Preparing a file system

Create Filesystem and security list for FSS

Note: Make sure you create the filesystem and security list in the OKE created VCN

  • Login to OCI Console and go to Storage and Click File System Filesystem

  • Click Create File System Filesystem

  • You can create File System and Mount Targets with the default values. But in case you want to rename the file System and mount targets, follow below steps.

    Note: Make sure the Virtual Cloud Network in Mount Target refers to the one where your OKE Cluster is created and you will be accessing this file system.


  • Edit and change the File System name. You can choose any name of your choice. Following instructions will assume that the File System name chosen is WCCFS. Filesystem

  • Edit and change the Mount Target name to WCCFS and make sure the Virtual Cloud Network selected is the one where all the instances are created. Select Public Subnet and Click Create Filesystem

  • Once the File System is created, it lands at below page. Click on WCCFS link. Filesystem

  • Click on Mount Commands which gives details on how to mount this file system on your instances. Filesystem

  • Mount Command pop up gives details on what must be configured on security list to access the mount targets from instances. Note down the mount command which need to be executed on the instance Filesystem

  • Note down the mount path and NFS server from the COMMAND TO MOUNT THE FILE SYSTEM. We will use this as NFS for Domain Home with below details. Sample from the above mount command.

    • NFSServer:
    • Mount Path: /WCCFS
  • Create the security list fss_seclist with below Ingress Rules as given in the Mount commands pop up Filesystem

  • Create the Egress rules as below as given in the Mount commands pop up. Filesystem

  • Make sure to add the created security list fss_security list to each subnets as shown below: Otherwise the created security list rules will not apply to the instances. Filesystem Filesystem Filesystem

  • Once the security list fss_security list is added into the subnet, login to the instances and mount the file systems on to Bastion Node.

    Note: Please make sure to replace the sample NFS server address (, as shown in the example below) according to your environment.

    # Run below command in same order(sequence) as a root user.
    # login as root
    sudo su
    # Install NFS Utils
    yum install nfs-utils
    # Create directory where you want the mount the file system
    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/WCCFS
    # Mount Command
    sudo mount /mnt/WCCFS
    # Alternatively you can use: "mount /mnt/WCCFS". To persist on reboot add into /etc/fstab
    echo " /mnt/WCCFS nfs nfsvers=3 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
    mount -a
    # Change proper permissions so that all users can access the share volume
    sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/WCCFS
    # Note - If you choose to build Oracle WebCenter Content image, instead of downloading from My Oracle Support, then please use the below command to update user permission -
    sudo chown -R 1000:0 /mnt/WCCFS
  • Confirm that /WCCFS is now pointing to created File System

    [root@bastionhost WCCFS]# cd /mnt/WCCFS/
    [root@bastionhost WCCFS]# df -h .
    Filesystem          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  8.0E     0  8.0E   0% /mnt/WCCFS