Helm Chart: oudsm: For deployment of Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager instances on Kubernetes

  1. Introduction
  2. Create Kubernetes Namespace
  3. Deploy oudsm Helm Chart
  4. Verify the Installation
  5. Ingress Controller Setup
    1. Ingress with NGINX
    2. Ingress with Voyager
  6. Access to Interfaces through Ingress
  7. Configuration Parameters


This Helm chart provides for the deployment of replicated Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager instances on Kubernetes.

Based on the configuration, this chart deploys the following objects in the specified namespace of a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Service Account
  • Secret
  • Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim
  • Pod(s)/Container(s) for Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Instances
  • Services for interfaces exposed through Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Instances
  • Ingress configuration

Create Kubernetes Namespace

Create a Kubernetes namespace to provide a scope for other objects such as pods and services that you create in the environment. To create your namespace issue the following command:

$ kubectl create ns oudns
namespace/oudns created

Deploy oudsm Helm Chart

Create/Deploy Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager instances along with Kubernetes objects in a specified namespace using the oudsm Helm Chart.

The deployment can be initiated by running the following Helm command with reference to the oudsm Helm Chart, along with configuration parameters according to your environment. Before deploying the Helm chart, the namespace should be created. Objects to be created by the Helm chart will be created inside the specified namespace.

cd <work directory>/fmw-kubernetes/OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm
$ helm install --namespace <namespace> \
<Configuration Parameters> \
<deployment/release name> \
<Helm Chart Path/Name>

Configuration Parameters (override values in chart) can be passed on with --set arguments on the command line and/or with -f / --values arguments when referring to files.


Example where configuration parameters are passed with --set argument:
$ helm install --namespace oudns \
--set oudsm.adminUser=weblogic,oudsm.adminPass=Oracle123,persistence.filesystem.hostPath.path=/scratch/shared/oudsm_user_projects,image.repository=oracle/oudsm,image.tag= \
oudsm oudsm
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • In this example, it is assumed that the command is executed from the directory containing the ‘oudsm’ helm chart directory (OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm/).
Example where configuration parameters are passed with --values argument:
$ helm install --namespace oudns \
--values oudsm-values-override.yaml \
oudsm oudsm
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • In this example, it is assumed that the command is executed from the directory containing the ‘oudsm’ helm chart directory (OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm/).
  • The --values argument passes a file path/name which overrides default values in the chart.


  adminUser: weblogic
  adminPass: Oracle123
  type: filesystem
      path: /scratch/shared/oudsm_user_projects
Example to update/upgrade Helm Chart based deployment:
$ helm upgrade --namespace oudns \
--set oudsm.adminUser=weblogic,oudsm.adminPass=Oracle123,persistence.filesystem.hostPath.path=/scratch/shared/oudsm_user_projects,replicaCount=2 \
oudsm oudsm
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • In this example, it is assumed that the command is executed from the directory containing the ‘oudsm’ helm chart directory (OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm/).
Example to apply new Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager patch through Helm Chart based deployment:

In this example, we will apply PSU2020July-20200730 patch on earlier running Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager version. If we describe pod we will observe that the container is up with new version.

We have two ways to achieve our goal:

$ helm upgrade --namespace oudns \
--set image.repository=oracle/oudsm,image.tag= \
oudsm oudsm


$ helm upgrade --namespace oudns \
--values oudsm-values-override.yaml \
oudsm oudsm
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • In this example, it is assumed that the command is executed from the directory containing the ‘oudsm’ helm chart directory (OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm/).


  repository: oracle/oudsm
Example for using NFS as PV Storage:
$ helm install --namespace oudns \
--values oudsm-values-override-nfs.yaml \
oudsm oudsm
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • In this example, it is assumed that the command is executed from the directory containing the ‘oudsm’ helm chart directory (OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm/).
  • The --values argument passes a file path/name which overrides values in the chart.


  adminUser: weblogic
  adminPass: Oracle123
  type: networkstorage
      path: /scratch/shared/oud_user_projects
      server: <NFS IP address>
Example for using PV type of your choice:
$ helm install --namespace oudns \
--values oudsm-values-override-pv-custom.yaml \
oudsm oudsm
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • In this example, it is assumed that the command is executed from the directory containing the ‘oudsm’ helm chart directory (OracleUnifiedDirectorySM/kubernetes/helm/).
  • The --values argument passes a file path/name which overrides values in the chart.


  adminUser: weblogic
  adminPass: Oracle123
  type: custom
      # Path of NFS Share location
      path: /scratch/shared/oudsm_user_projects
      # IP of NFS Server
      server: <NFS IP address>

Under custom:, the configuration of your choice can be specified. This configuration will be used ‘as-is’ for the PersistentVolume object.

