Apply Azure Active Directory ARM Template to Oracle WebLogic Server

This page documents how to configure an existing deployment of Oracle WebLogic Server with an existing Azure Active Directory Domain Service (AAD DS) using Azure CLI.


Environment for Setup

WebLogic Server Instance

The AAD ARM template will be applied to an existing Oracle WebLogic Server instance. If you don’t have one, please create a new instance from the Azure portal, by following the link to the offer in the index.

Azure Active Directory LDAP Instance

To apply AAD to Oracle WebLogic Server, you must have an existing Azure Active Directory LDAP instance to use. If you don’t have AAD LADP instance, please follow the steps in the tutorial Configure secure LDAP for an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain.

Prepare the Parameters JSON file

You must construct a parameters JSON file containing the parameters to the AAD ARM template. See Create Resource Manager parameter file for background information about parameter files. We must specify the information of the existing Oracle WebLogic Server and AAD instance. This section shows how to obtain the values for the following required properties.

Parameter Name Explanation
_artifactsLocation See below for details.
aadsPortNumber (optional) The LDAP port number, defaults to 636.
aadsPublicIP The IP address of the LDAP server
aadsServerHost The hostname of the Active Directory Domain Services server.
adminVMName At deployment time, if this value was changed from its default value, the value used at deployment time must be used. Otherwise, this parameter should be omitted.
dynamicClusterSize Size of the dynamic cluster.
location Must be the same region into which the server was initially deployed.
managedServerPrefix Must be the same managed server prefix with that in initial deployed.
wlsDomainName The name of the Oracle WebLogic Server domain.
wlsLDAPGroupBaseDN The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains groups.
wlsLDAPPrincipalPassword The credential (usually a password) used to connect to the LDAP server.
wlsLDAPPrincipal The Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP user that Oracle WebLogic Server should use to connect to the LDAP server.
wlsLDAPProviderName (optional) The value used for creating authentication provider name of WebLogic Server.
wlsLDAPSSLCertificate Client certificate that will be imported to trust store of SSL.
wlsLDAPSSLCertificate See below for details.
wlsLDAPUserBaseDN The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains users.
wlsPassword Must be the same value provided at deployment time.
wlsUserName Must be the same value provided at deployment time.


This value must be the following.


Use base64 to encode your existing SSL certificate.

base64 your-certificate.cer -w 0 >temp.txt

Use the content as this file as the value of the wlsLDAPSSLCertificate parameter.


Size of the dynamic cluster, it should equal to numbers of Virtual Machines that have names starting with msp.

Example Parameters JSON

Here is a fully filled out parameters file. Note that we did not include values for parameters that have a default value. Pay attention to the value of dynamicClusterSize.

Some things to note:

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "_artifactsLocation": {
            "value": ""
        "aadsPublicIP": {
            "value": ""
        "aadsServerHost": {
           "value": ""
        "location": {
            "value": "eastus"
        "wlsDomainName": {
          "value": "wlsd"
        "wlsLDAPGroupBaseDN": {
            "value": "OU=AADDC Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
        "wlsLDAPPrincipal": {
            "value": "CN=WLSTest,OU=AADDC Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
        "wlsLDAPPrincipalPassword": {
            "value": "Secret123!"
        "wlsLDAPSSLCertificate": {
            "value": "MIIKQQIBAz....EkAgIIAA=="
        "wlsLDAPUserBaseDN": {
            "value": "OU=AADDC Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
        "wlsPassword": {
          "value": "welcome1"
        "wlsUserName": {
          "value": "weblogic"

Invoke the ARM template

Assume your parameters file is available in the current directory and is named parameters.json. This section shows the commands to configure your Oracle WebLogic Server deployment with the specified AAD. Replace yourResourceGroup with the Azure resource group in which the Oracle WebLogic Server is deployed.

First, validate your parameters file

The az group deployment validate command is very useful to validate your parameters file is syntactically correct.

az group deployment validate --verbose --resource-group `yourResourceGroup` --parameters @parameters.json --template-uri

If the command returns with an exit status other than 0, inspect the output and resolve the problem before proceeding. You can check the exit status by executing the commad echo $? immediately after the az command.

