
Monitor Coherence Services via Grafana Dashboards

The Coherence Operator (the “operator”) includes the Prometheus Operator as an optional subchart named, prometheusoperator. To configure the Prometheus Operator and monitor Coherence services via Grafana dashboards, follow the instructions:

Note: Use of Prometheus and Grafana is available only when using the operator with Coherence

This use-case is covered in the samples. Refer to the samples documentation.

Install the Charts

When you install the coherence-operator chart, you must specify the following additional set value for helm to install the subchart, prometheusoperator.

--set prometheusoperator.enabled=true

All coherence charts installed in coherence-operator targetNamespaces are monitored by Prometheus. The servicemonitor, <releasename>-coherence-service-monitor configures Prometheus to scrape all components of coherence-service.

Port Forward Grafana

After you install the charts, use the following script to port forward the Grafana pod:


trap "exit" INT

POD=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=grafana --namespace namespace --output=jsonpath="{}")
while :
  kubectl port-forward $POD --namespace namespace 3000:3000

Note: Since port forwarding is sometimes unreliable, it should be used only as a development tool, and not in a production environment.

Log in to Grafana

In a browser, go to the URL, to access the main Coherence dashboard.

On the Grafana login page, enter the login id, admin and the default password, prom-operator.

Note: You should change this password once you have logged in.

Click Home on the upper left corner of the page to get a list of preconfigured dashboards. Click ` Coherence Dashboard Main`.

Default Dashboards

There are a number of dashboards created via the import process.

The Grafana dashboards created to monitor Coherence Clusters have some common UI elements and navigation patterns:

Configure your Prometheus Operator to Scrape Coherence pods

This section assumes that you do not want the coherence-operator’s helm subchart,prometheusoperator installed. It provides information on how to configure what is automated by using coherence-operator helm chart parameter prometheusoperator.enabled=true.

Refer to the Prometheus Operator documentation to understand how to configure and deploy a service monitor for your own Prometheus Operator installation. This section only describes the service monitor configuration as it relates to the Coherence helm chart.

coherence-service-monitor.yaml fragment:

      component: "coherence-service"
  - port: 9612

If the Coherence helm chart parameter service.metricsHttpPort is set when installing the Coherence helm chart, replace 9612 above with the new value.

If the Coherence helm chart parameter store.metrics.ssl.enabled is set to true, then add endpoints.scheme with the value of https to the coherence-service-monitor.yaml fragment.


Helm install of coherence-operator fails, creating a custom resource definition (CRD)

The helm installation for coherence-operator fails, creating a custom resource definition (CRD). When you see this error, follow the recommendation in Prometheus Operator: helm fails to create CRDs to manually install the Prometheus Operator CRDs, and then install the coherence-operator chart with these additional set values.

--set prometheusoperator.enabled=true --set prometheusoperator.prometheusOperator.createCustomResource=false

No datasource found

When you see this error, manually create a datasource by clicking Create your first data source on the Grafana Home page, and fill in the following fields:

   Name:      Prometheus
   HTTP URL:  http://prometheus-operated.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:9090

Ensure that this datasource is set as the default. Click Save & Test.