
Modify Writable MBeans

Management over REST provides the ability to modify Coherence MBeans that are writable.

This sample shows how to modify the log level of a member and the expiryDelay of a cache using Curl.

Note: Use of management over REST is available only when using the operator with Oracle Coherence version.

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  1. Install Coherence cluster

    Follow the instructions here to install a Coherence cluster and port forward the management over REST port.

  2. Install the Coherence VisualVM plugin

    Follow the instructions here to install the VisualVM plugin.

Installation Steps

  1. Retrieve the current loggingLevel:

    $ curl 2> /dev/null | json_pp | grep "loggingLevel"
    "loggingLevel" : 5,
    "loggingLevel" : 5,
    "loggingLevel" : 5,
    "loggingLevel" : 5,

    This shows all members are running at logging level = 5 (the default).

    Ensure there are no D6 messages:

    $ kubectl logs storage-coherence-0 -n sample-coherence-ns | grep D6

    The command should not return anything.

  2. Set the loggingLevel for each member to 9:

    $ for i in 1 2 3 4; do 
       curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json'$i -d '{"loggingLevel": 9}'
  3. Query the logging level again:

    ```bash $ curl 2> /dev/null | json_pp | grep “loggingLevel”

“loggingLevel” : 9 “loggingLevel” : 9 “loggingLevel” : 9, “loggingLevel” : 9

1. Add data to the cluster using the Coherence Console.

   Connect to the Coherence Console and create a cache. This triggers log messages for the joining member.

   $ kubectl exec -it --namespace sample-coherence-ns storage-coherence-0 bash /scripts/ console

At the Map (?): prompt, enter cache test. This creates a cache in the service PartitionedCache.

Add an entry to the cache:

   put 1 one


Then, type bye to exit the console.

  1. Inspect the log files for D6 messages

    $ kubectl logs storage-coherence-0 -n sample-coherence-ns | grep D6
    2019-04-24 04:58:56.203/3687.142 Oracle Coherence GE <D6> (thread=Cluster, member=1): TcpRing connected to Member(Id=5, Timestamp=2019-04-24 04:58:55.99, Address=, MachineId=30443, Location=site:coherence.sample-coherence-ns.svc.cluster.local,machine:docker-for-desktop,process:6020,member:storage-coherence-0, Role=CoherenceConsole)
    2019-04-24 04:58:56.204/3687.144 Oracle Coherence GE <D6> (thread=Cluster, member=1): TcpRing connected to Member(Id=5, Timestamp=2019-04-24 04:58:55.99, Address=, MachineId=30443, Location=site:coherence.sample-coherence-ns.svc.cluster.local,machine:docker-for-desktop,process:6020,member:storage-coherence-0, Role=CoherenceConsole)
    2019-04-24 04:58:56.480/3687.420 Oracle Coherence GE <D6> (thread=Transport:TransportService, member=1): Registered Connection {Peer=tmb://, Service=TransportService, Member=5, Not established, State=CONNECTING, peer=tmb://, state=OPEN, socket=MultiplexedSocket{Socket[addr=/,port=32923,localport=57374]}, bytes(in=0, out=0), flushlock false, bufferedOut=0B, unflushed=0B, delivered(in=0, out=0), timeout(n/a), interestOps=0, unflushed receipt=0, receiptReturn 0, isReceiptFlushRequired false, bufferedIn(), msgs(in=0, out=0/0)}

    The level D6 messages are displayed in the output. These particular messages related to the cluster member (console) joining the cluster.

  2. Retrieve the current expiryDelay for all members:

    curl 2> /dev/null | json_pp | grep expiryDelay
    "expiryDelay" : 0,
    "expiryDelay" : 0,
    "expiryDelay" : 0,
    "expiryDelay" : 0
  3. Set the expiryDelay for each member to 60000 ms:

    $ for i in 1 2 3 4; do 
       curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json'$i -d '{"expiryDelay": 60000}'
  4. Query the expiryDelay for all members again:

    curl 2> /dev/null | json_pp | grep expiryDelay
    "expiryDelay" : 60000,
    "expiryDelay" : 60000,
    "expiryDelay" : 60000,
    "expiryDelay" : 60000

    Note: You can also update highUnits in a similar way to to expiryDelay.

Uninstall the Charts

Use the following command to delete the chart installed in this sample:

$ helm delete storage --purge

Before starting another sample, ensure that all the pods are removed from previous samples.

If you want to remove the coherence-operator, then use the helm delete command.