Check Deployment

Output for the helm install/upgrade command

Ouput similar to the following is observed following successful execution of helm install/upgrade command.

NAME: oudsm
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Oct 14 06:22:10 2020
STATUS: deployed
Check for the status of objects created through oudsm helm chart


$ kubectl --namespace oudns get nodes,pod,service,secret,pv,pvc,ingress -o wide

Output is similar to the following:

pod/oudsm-1   1/1     Running   0          22h   <none>           <none>
pod/oudsm-2   1/1     Running   0          22h   <none>           <none>
NAME                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE   SELECTOR
service/oudsm-1     ClusterIP   <none>        7001/TCP,7002/TCP   22h   app.kubernetes.io/instance=oudsm,app.kubernetes.io/name=oudsm,oudsm/instance=oudsm-1
service/oudsm-2     ClusterIP     <none>        7001/TCP,7002/TCP   22h   app.kubernetes.io/instance=oudsm,app.kubernetes.io/name=oudsm,oudsm/instance=oudsm-2
service/oudsm-lbr   ClusterIP    <none>        7001/TCP,7002/TCP   22h   app.kubernetes.io/instance=oudsm,app.kubernetes.io/name=oudsm
NAME                                 TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
secret/default-token-w4jft           kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3      32d
secret/oudsm-creds                   opaque                                2      22h
secret/oudsm-token-ksr4g             kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3      22h
secret/sh.helm.release.v1.oudsm.v1   helm.sh/release.v1                    1      22h
secret/sh.helm.release.v1.oudsm.v2   helm.sh/release.v1                    1      21h
secret/sh.helm.release.v1.oudsm.v3   helm.sh/release.v1                    1      19h
persistentvolume/oudsm-pv       30Gi       RWX            Retain           Bound    myoudns/oudsm-pvc     manual                  22h   Filesystem

persistentvolumeclaim/oudsm-pvc   Bound    oudsm-pv   30Gi       RWX            manual         22h   Filesystem

NAME                                     HOSTS                               ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
ingress.extensions/oudsm-ingress-nginx   oudsm-1,oudsm-2,oudsm + 1 more...   80      19h
Kubernetes Objects

Kubernetes objects created by the Helm chart are detailed in the table below:

Type Name Example Name Purpose
Service Account <deployment/release name> oudsm Kubernetes Service Account for the Helm Chart deployment
Secret <deployment/release name>-creds oudsm-creds Secret object for Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager related critical values like passwords
Persistent Volume <deployment/release name>-pv oudsm-pv Persistent Volume for user_projects mount.
Persistent Volume Claim <deployment/release name>-pvc oudsm-pvc Persistent Volume Claim for user_projects mount.
Pod <deployment/release name>-N oudsm-1, oudsm-2, … Pod(s)/Container(s) for Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Instances
Service <deployment/release name>-N oudsm-1, oudsm-2, … Service(s) for HTTP and HTTPS interfaces from Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager instance <deployment/release name>-N
Ingress <deployment/release name>-ingress-nginx oudsm-ingress-nginx Ingress Rules for HTTP and HTTPS interfaces.
  • In the table above, the Example Name for each Object is based on the value ‘oudsm’ as the deployment/release name for the Helm chart installation.

Verify the Installation

Ingress Controller Setup

There are two types of Ingress controllers supported by this Helm chart. In the sub-sections below, configuration steps for each Controller are described.

By default Ingress configuration only supports HTTP and HTTPS Ports/Communication. To allow LDAP and LDAPS communication over TCP, configuration is required at Ingress Controller/Implementation level.

