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admin() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Gets an OracleCollectionAdmin object
admin() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabase
Gets a OracleDatabaseAdmin object


build() - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Builds a JSON object containing the collection metadata.


contentColumnCache(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SecureFiles LOB cache setting for the content column.
contentColumnCompress(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SecureFiles LOB compress setting for the content column.
contentColumnEncrypt(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SecureFiles LOB encryption setting for the content column.
contentColumnMaxLength(int) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the maximum length of the content column.
contentColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the name of the content column.
contentColumnType(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SQL type of the content column.
contentColumnValidation(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the validation mode for the content column.
count() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Counts the number of documents.
createCollection(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Creates a collection with the specified name.
createCollection(String, OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Creates a collection with the specified name and implementation-specific collection metadata, expressed in JSON.
createCollection(String, OracleDocument, OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Creates a collection with the specified name and implementation-specific collection metadata, expressed in JSON.
createDocumentFrom(Object) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided key and provided JSON content object.
createDocumentFrom(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided key and JSON content object.
createDocumentFromByteArray(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided byte[] JSON content.
createDocumentFromByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided key and byte[] JSON content.
createDocumentFromByteArray(String, byte[], String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided key, byte[] content, and content type.
createDocumentFromString(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided String JSON content.
createDocumentFromString(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided key and String JSON content.
createDocumentFromString(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocumentFactory
Creates a new document with the provided key, String content, and media type.
createIndex(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Create an index using an index specification (expressed in JSON).
createJsonSearchIndex(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Turns on Json Search Index.
createMetadataBuilder() - Method in class oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSClient
Creates an OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder initialized with default collection metadata settings.
creationTimeColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the optional creation time column name.


DDL - oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode
drop() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Drops the collection.
drop(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Drops the collection.
dropCollections(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Drop all collections associated with this OracleDatabase.
dropIndex(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Drops the named index.
dropIndex(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Drops the named index.
dualityViewName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder


filter(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Finds documents matching a filter specification (a query-by-example expressed in JSON).
filter(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Finds documents matching a filter specification (a query-by-example expressed in JSON).
find() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Returns an OracleOperationBuilder representing an operation that finds all documents in the collection.
findOne(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Finds an OracleDocument matching a key.


getCollectionNames() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Gets a list of the names of all collections in the database.
getCollectionNames(int) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Gets a list of the names of collections in the database with a limit on the number returned.
getCollectionNames(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Gets a list of the names of collections in the database with a limit on the number returned, starting at a specific offset in the list.
getCollectionNames(int, String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Gets a list of the names of collections in the database with a limit on the number returned, starting at the first name greater than or equal to startName.
getConnection() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin
Return the JDBC connection backing this database.
getContentAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the content as the specified type.
getContentAsByteArray() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the content as a byte array.
getContentAsString() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the content as a String.
getContentLength() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the length of content if know.
getCreatedOn() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the timestamp of creation of this document in ISO format.
getCursor() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Returns OracleCursor which is an iterator over result documents.
getDatabase(Connection) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleClient
Gets the document collections database.
getDatabase(Connection) - Method in class oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSClient
Gets the document collections database.
getDatabase(Connection, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleClient
Gets the document collections database.
getDatabase(Connection, boolean) - Method in class oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSClient
Gets the document collections database.
getDataGuide() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Returns a JSON data guide for the collection.
getDBObjectName() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Returns the name of the table or view backing the collection.
getDBObjectSchemaName() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Returns the name of the schema that owns the table or view backing the collection.
getError() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDropResult
Gets the error encountered when attempting to drop the collection.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Returns the error code associated with this exception.
getKey() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the key.
getLastModified() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the timestamp of the last modification to this document in ISO format.
getMediaType() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns the media type.
getMetadata() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Returns collection metadata expressed in JSON.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Gets the collection's name.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDropResult
Gets the name of the collection that could not be dropped.
getNextException() - Method in exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Returns the next OracleException in the chain or null if none.
getOne() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Returns a single document.
getProcessedCount() - Method in exception oracle.soda.OracleBatchException
Number of operations processed before the error occurred.
getVersion() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns a string suitable for use as a version of the document.


hasNext() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCursor
Returns true if the next OracleDocument is available.
headerOnly() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Specifies that the returned documents should contain only the the following: key, creation-on timestamp (if present in the collection), last-modified timestamp (if present in the collection), version (if present in the collection). The documents' contents will not be returned.
hint(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Adds execution hints to the operation


insert(Iterator<OracleDocument>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Inserts multiple documents into the collection.
insert(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Inserts a document into the collection.
insertAndGet(Iterator<OracleDocument>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Inserts multiple documents into the collection.
insertAndGet(Iterator<OracleDocument>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Inserts multiple documents into the collection with options.
insertAndGet(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Inserts a document into the collection.
insertAndGet(OracleDocument, Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Inserts a document into the collection.
isHeterogeneous() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Indicates whether the collection can store non-JSON data.
isJSON() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDocument
Returns true is this document has media type "application/json".
isReadOnly() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Indicates whether the collection is read-only.


key(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Finds a document with a specific key.
keyColumnAssignmentMethod(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the key column assignment method.
keyColumnMaxLength(int) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the maximum size of the key column.
keyColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the name of the key column.
keyColumnSequenceName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the sequence name for sequence-based keys.
keyColumnType(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the key column type.
keyLike(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Finds documents with keys matching a supplied pattern.
keys(Set<String>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Finds documents with specific keys.


lastModifiedColumnIndex(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the last-modified column index name.
lastModifiedColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the optional last-modified timestamp column name.
limit(int) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Specifies an upper limit on the number of results.
lock() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Indicates that the operation should lock the documents.


