This section provides information about how to install and configure the ingress-based NGINX load balancer to load balance Oracle SOA Suite domain clusters. You can configure NGINX for non-SSL, SSL termination, and end-to-end SSL access of the application URL.

Follow these steps to set up NGINX as a load balancer for an Oracle SOA Suite domain in a Kubernetes cluster:

See the official installation document for prerequisites.

To get repository information, enter the following Helm commands:

  $ helm repo add ingress-nginx
  $ helm repo update

Non-SSL and SSL termination

Install the NGINX load balancer

  1. Deploy the ingress-nginx controller by using Helm on the domain namespace:

     $ helm install nginx-ingress -n soans \
            --set controller.service.type=NodePort \
            --set controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled=false \
    Click here to see the sample output.
  2. Check the status of the deployed ingress controller:

    $ kubectl --namespace soans get services | grep ingress-nginx-controller

    Sample output:

     nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller   NodePort   <none>        80:32125/TCP,443:31376/TCP   19m

Configure NGINX to manage ingresses

  1. Create an ingress for the domain in the domain namespace by using the sample Helm chart. Here path-based routing is used for ingress. Sample values for default configuration are shown in the file ${WORKDIR}/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml. By default, type is TRAEFIK, tls is Non-SSL, and domainType is soa. These values can be overridden by passing values through the command line or can be edited in the sample file values.yaml. If needed, you can update the ingress YAML file to define more path rules (in section based on the domain application URLs that need to be accessed. Update the template YAML file for the NGINX load balancer located at ${WORKDIR}/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/templates/nginx-ingress.yaml

     $ cd ${WORKDIR}/weblogic-kubernetes-operator
     $ helm install soa-nginx-ingress  kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain \
         --namespace soans \
         --values kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml \
         --set "nginx.hostname=$(hostname -f)" \
         --set type=NGINX

    Sample output:

    NAME: soa-nginx-ingress
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 24 09:34:03 2020
    NAMESPACE: soans
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  2. For secured access (SSL) to the Oracle SOA Suite application, create a certificate and generate a Kubernetes secret:

     $ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /tmp/tls1.key -out /tmp/tls1.crt -subj "/"
     $ kubectl -n soans create secret tls domain1-tls-cert --key /tmp/tls1.key --cert /tmp/tls1.crt

    Note: Value of CN is the hostname on which this ingress is to be deployed.

  3. Install ingress-per-domain using Helm for SSL configuration:

     $ cd ${WORKDIR}/weblogic-kubernetes-operator
     $ helm install soa-nginx-ingress  kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain \
         --namespace soans \
         --values kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml \
         --set "nginx.hostname=$(hostname -f)" \
         --set type=NGINX --set tls=SSL

    Sample output:

     NAME: soa-nginx-ingress
     LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 24 09:34:03 2020
     NAMESPACE: soans
     STATUS: deployed
     REVISION: 1
     TEST SUITE: None
  4. For non-SSL access to the Oracle SOA Suite application, get the details of the services by the ingress:

    $ kubectl describe ingress soainfra-nginx -n soans
    Click here to see the sample output of the services supported by the above deployed ingress.
  5. For SSL access to the Oracle SOA Suite application, get the details of the services by the above deployed ingress:

     $ kubectl describe ingress soainfra-nginx -n soans
    Click here to see the sample output of the services supported by the above deployed ingress.

Verify non-SSL and SSL termination access

Non-SSL configuration

Verify that the Oracle SOA Suite domain application URLs are accessible through the LOADBALANCER-Non-SSLPORT 30017:

SSL configuration

Verify that the Oracle SOA Suite domain application URLs are accessible through the LOADBALANCER-SSLPORT 30233:


Uninstall the ingress

Uninstall and delete the ingress-nginx deployment:

  $ helm delete   soa-nginx-ingress  -n soans

End-to-end SSL configuration

Install the NGINX load balancer for End-to-end SSL

  1. For secured access (SSL) to the Oracle SOA Suite application, create a certificate and generate secrets:

     $ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /tmp/tls1.key -out /tmp/tls1.crt -subj "/"
     $ kubectl -n soans create secret tls domain1-tls-cert --key /tmp/tls1.key --cert /tmp/tls1.crt

    Note: The value of CN is the host on which this ingress is to be deployed.

  2. Deploy the ingress-nginx controller by using Helm on the domain namespace:

     $ helm install nginx-ingress -n soans \
           --set controller.extraArgs.default-ssl-certificate=soans/domain1-tls-cert \
           --set controller.service.type=NodePort \
           --set controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled=false \
           --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=true  \
    Click here to see the sample output.
  3. Check the status of the deployed ingress controller:

     $ kubectl --namespace soans get services | grep ingress-nginx-controller

    Sample output:

      nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller   NodePort    <none>        80:32748/TCP,443:31940/TCP   23s

Deploy tls to access services

  1. Deploy tls to securely access the services. Only one application can be configured with ssl-passthrough. A sample tls file for NGINX is shown below for the service soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster and port 8002. All the applications running on port 8002 can be securely accessed through this ingress. For each backend service, create different ingresses as NGINX does not support multiple path/rules with annotation ssl-passthrough That is, for soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster and soainfra-cluster-osb-cluster, different ingresses must be created.

  2. As ssl-passthrough in NGINX works on the clusterIP of the backing service instead of individual endpoints, you must expose adminserver service as adminserver service created by the operator with clusterIP.

    Click here to see the commands to expose adminserver service
    Click here to see the sample backend services of domainUID soainfra
  3. Deploy the secured ingress:

    $ cd ${WORKDIR}/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/tls
    $ kubectl create -f nginx-tls.yaml
    Click here to check the content of the file nginx-tls.yaml

    Note: host is the server on which this ingress is deployed.

  4. Check the services supported by the ingress:

    $ kubectl describe ingress  soang-ingress -n soans
    Click here check the services supported by the ingress.

Verify end-to-end SSL access

Verify that the Oracle SOA Suite domain application URLs are accessible through the LOADBALANCER-SSLPORT 30233:


Uninstall ingress-nginx tls

  $ cd weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/tls
  $ kubectl  delete -f nginx-tls.yaml