Ingress with NGINX

Nginx-ingress controller implementation can be deployed/installed in Kubernetes environment.

Create a Kubernetes Namespace

Create a Kubernetes namespace to provide a scope for NGINX objects such as pods and services that you create in the environment. To create your namespace issue the following command:

$ kubectl create ns mynginx
namespace/mynginx created
Add Repo reference to helm for retriving/installing Chart for nginx-ingress implementation.
$ helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx

Confirm the charts available by issuing the following command:

$ helm search repo | grep nginx
ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx     4.0.1           1.0.0          Ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX a...
stable/ingress-nginx            4.0.1           1.0.0          Ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX a...
$ helm install --namespace default \
--values nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml \
lbr-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version=3.34.0
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.
  • The --values argument passes a file path/name which overrides values in the chart.


    enabled: false
    # The secret referred to by this flag contains the default certificate to be used when accessing the catch-all server.
    # If this flag is not provided NGINX will use a self-signed certificate.
    # If the TLS Secret is in different namespace, name can be mentioned as <namespace>/<tlsSecretName>
    # controller service external IP addresses
      - < External IP Address >
    # To configure Ingress Controller Service as LoadBalancer type of Service
    # Based on the Kubernetes configuration, External LoadBalancer would be linked to the Ingress Controller Service
    type: LoadBalancer
    # Configuration for NodePort to be used for Ports exposed through Ingress
    # If NodePorts are not defined/configured, Node Port would be assigned automatically by Kubernetes
    # These NodePorts are helpful while accessing services directly through Ingress and without having External Load Balancer.
      # For HTTP Interface exposed through LoadBalancer/Ingress
      http: 30080
      # For HTTPS Interface exposed through LoadBalancer/Ingress
      https: 30443

Ingress with Voyager

Voyager ingress implementation can be deployed/installed in Kubernetes environment.

Create a Kubernetes Namespace

Create a Kubernetes namespace to provide a scope for NGINX objects such as pods and services that you create in the environment. To create your namespace issue the following command:

$ kubectl create ns myvoyager
namespace/mynginx created
Add Repo reference to helm for retrieving/installing Chart for voyager implementation.
$ helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable
$ helm install --namespace myvoyager \
--set cloudProvider=baremetal \
voyager-operator appscode/voyager
  • For more details about the helm command and parameters, please execute helm --help and helm install --help.

Access to Interfaces through Ingress

With the helm chart, Ingress objects are also created according to configuration. Following are the rules configured in Ingress object(s) for access to Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Interfaces through Ingress.

Port NodePort Host Example Hostname Path Backend Service:Port Example Service Name:Port
http/https 30080/30443 <deployment/release name>-N oudsm-N * <deployment/release name>-N:http oudsm-1:http
http/https 30080/30443 * * /oudsm /console <deployment/release name>-lbr:http oudsm-lbr:http
  • In the table above, the Example Name for each Object is based on the value ‘oudsm’ as the deployment/release name for the Helm chart installation.
  • NodePort mentioned in the table are according to Ingress configuration described in previous section.
  • When an External LoadBalancer is not available/configured, Interfaces can be accessed through NodePort on the Kubernetes Node.

Changes in /etc/hosts to validate hostname based Ingress rules

In case, its not possible for you to have LoadBalancer configuration updated to have host names added for Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Interfaces, following kind of entries can be added in /etc/hosts files on host from where Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager interfaces would be accessed.

<IP Address of External LBR or Kubernetes Node>	oudsm oudsm-1 oudsm-2 oudsm-N
  • In the table above, the Example Name for each Object is based on the value ‘oudsm’ as the deployment/release name for the Helm chart installation.
  • When an External LoadBalancer is not available/configured, Interfaces can be accessed through NodePort on the Kubernetes Node.

Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default Value
replicaCount Number of Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager instances/pods/services to be created 1
restartPolicyName restartPolicy to be configured for each POD containing Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager instance OnFailure
image.repository Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Image Registry/Repository and name. Based on this, image parameter would be configured for Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager pods/containers oracle/oudsm
image.tag Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager Image Tag. Based on this, image parameter would be configured for Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager pods/containers
image.pullPolicy policy to pull the image IfnotPresent
imagePullSecrets.name name of Secret resource containing private registry credentials regcred
nameOverride override the fullname with this name
fullnameOverride Overrides the fullname with the provided string
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.name If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template oudsm-< fullname >-token-< randomalphanum >
podSecurityContext Security context policies to add to the controller pod
securityContext Security context policies to add by default
service.type type of controller service to create ClusterIP
nodeSelector node labels for pod assignment
tolerations node taints to tolerate
affinity node/pod affinities
ingress.enabled true
ingress.type Supported value: either nginx or voyager nginx
ingress.host Hostname to be used with Ingress Rules. If not set, hostname would be configured according to fullname. Hosts would be configured as < fullname >-http.< domain >, < fullname >-http-0.< domain >, < fullname >-http-1.< domain >, etc.
ingress.domain Domain name to be used with Ingress Rules. In ingress rules, hosts would be configured as < host >.< domain >, < host >-0.< domain >, < host >-1.< domain >, etc.
ingress.backendPort http
ingress.nginxAnnotations { kubernetes.io/ingress.class: “nginx" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity-mode: “persistent” nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: “cookie” }
ingress.voyagerAnnotations { kubernetes.io/ingress.class: “voyager” ingress.appscode.com/affinity: “cookie” ingress.appscode.com/type: “NodePort” }
ingress.voyagerNodePortHttp NodePort value for HTTP Port exposed through Voyager LoadBalancer Service 30080
ingress.voyagerNodePortHttps NodePort value for HTTPS Port exposed through Voyager LoadBalancer Service 30443
ingress.voyagerHttpPort Port value for HTTP Port exposed through Voyager LoadBalancer Service 80
ingress.voyagerHttpsPort Port value for HTTPS Port exposed through Voyager LoadBalancer Service 443
ingress.ingress.tlsSecret Secret name to use an already created TLS Secret. If such secret is not provided, one would be created with name < fullname >-tls-cert. If the TLS Secret is in different namespace, name can be mentioned as < namespace >/< tlsSecretName >
ingress.certCN Subject’s common name (cn) for SelfSigned Cert. < fullname >
ingress.certValidityDays Validity of Self-Signed Cert in days 365
secret.enabled If enabled it will use the secret created with base64 encoding. if value is false, secret would not be used and input values (through –set, –values, etc.) would be used while creation of pods. true
secret.name secret name to use an already created Secret oudsm-< fullname >-creds
secret.type Specifies the type of the secret Opaque
persistence.enabled If enabled, it will use the persistent volume. if value is false, PV and PVC would not be used and pods would be using the default emptyDir mount volume. true
persistence.pvname pvname to use an already created Persistent Volume , If blank will use the default name oudsm-< fullname >-pv
persistence.pvcname pvcname to use an already created Persistent Volume Claim , If blank will use default name oudsm-< fullname >-pvc
persistence.type supported values: either filesystem or networkstorage or custom filesystem
persistence.filesystem.hostPath.path The path location mentioned should be created and accessible from the local host provided with necessary privileges for the user. /scratch/shared/oudsm_user_projects
persistence.networkstorage.nfs.path Path of NFS Share location /scratch/shared/oudsm_user_projects
persistence.networkstorage.nfs.server IP or hostname of NFS Server
persistence.custom.* Based on values/data, YAML content would be included in PersistenceVolume Object
persistence.accessMode Specifies the access mode of the location provided ReadWriteMany
persistence.size Specifies the size of the storage 10Gi
persistence.storageClass Specifies the storageclass of the persistence volume. empty
