
Scrape Metrics from Your Prometheus Instance

You can scrape the metrics from your own Prometheus Operator instance rather than using the prometheusopeartor subchart included with coherence-operator.

This sample shows you how to scrape metrics from your own Prometheus instance.

Note: Use of Prometheus and Grafana is available only when using the operator with Oracle Coherence version.

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Installation Steps

  1. Install Coherence Operator

    When you install the coherence-operator, you must ensure to specify --set prometheusoperator.enabled=false or leave out the option completely, which also defaults to false.

    --set prometheusoperator.enabled=false

    Use the following command to install coherence-operator with prometheusoperator enabled:

    $ helm install \
       --namespace sample-coherence-ns \
       --set imagePullSecrets=sample-coherence-secret \
       --name coherence-operator \
       --set prometheusoperator.enabled=false \

    After the installation completes, list the pods:

    $ kubectl get pods -n sample-coherence-ns
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    coherence-operator-665489854f-jr7qj   1/1     Running   0          9s

    There is only a single coherence-operator pod.

  2. Install the Coherence cluster

    $ helm install \
       --namespace sample-coherence-ns \
       --name storage \
       --set clusterSize=3 \
       --set cluster=storage-tier-cluster \
       --set imagePullSecrets=sample-coherence-secret \
       --set "targetNamespaces={sample-coherence-ns}" \

    After the installation completes, list the pods:

    $ kubectl get pods -n sample-coherence-ns
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    coherence-operator-665489854f-jr7qj   1/1     Running   0          3m
    storage-coherence-0                   1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-coherence-1                   1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-coherence-2                   0/1     Running   0          22s

Configure Your Prometheus Operator to Scrape Coherence Pods

Refer Prometheus Operator documentation for information about how to configure and deploy a service monitor for your Prometheus Operator installation.

This section describes only the service monitor configuration as it relates to the Coherence Helm chart.

coherence-service-monitor.yaml fragment:

      component: "coherence-service"
  - port: 9612

If the parameter service.metricsHttpPort is set when installing the Coherence Helm chart, replace port: 9612 with the new value.

If the Coherence Helm chart parameter store.metrics.ssl.enabled is true, add endpoints.scheme value of https to coherence-service-monitor.yaml fragment.

There are a number of Coherence Grafana dashboards bundled in the Coherence Operator Helm chart under dashboards folder. While Grafana have to be configured to the location of your Prometheus datasource, you can take advantage of these Coherence dashboards by extracting them from the Coherence Operator Helm chart.

Uninstall the Charts

Use the following commands to delete the chart installed in this sample:

$ helm delete storage --purge

Before starting another sample, ensure that all the pods are removed from previous sample.

If you want to remove the coherence-operator, use the helm delete command.