


rwlrun − RWP*Load Simulator rwlrun table


When using a repository, the rwlrun table contains overall information about a "run" and it therefore has the runnumber as its primary key. Some columns are filled by rwloadsim while you will need an explicit update statement to fill others.

create table rwlrun
( runnumber number not null
, key varchar2(30)
, komment varchar2(100)
, rdate date not null
, hostname varchar2(64)
, dbname varchar2(256)
, dbversion varchar2(20)
, constraint rwlrun_pk primary key(runnumber)
, nattr1 number
, nattr2 number
, nattr3 number
, sattr1 varchar2(1000)
, sattr2 varchar2(1000)
, sattr3 varchar2(1000)



This is the number that uniquely identifies a run, it is retrieved from a sequence number for each run that saves statistics.

key komment

These two columns are fully user dependent and have their values from the -k -K options to rwloadsim. The recommended usage is to use the same, short key for multiple related runs and provide a descriptive text as the comment.


This column contains the common start time, i.e. the time where the runseconds variable is 0s. Irrespective of your locale setting, the value is in UTC timezone.


This will contain the value from nodename returned by uname(3) for the system running rwloadsim. In multi process execution, the value is retrieved from the system where the prepare step takes place.

dbname, dbversion

These columns are not filled by rwloadsim itself; if you need them you must yourself run a dml update against the rwlrun table. It is suggested that you get dbname from the sql function sys_context(’USERENV’,’DB_NAME’), and that you get dbversion from the standard function serverrelease; both from your primary database under test.

nattr[123], sattr[123]

These columns are not filled by rwloadsim itself; if you need them you must yourself run a dml update against the rwlrun table. The first three are number columns, the last are varchar2(1000) columns and they can be use for any extra attributes you may need. As an example, nattr1 is used to save the process count in the shipped oltp workload.


A row is inserted into this table when the runnumber is generated from a sequence number in the repository database. During multi-process runs, that is in the prepare step.


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statistics(1rwl), function(1rwl), multiprocess(1rwl), uname(3)