persistence.annotations specifies any annotations that will be used { }
ingress.voyagerNodePortHttp 31080
ingress.voyagerNodePortHttps 31443
ingress.voyagerHttpPort 80
ingress.voyagerHttpsPort 443
oudsm.adminUser Weblogic Administration User weblogic
oudsm.adminPass Password for Weblogic Administration User
oudsm.startupTime Expected startup time. After specified seconds readinessProbe would start 900
oudsm.livenessProbeInitialDelay Paramter to decide livenessProbe initialDelaySeconds 1200
elk.elasticsearch.enabled If enabled it will create the elastic search statefulset deployment false
elk.elasticsearch.image.repository Elastic Search Image name/Registry/Repository . Based on this elastic search instances will be created docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch
elk.elasticsearch.image.tag Elastic Search Image tag .Based on this, image parameter would be configured for Elastic Search pods/instances 6.4.3
elk.elasticsearch.image.pullPolicy policy to pull the image IfnotPresent
elk.elasticsearch.esreplicas Number of Elastic search Instances will be created 3
elk.elasticsearch.minimumMasterNodes The value for discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes. Should be set to (esreplicas / 2) + 1. 2
elk.elasticsearch.esJAVAOpts Java options for Elasticsearch. This is where you should configure the jvm heap size -Xms512m -Xmx512m
elk.elasticsearch.sysctlVmMaxMapCount Sets the sysctl vm.max_map_count needed for Elasticsearch 262144
elk.elasticsearch.resources.requests.cpu cpu resources requested for the elastic search 100m
elk.elasticsearch.resources.limits.cpu total cpu limits that are configures for the elastic search 1000m
elk.elasticsearch.esService.type Type of Service to be created for elastic search ClusterIP
elk.elasticsearch.esService.lbrtype Type of load balancer Service to be created for elastic search ClusterIP
elk.kibana.enabled If enabled it will create a kibana deployment false
elk.kibana.image.repository Kibana Image Registry/Repository and name. Based on this Kibana instance will be created docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana
elk.kibana.image.tag Kibana Image tag. Based on this, Image parameter would be configured. 6.4.3
elk.kibana.image.pullPolicy policy to pull the image IfnotPresent
elk.kibana.kibanaReplicas Number of Kibana instances will be created 1
elk.kibana.service.tye Type of service to be created NodePort
elk.kibana.service.targetPort Port on which the kibana will be accessed 5601
elk.kibana.service.nodePort nodePort is the port on which kibana service will be accessed from outside 31119
elk.logstash.enabled If enabled it will create a logstash deployment false
elk.logstash.image.repository logstash Image Registry/Repository and name. Based on this logstash instance will be created logstash
elk.logstash.image.tag logstash Image tag. Based on this, Image parameter would be configured. 6.6.0
elk.logstash.image.pullPolicy policy to pull the image IfnotPresent
elk.logstash.containerPort Port on which the logstash container will be running 5044
elk.logstash.service.tye Type of service to be created NodePort
elk.logstash.service.targetPort Port on which the logstash will be accessed 9600
elk.logstash.service.nodePort nodePort is the port on which logstash service will be accessed from outside 32222
elk.logstash.logstashConfigMap Provide the configmap name which is already created with the logstash conf. if empty default logstash configmap will be created and used
elk.elkPorts.rest Port for REST 9200
elk.elkPorts.internode port used for communication between the nodes 9300
elk.busybox.image busy box image name. Used for initcontianers busybox
elk.elkVolume.enabled If enabled, it will use the persistent volume. if value is false, PV and pods would be using the default emptyDir mount volume. true
elk.elkVolume.pvname pvname to use an already created Persistent Volume , If blank will use the default name oudsm-< fullname >-espv
elk.elkVolume.type supported values: either filesystem or networkstorage or custom filesystem
elk.elkVolume.filesystem.hostPath.path The path location mentioned should be created and accessible from the local host provided with necessary privileges for the user. /scratch/shared/oud_elk/data
elk.elkVolume.networkstorage.nfs.path Path of NFS Share location /scratch/shared/oud_elk/data
elk.elkVolume.networkstorage.nfs.server IP or hostname of NFS Server
elk.elkVolume.custom.* Based on values/data, YAML content would be included in PersistenceVolume Object
elk.elkVolume.accessMode Specifies the access mode of the location provided ReadWriteMany
elk.elkVolume.size Specifies the size of the storage 20Gi
elk.elkVolume.storageClass Specifies the storageclass of the persistence volume. elk
elk.elkVolume.annotations specifies any annotations that will be used { }