
Running the samples integration tests


Please ensure that you have met all the prerequisites as described in the Samples Readme.

Run the tests

  1. Create the test namespace

    export CI_BUILD_ID=test
    export NS=test-sample-${CI_BUILD_ID}
    kubectl create namespace $NS
  2. Create the secrets

    kubectl create secret docker-registry coherence-k8s-operator-development-secret \
         --namespace $NS \
         --docker-server=your-docker-server \
         --docker-username=your-docker-username \
    kubectl create secret docker-registry sample-coherence-secret \
         --namespace $NS \
         --docker-server=your-docker-server \
         --docker-username=your-docker-username \

    Note: You must have push permissions for this repository if you not running Kubernetes locally.

  3. Run the tests

    cd docs/samples
    mvn -Dcoherence.image.prefix=store/oracle/ -Dk8s.chart.test.versions=0.9.4 \
        -Dk8s.namespace=$NS -Dk8s.create.namespace=false -P docker,helm-test clean verify

    Note: If you are running against a remote Kubernetes cluster, you must also specify the profile dockerPush

    Note: You can also specify multiple versions of the chart to test: e.g. -Dk8s.chart.test.versions=0.9.4,1.0.0.

    Note: You can set the operator.helm.chart.package and coherence.helm.chart.package properties to run against operator charts that have been built on disk.