sqlreport − Create a complete sql report
sqlreport [options] -l u/p@c sqlid
For the provided sqlid, the sqlreport utility creates sql a full report by calling dbms_sql_tune.report_sql_detail, using all default options except report_level which is set to ’ALL’. The output is written to a file named with the sqlid and a suffix of .html unless the --output-file option is provided. The file is created in your current directory unless the --output-directory option is provided.
-l u/p
-l u/p@c
Compulsory option to provide the username, password, and potentially connect string for a database connection that provides access to a login with access to various gv$ and dba_ views. If you omit /p, rwloadsim will prompt for the password.
By default, the output is written to a file named as the sqlid with a suffix of .html. Use this option to specify a different filename.
By default, the output is written in your current directory. Use this option to specify a different directory.
Exactly one sqlid must be provided.
sqlreport -l system/{password} 07rw9znc8g7aj
will create a file named 07rw9znc8g7aj.html containing the output from calling dbms_sqltune.report_sql_detail(sql_id=>’07rw9znc8g7aj’, type=>’active’, report_level=>’ALL’)
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rwloadsim(1rwl), sqlmonitor(2rwl) sqlmonitorawr(2rwl), sqlexplain(2rwl), utilities(2rwl)