqtqb/oracle/wccontent:
This has to be done on Bastion Node for all the images.
Get the OCIR repository name by logging in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. In the OCI Console, open the Navigation menu. Under Solutions and Platform, go to Developer Services and click Container Registry (OCIR) and select the your Compartment.