Next, execute the template

After successfully validating the template invocation, change validate to create to invoke the template.

az group deployment create --verbose --resource-group `yourResourceGroup` --parameters @parameters.json --template-uri

As with the validate command, if the command returns with an exit status other than 0, inspect the output and resolve the problem.

This is an example output of successful deployment. Look for "provisioningState": "Succeeded" in your output.

  "id": "/subscriptions/05887623-95c5-4e50-a71c-6e1c738794e2/resourceGroups/oraclevm-admin-06082/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/cli",
  "location": null,
  "name": "cli",
  "properties": {
    "correlationId": "6d98e1c8-0778-4fa5-a30a-8f10bbbb6818",
    "debugSetting": null,
    "dependencies": [
        "dependsOn": [
            "id": "/subscriptions/05887623-95c5-4e50-a71c-6e1c738794e2/resourceGroups/oraclevm-admin-06082/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/adminVM/extensions/newuserscript",
            "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-admin-06082",
            "resourceName": "adminVM/newuserscript",
            "resourceType": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions"
        "id": "/subscriptions/05887623-95c5-4e50-a71c-6e1c738794e2/resourceGroups/oraclevm-admin-06082/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/pid-8295df19-fe6b-5745-ad24-51ef66522b24",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-admin-06082",
        "resourceName": "pid-8295df19-fe6b-5745-ad24-51ef66522b24",
        "resourceType": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"
    "duration": "PT2M59.6052694S",
    "mode": "Incremental",
    "onErrorDeployment": null,
    "outputResources": [
        "id": "/subscriptions/05887623-95c5-4e50-a71c-6e1c738794e2/resourceGroups/oraclevm-admin-06082/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/adminVM/extensions/newuserscript",
        "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-admin-06082"
    "outputs": {
      "artifactsLocationPassedIn": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
    "parameters": {
      "_artifactsLocation": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
      "_artifactsLocationAADTemplate": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
      "_artifactsLocationSasToken": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "aadsPortNumber": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "636"
      "aadsPublicIP": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
      "aadsServerHost": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": ""
      "adminVMName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "adminVM"
      "location": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "eastus"
      "wlsDomainName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "adminDomain"
      "wlsLDAPGroupBaseDN": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "OU=AADDC Users,DC=wls-security,DC=com"
      "wlsLDAPPrincipal": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "CN=WLSTest,OU=AADDC Users,DC=wls-security,DC=com"
      "wlsLDAPPrincipalPassword": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "wlsLDAPProviderName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "AzureActiveDirectoryProvider"
      "wlsLDAPSSLCertificate": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "LS0tLS1...LQ0K"
      "wlsLDAPUserBaseDN": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "OU=AADDC Users,DC=wls-security,DC=com"
      "wlsPassword": {
        "type": "SecureString"
      "wlsUserName": {
        "type": "String",
        "value": "weblogic"
    "parametersLink": null,
    "providers": [
        "id": null,
        "namespace": "Microsoft.Resources",
        "registrationPolicy": null,
        "registrationState": null,
        "resourceTypes": [
            "aliases": null,
            "apiVersions": null,
            "capabilities": null,
            "locations": [
            "properties": null,
            "resourceType": "deployments"
        "id": null,
        "namespace": "Microsoft.Compute",
        "registrationPolicy": null,
        "registrationState": null,
        "resourceTypes": [
            "aliases": null,
            "apiVersions": null,
            "capabilities": null,
            "locations": [
            "properties": null,
            "resourceType": "virtualMachines/extensions"
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "template": null,
    "templateHash": "2818584196763146470",
    "templateLink": null,
    "timestamp": "2020-06-09T07:07:03.444046+00:00"
  "resourceGroup": "oraclevm-admin-06082",
  "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"

Verify AAD Integration

Follow the steps to check if AAD is enabled.