
Enable SSL for Metrics

By default when metrics are enabled via configuring Prometheus Operator as described here, metrics utilize standard HTTP.

This sample shows you how to enable SSL for metrics capture only when configuring an external Prometheus to scrape the metrics.

Note: It is not supported to enable SSL for metrics using the out of the box Prometheus installed with the Coherence Operator.

Note: Use of Prometheus and Grafana is available only when using the operator with Oracle Coherence version.

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Ensure you have already installed the Coherence Operator using the instructions here.

Installation Steps

  1. Change to the samples/operator/metrics/ssl directory and ensure you have your Maven build environment set for JDK 8 and build the project:

    $ mvn clean compile

    Note: This sample uses self-signed certificates and simple passwords. They are for sample purposes only and must NOT use these in a production environment. You must use and generate proper certificates with appropriate passwords.

  2. Create the SSL secret:

    $ cd /src/main/resources/certs
    $ kubectl -n sample-coherence-ns create secret generic ssl-secret \
         --from-file icarus.jks \
         --from-file truststore-guardians.jks \
         --from-literal keypassword.txt=password \
         --from-literal storepassword.txt=password \
         --from-literal trustpassword.txt=secret
  3. Install the Coherence cluster:

    $ helm install \
       --namespace sample-coherence-ns \
       --name storage \
       --set clusterSize=3 \
       --set cluster=metrics-ssl-cluster \
       --set imagePullSecrets=sample-coherence-secret \
       --set logCaptureEnabled=false \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.enabled=true \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.secrets=ssl-secret \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.keyStore=icarus.jks \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.keyStorePasswordFile=storepassword.txt \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.keyPasswordFile=keypassword.txt \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.keyStoreType=JKS \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.trustStore=truststore-guardians.jks \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.trustStorePasswordFile=trustpassword.txt \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.trustStoreType=JKS \
       --set store.metrics.ssl.requireClientCert=true \
       --set coherence.image=your- \

    Note: If your version of the Coherence Operator does not default to using Coherence, then you need to replace your- with an appropriate image.

  4. Confirm that SSL is applied:

    $ kubectl logs storage-coherence-0 --namespace sample-coherence-ns | grep SSLSocketProviderDependencies
    2019-06-17 02:15:01.525/11.176 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=main, member=1): instantiated SSLSocketProviderDependencies: SSLSocketProvider(auth=two-way, identity=SunX509/file:/coherence/certs/metrics/icarus.jks, trust=SunX509/file:/coherence/certs/metrics/truststore-guardians.jks)
  5. Start port forward for the metrics port:

    $ kubectl port-forward storage-coherence-0 -n sample-coherence-ns 9612:9612
    Forwarding from [::1]:9612 -> 9612
    Forwarding from -> 9612
  6. (Optional) Configure Prometheus.

    Follow the instructions here to configure Prometheus to point to your SSL endpoints.

Uninstall the Charts

Use the following command to delete the two charts installed in this sample:

$ helm delete storage --purge

Delete the secret using the following:

$ kubectl delete secret ssl-secret --namespace sample-coherence-ns

Before starting another sample, ensure that all the pods are removed from previous sample.

If you want to remove the coherence-operator, then use the helm delete command.