Patch a Oracle WebCenter Sites product Docker image

These instructions describe how to upgrade a new release of Oracle WebCenter Sites product Docker image in a running Oracle WebCenter Sites Kubernetes environment. A rolling upgrade approach is used to upgrade managed server pods of the domain.

It is expecting a Zero down time as a rolling upgrade approach is used.


  • Make sure Oracle WebCenter Sites domain is created and all the admin and managed pods are up and running.
  • Make sure the database used for the Oracle WebCenter Sites domain deployment is up and running during the upgrade process.

Prepare the upgrade-domain-inputs.yaml

Modify the kubernetes/samples/scripts/domain-home-on-pv/upgrade/upgrade-domain-inputs.yaml. Below are given default values.

# Name of the Admin Server
adminServerName: adminserver

# Unique ID identifying a domain.
# This ID must not contain an underscope ("_"), and must be lowercase and unique across all domains in a Kubernetes cluster.
domainUID: wcsitesinfra

# Number of managed servers to generate for the domain
configuredManagedServerCount: 3

#Number of managed servers running at the time of upgrade
managedServerRunning: 3

# Base string used to generate managed server names
managedServerNameBase: wcsites-server

# Oracle WebCenter Sites Docker image.
# Refer to build Oracle WebCenter Sites Docker image
# for details on how to obtain or create the image.
# tag image to a new tag for example: oracle/wcsites:
image: oracle/wcsites:

# Image pull policy
# Legal values are "IfNotPresent", "Always", or "Never"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

# Name of the domain namespace
namespace: wcsites-ns

Run the upgrade script

Run the upgrade script with the modified upgrade-domain-inputs.yaml file and wait for the script to be finished.

$ sh kubernetes/samples/scripts/domain-home-on-pv/upgrade/ -i upgrade-domain-inputs.yaml

Monitor the pods rolling out incrementaly.

$ kubectl get pods -n wcsites-ns -w

Configure WebCenter Sites patch

Configure WebCenter Sites patch by hitting url http://${LOADBALANCER-HOSTNAME}:${LOADBALANCER-PORT}/sites/sitespatchsetup