Delete nodes from Oracle WebLogic Server

This page documents how to configure an existing deployment of Oracle WebLogic Server to delete nodes using Azure CLI.


Environment for Setup

WebLogic Server Instance

The template will be applied to an existing Oracle WebLogic Server instance. If you don’t have one, please create a new instance from the Azure portal, by following the link to the offer in the index.

Prepare the Parameters JSON file

You must construct a parameters JSON file containing the parameters that to the delete-node ARM template. See Create Resource Manager parameter file for background information about parameter files. You must specify the information of the existing Oracle WebLogic Server and nodes that to be deleted. This section shows how to obtain the values for the following required properties.

Parameter Name Explanation
_artifactsLocation See below for details.
adminVMName At deployment time, if this value was changed from its default value, the value used at deployment time must be used. Otherwise, this parameter should be omitted.
deletingCacheServerNames (Optional) Names of cache servers to be deleted, comma delimited. Please ignore this parameter if you are not deleting cache servers.
deletingManagedServerMachineNames The resource names of Azure Virtual Machine hosting managed nodes that you want to delete.
wlsPassword Must be the same value provided at deployment time.
wlsUserName Must be the same value provided at deployment time.


This value must be the following.

Server names

This value must be an array of strings, with pattern ^${managedServerPrefix}Storage[0-9]+$, for example: ["mspStorage1", "mspStorage2"].

You can get the server names from WebLogic Server Administration Console, following the steps:

Machine names

This value must be an array of strings, for example: ["mspVM1", "mspVM2", "mspStorageVM2"].

You can get the machine names from WebLogic Server Administration Console, following the steps:

The Azure Virtual Machine name was set with the same value of compute name during Oracle WebLogic Server deployment.

Example Parameters JSON

Here is a fully filled out parameters file. Note that we do not include adminVMName.

Some things to note:

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "_artifactsLocation": {
            "value": ""
        "deletingCacheServerNames": {
            "value": [
        "deletingManagedServerMachineNames": {
            "value": [
        "wlsPassword": {
            "value": "welcome1"
        "wlsUserName": {
            "value": "weblogic"

Invoke the delete-node script

To delete managed nodes completely, you have to delete managed nodes logically from the WebLogic Server instance, and physically release Azure resources that host the managed nodes. We realize the two purposes in different ways:

We have provided an automation script for above two purposes, you can delete managed nodes easily with the following instructions.

Invoke the script

Assume your parameters file is available in the current directory and is named parameters.json. Replace yourResourceGroup with the Azure resource group in which the Oracle WebLogic Server is deployed.

The following command runs the script in silent mode with option -s, this mode will delete managed nodes logically and physically.

If you want to keep Azure resources, refer to advanced usage for further information.

$ curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s -- -s -g `yourResourceGroup` -u -p parameters.json

The script will validate the template with your parameters file; deploy the template to delete managed servers from WebLogic Server cluster; run Azure CLI commands to delete corresponding Azure resources.

This is an example output of successful deployment, the Oracle WebLogic Server is deployed with Application Gateway. Look for Completed! in your output.

  "error": null,
  "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/mainTemplate",
  "name": "mainTemplate",
  "properties": {
    "correlationId": "be24f5de-1fdf-4fc6-be97-ac53af3ccd3c",
    "debugSetting": null,
    "dependencies": [
        "dependsOn": [
            "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/adminVM/extensions/newuserscript",
            "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222",
            "resourceName": "adminVM/newuserscript",
            "resourceType": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions"
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-db9aa5e4-1e77-5f54-af38-9a7515cd27ab",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222",
        "resourceName": "pid-db9aa5e4-1e77-5f54-af38-9a7515cd27ab",
        "resourceType": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"
    "duration": "PT0S",
    "mode": "Incremental",
    "onErrorDeployment": null,
    "outputs": null,
    "parameters": {
      "_artifactsLocation": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
      "_artifactsLocationSasToken": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "adminVMName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "adminVM"
      "deletingManagedServerMachineNames": {
        "type": "Array",
        "value": [
      "location": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "eastus"
      "wlsForceShutDown": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "true"
      "wlsPassword": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "wlsUserName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "weblogic"
    "parametersLink": null,
    "providers": [
        "id": null,
        "namespace": "Microsoft.Resources",
        "registrationPolicy": null,
        "registrationState": null,
        "resourceTypes": [
            "aliases": null,
            "apiVersions": null,
            "capabilities": null,
            "locations": [
            "properties": null,
            "resourceType": "deployments"
        "id": null,
        "namespace": "Microsoft.Compute",
        "registrationPolicy": null,
        "registrationState": null,
        "resourceTypes": [
            "aliases": null,
            "apiVersions": null,
            "capabilities": null,
            "locations": [
            "properties": null,
            "resourceType": "virtualMachines/extensions"
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "template": null,
    "templateHash": "17905048512558945100",
    "templateLink": {
      "contentVersion": "",
      "uri": ""
    "timestamp": "2020-07-23T08:36:10.953240+00:00",
    "validatedResources": [
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-a816a607-eb8a-5aa1-9475-c3fba6994679",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222"
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/adminVM/extensions/newuserscript",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222"
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-db9aa5e4-1e77-5f54-af38-9a7515cd27ab",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222"
  "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222",
  "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"
Command ran in 46.180 seconds (init: 0.064, invoke: 46.116)
Extension 'resource-graph' is already installed.
List resource Ids to be deleted: 
Are you sure to delete these resources (y/n)?Deleting managed resources...Please do not stop.
Deleting managed resources...Please do not stop.
Command ran in 99.764 seconds (init: 0.068, invoke: 99.696)


