Install Cluster API Provider for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

If you are not using kind for your management cluster, export the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the correct Kubeconfig file.

   export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig

Configure authentication

Before installing Cluster API Provider for OCI (CAPOCI), you must first set up your preferred authentication mechanism using specific environment variables.

User Principal

If the management cluster is hosted outside OCI, for example a Kind cluster, please configure user principal using the following parameters. Please refer to the doc to generate the required credentials.

   export OCI_TENANCY_ID=<insert-tenancy-id-here>
   export OCI_USER_ID=<insert-user-ocid-here>
   export OCI_CREDENTIALS_FINGERPRINT=<insert-fingerprint-here>
   export OCI_REGION=<insert-region-here>
   # if Passphrase is present
   export OCI_TENANCY_ID_B64="$(echo -n "$OCI_TENANCY_ID" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
   export OCI_CREDENTIALS_FINGERPRINT_B64="$(echo -n "$OCI_CREDENTIALS_FINGERPRINT" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
   export OCI_USER_ID_B64="$(echo -n "$OCI_USER_ID" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
   export OCI_REGION_B64="$(echo -n "$OCI_REGION" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
   export OCI_CREDENTIALS_KEY_B64=$(base64 < <insert-path-to-api-private-key-file-here> | tr -d '\n')
   # if Passphrase is present
   export OCI_CREDENTIALS_PASSPHRASE=<insert-passphrase-here>
   export OCI_CREDENTIALS_PASSPHRASE_B64="$(echo -n "$OCI_CREDENTIALS_PASSPHRASE" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

Instance Principal

If the management cluster is hosted in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Instance principals authentication is recommended. Export the following parameters to use Instance Principals. If Instance Principals are used, the user principal parameters explained in above section will not be used.

   export USE_INSTANCE_PRINCIPAL_B64="$(echo -n "$USE_INSTANCE_PRINCIPAL" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

Please ensure the following policies in the dynamic group for CAPOCI to be able to talk to various OCI Services.

allow dynamic-group [your dynamic group name] to manage instance-family in compartment [your compartment name]
allow dynamic-group [your dynamic group name] to manage virtual-network-family in compartment [your compartment name]
allow dynamic-group [your dynamic group name] to manage load-balancers in compartment [your compartment name]

Initialize management cluster

Initialize management cluster and install CAPOCI.

The following command will use the latest version:

  clusterctl init --infrastructure oci

In production, it is recommended to set a specific released version.

  clusterctl init --infrastructure oci:vX.X.X

CAPOCI Components

When installing CAPOCI, the following components will be installed in the management cluster:

  1. A custom resource definition (CRD) for OCICluster, which is a Kubernetes custom resource that represents a workload cluster created in OCI by CAPOCI.
  2. A custom resource definition (CRD) for OCIMachine, which is a Kubernetes custom resource that represents one node in the workload cluster created in OCI by CAPOCI.
  3. Role-based access control resources for a Kubernetes Deployment, ServiceAccount, Role, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
  4. A Kubernetes Secret which will hold OCI credentials
  5. A Kubernetes Deployment with the CAPOCI image - <version>

Please inspect the infrastructure-components.yaml present in the release artifacts to know more.