Upgrade Domain resource


Operator 4.0 domain resource API version change

The Domain CustomResourceDefinition in operator version 4.0 has changed significantly from previous operator releases. For this reason, we have updated the API version of the Domain custom resource in the CRD from weblogic.oracle/v8 to weblogic.oracle/v9. We continue to support the Domains with API version weblogic.oracle/v8 and provide full backward compatibility. If you want to use the new fields introduced in the latest weblogic.oracle/v9 schema, then you will need to update the API version in your Domain resource YAML file.

Automated upgrade of weblogic.oracle/v8 schema domain resource

The automated upgrade described in this section converts weblogic.oracle/v8 schema auxiliary image configuration into low-level Kubernetes schema, for example, init containers and volumes. Instead of relying on the generated low-level schema, Oracle recommends using a simplified weblogic.oracle/v9 schema configuration for auxiliary images, as documented in the Auxiliary Images Configuration section.

The 4.0 operator provides a seamless upgrade of the Domain resources with the weblogic.oracle/v8 version of the schema. When you create a Domain using a domain resource YAML file with weblogic.oracle/v8 schema in a namespace managed by the 4.0 operator, the WebLogic Domain resource conversion webhook performs an automated upgrade of the domain resource to the weblogic.oracle/v9 schema. The conversion webhook runtime converts the weblogic.oracle/v8 configuration to the equivalent configuration in operator 4.0. Similarly, when upgrading the operator version, Domain resources with weblogic.oracle/v8 schema are seamlessly upgraded.

Upgrade the weblogic.oracle/v8 schema domain resource manually

The manual upgrade tooling described in this section converts weblogic.oracle/v8 schema auxiliary image configuration into low-level Kubernetes schema, for example, init containers and volumes. Instead of relying on the generated low-level schema, Oracle recommends using a simplified weblogic.oracle/v9 schema configuration for auxiliary images, as documented in the Auxiliary Images Configuration section.

Beginning with operator version 4.0, you can use a standalone command-line tool for manually upgrading the domain resource YAML file with weblogic.oracle/v8 schema to the weblogic.oracle/v9 schema. If you are required to keep the upgraded Domain resource YAML file in the source control repository, then you can use this tool to generate the upgraded Domain resource YAML file.


  • Download the Domain upgrade tool JAR file to the desired location.
    • You can find the latest JAR file on the project releases page.
    • Alternatively, you can download the JAR file with cURL.
    curl -m 120 -fL https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/releases/latest/download/domain-upgrader.jar -o ./domain-upgrader.jar
  • OPTIONALLY: You may build the project (mvn clean package) to create the JAR file in ./weblogic-kubernetes-operator/target (see Build From Source).
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the Java installation (Java version 11+).

The Domain upgrader tool upgrades the provided V8 schema domain resource input file and writes the upgraded domain resource YAML file to the directory specified using the -d parameter.

Usage: java -jar domain-upgrader.jar  <input-file> [-d <output_dir>] [-f <output_file_name>] [-o --overwriteExistingFile] [-h --help]
Parameter Definition Default
input-file (Required) Name of the operator 3.x/V8 domain resource YAML file to be converted.
-d, --outputDir The directory where the tool will place the converted file. The directory of the input file.
-f, --outputFile Name of the converted file. Base name of the input file name followed by "__converted." followed by the input file extension.
-h, --help Prints help message.
-o, --overwriteExistingFile Enable overwriting the existing output file, if any.

If the output file name is not specified using the -f parameter, then the tool generates the file name by appending "__converted." and the input file extension to the base name of the input file name. For example, assuming the name of the V8 domain resource YAML file to be upgraded is domain-v8.yaml in the current directory:

$ java -jar /tmp/domain-upgrader.jar domain-v8.yaml -d /tmp -f domain-v9.yaml
{"timestamp":"2022-04-18T23:11:09.182227Z","thread":1,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.DomainUpgrader","method":"main","timeInMillis":1650323469182,"message":"Successfully generated upgraded domain custom resource file 'domain-v9.yaml'.","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}

In the previous example, the tool writes the upgraded file to the /tmp directory with the name domain-v9.yaml.

$ ls -ltr /tmp/domain-v9.yaml
-rw-r----- 1 user dba 2818 Apr 18 23:11 /tmp/domain-v9.yaml

The manual upgrade tooling creates init containers with names prefixed with compat- when converting the auxiliary image configuration of the weblogic.oracle/v8 schema. The operator generates only init containers with names starting with either compat- or wls-shared- in the introspector job pod. To alter the generated init container’s name, the new name must start with either compat- or wls-shared-.