rwlcpu − RWP*Load Simulator rwlcpu table and rwlcpu_a view
The rwlcpu table is not being used by rwloadsim itself; the user is supposed to arrange for values to be inserted into the table. To use this table, your rwl program must include a thread that every second executes the getrusage statement and subsequently performs an insert into the rwlcpu table with the values of the usrseconds and sysseconds variables. If needed by your reporting, you can insert further values into the columns num1, num2, etc.
The table is being used by the standard oltp workload.
create table rwlcpu ( runnumber number not null , procno number not null , second number not null , cliusr number(*,6) , clisys number(*,6) , num1 number , num2 number , num3 number , num4 number , num5 number , constraint rwlcpu_pk primary key(runnumber, procno, second) ) create or replace view rwlcpu_a ( runnumber , second , pcount , cliusr , clisys , num1 , num2 , num3 , num4 , num5 )
You must arrange for your rwloadsim program to insert the value of the runnumber variable into this column.
procno pcount
You must arrange for your rwloadsim program to insert the value of the procnumber variable into this procno column of the rwlcpu table. In the aggregate view, rwlcpu_a, the total process count is in the pcount column.
You must arrange for your rwloadsim program to insert the value returned by the runseconds() function into this column. In the aggregate view, rwlcpu_a, the values will be rounded to a whole second.
Should contain the user mode CPU used by the rwloadsim program. The rwlcpu_a view contains the aggregated sum of values.
Should contain the system mode CPU used by the rwloadsim program. The rwlcpu_a view contains the aggregated sum of values.
num1 num2 ...
The usage is fully user dependent, and the values in the rwlcpu_a view contains the aggregated sum.
When running queries for reporting there are rounding effects, and you cannot join the column named second in the rwlcpu table (or rwlcpu_a) to the same column in the persec table (or persec_a view). If used for graphing, your graphing tool should however align graphs properly assuming the values of the second columns from different tables or views are shown against the same axis.
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statistics(1rwl), identifier(1rwl), statement(1rwl), oltp(2rwl)