MAP - oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode
mediaTypeColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the media type column name.
mergeOne(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Merges the specified document into an existing one.
mergeOneAndGet(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Merges a document.


next() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCursor
Returns the next OracleDocument.


openCollection(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleDatabase
Opens a collection with the specified name.
oracle.soda - package oracle.soda
Contains the core SODA interfaces and classes.
oracle.soda.rdbms - package oracle.soda.rdbms
Contains RDBMS-specific SODA interfaces and classes.
OracleBatchException - Exception in oracle.soda
Represents an exception thrown during a batch write operation.
OracleBatchException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleBatchException
Constructs an OracleBatchException object with a given message.
OracleBatchException(String, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleBatchException
Constructs an OracleBatchException object with a given message.
OracleBatchException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleBatchException
Constructs an OracleBatchException with a given message and an error code.
OracleBatchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleBatchException
Constructs an OracleBatchException object with a given cause.
OracleBatchException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleBatchException
Constructs an OracleBatchException object with a given cause.
OracleClient - Interface in oracle.soda
Entry point for SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access).
OracleCollection - Interface in oracle.soda
A collection of documents.
OracleCollectionAdmin - Interface in oracle.soda
Provides DDL and metadata methods for the OracleCollection administration: index creation and destruction, collection deletion (ie "drop"), metadata information about the collection, etc.
OracleCursor - Interface in oracle.soda
Operation result cursor.
OracleDatabase - Interface in oracle.soda
A database of document collections.
OracleDatabaseAdmin - Interface in oracle.soda
Provides DDL and metadata methods for the OracleDatabase administration: collection creation, retrieval of collection names, etc.
OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode - Enum in oracle.soda
OracleDocument - Exception in oracle.soda
Represents a document with (typically) JSON content.
OracleDocument - Interface in oracle.soda
Represents a document with (typically) JSON content.
OracleDocumentFactory - Exception in oracle.soda
A factory for creating OracleDocument objects.
OracleDocumentFactory - Interface in oracle.soda
A factory for creating OracleDocument objects.
OracleDropResult - Interface in oracle.soda
Holds the collection name that could not be dropped, and the error encountered when attempting to drop this collection.
OracleException - Exception in oracle.soda
A general exception thrown by various methods of this API.
OracleException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Constructs an OracleException object with a given message.
OracleException(String, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Constructs an OracleException with a given message and an error code.
OracleException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Constructs an OracleException with a given message, cause, error code, and error prefix.
OracleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Constructs an OracleException with a specified cause (for example, a SQLException or an IOException).
OracleException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Constructs an OracleException with a specified cause (for example, a SQLException or an IOException).
OracleOperationBuilder - Interface in oracle.soda
An OracleOperationBuilder builds and executes various read and write operations on the OracleCollection, in a chainable manner.
OracleRDBMSClient - Class in oracle.soda.rdbms
Oracle RDBMS implementation of OracleClient.
OracleRDBMSClient() - Constructor for class oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSClient
OracleRDBMSClient(Properties) - Constructor for class oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSClient
The following properties are currently supported:
OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder - Interface in oracle.soda.rdbms
Builds custom collection metadata, expressed as a JSON OracleDocument.
orderByKey(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Specifies whether implicit order by should be included for operations involving OracleOperationBuilder.skip(long) or OracleOperationBuilder.limit(int).


readOnly(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the read/write policy.
remove() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Removes documents.
removeOptionalColumns() - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Removes the optional metadata columns.
replaceOne(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Replaces a document.
replaceOneAndGet(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Replaces a document.


save(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Saves a document into the collection.
saveAndGet(OracleDocument) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Saves a document into the collection.
saveAndGet(OracleDocument, Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollection
Saves a document into the collection.
schemaName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SQL schema name for the underlying database object.
setNextException(OracleException) - Method in exception oracle.soda.OracleException
Adds an OracleException to the chain of exceptions.
skip(long) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Specifies the number of results to skip.
startKey(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Specifies that only keys that come after (or alternatively before) the specified key.


tableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SQL table name.
truncate() - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleCollectionAdmin
Deletes all documents in the collection.


UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception oracle.soda.OracleException


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.soda.OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.OracleOperationBuilder
Finds a document with a specific version.
versionColumnMethod(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets version column method.
versionColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the version (ETag) column name.
viewName(String) - Method in interface oracle.soda.rdbms.OracleRDBMSMetadataBuilder
Sets the SQL view name.
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