Advanced usage

If you want to learn more about the script and run it manually, follow the advanced instructions to interact with the ternimal.

  $ curl -fsSL

You will get a shell script named in your current directory. Usage of the script:

  ./ -h
  usage: -g resource-group [-f template-file] [-u template-url] -p paramter-file [-h]
  -g Azure Resource Group of the Vitural Machines that host deleting manages servers, must be specified.
  -f Path of ARM template to delete nodes, must be specified -f option or -u option.
  -u URL of ARM template, must be specified -f option or -u option.
  -p Path of ARM parameter, must be specified.
  -s Execute the script in silent mode. The script will input y automatically for the prompt.
  -h Help

You can not only run the script with a local template file by specifying -f option, but also with a templatle URL using -u option.

Run the script with your parameters file in your current directory. The following command runs with a template URL:

  ./ -g yourResourceGroup -u -p parameters.json

Before deleting any Azure resource, the script will prompt up message Are you sure to delete these resources (y/n)? to comfirm if you want to delete Azure resources. If you input Y/y, the Azure resources will be deleted. Otherwise, keep the resource and exit.

This is an example output of deployment that will not delete Azure resources from your resource group, the Oracle WebLogic Server is deployed with Application Gateway. Look for Completed! in your output.

  "error": null,
  "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/mainTemplate",
  "name": "mainTemplate",
  "properties": {
    "correlationId": "be24f5de-1fdf-4fc6-be97-ac53af3ccd3c",
    "debugSetting": null,
    "dependencies": [
        "dependsOn": [
            "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/adminVM/extensions/newuserscript",
            "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222",
            "resourceName": "adminVM/newuserscript",
            "resourceType": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions"
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-db9aa5e4-1e77-5f54-af38-9a7515cd27ab",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222",
        "resourceName": "pid-db9aa5e4-1e77-5f54-af38-9a7515cd27ab",
        "resourceType": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"
    "duration": "PT0S",
    "mode": "Incremental",
    "onErrorDeployment": null,
    "outputs": null,
    "parameters": {
      "_artifactsLocation": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
      "_artifactsLocationSasToken": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "adminVMName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "adminVM"
      "deletingManagedServerMachineNames": {
        "type": "Array",
        "value": [
      "location": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "eastus"
      "wlsForceShutDown": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "true"
      "wlsPassword": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "wlsUserName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "weblogic"
    "parametersLink": null,
    "providers": [
        "id": null,
        "namespace": "Microsoft.Resources",
        "registrationPolicy": null,
        "registrationState": null,
        "resourceTypes": [
            "aliases": null,
            "apiVersions": null,
            "capabilities": null,
            "locations": [
            "properties": null,
            "resourceType": "deployments"
        "id": null,
        "namespace": "Microsoft.Compute",
        "registrationPolicy": null,
        "registrationState": null,
        "resourceTypes": [
            "aliases": null,
            "apiVersions": null,
            "capabilities": null,
            "locations": [
            "properties": null,
            "resourceType": "virtualMachines/extensions"
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "template": null,
    "templateHash": "17905048512558945100",
    "templateLink": {
      "contentVersion": "",
      "uri": ""
    "timestamp": "2020-07-23T08:36:10.953240+00:00",
    "validatedResources": [
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-a816a607-eb8a-5aa1-9475-c3fba6994679",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222"
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/adminVM/extensions/newuserscript",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222"
        "id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/oraclevm-dcluster-07222/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-db9aa5e4-1e77-5f54-af38-9a7515cd27ab",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222"
  "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-dcluster-07222",
  "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"
Command ran in 46.180 seconds (init: 0.064, invoke: 46.116)
Extension 'resource-graph' is already installed.
List resource Ids to be deleted: 
Are you sure to delete these resources (y/n)?n



Verify if the managed servers are deleted from WebLogic Server instance.

Verify if the Azure resources are deleted