


oltprun − Perform one run using the oltp workload


oltprun [-H] [-g|-G] [-a] [-2] [-k key] [-r runperiod] [-R file] [-n procs] [-x script] [-o file] [-K n] [-W] [komment text ...]

Execute one run using the oltp workload, saving intermediate results in the results directory and making final results (including stdout and stderr) available in the awr directory for browsing.

Any arguments are added as extra komment text using -K option to rwloadsim; it must be preceded by -- if it includes any text that appear like options.

Gnu style long options are also available as shown below.


-h -H --help

Print short help.

-n|--processcount N

Set the number of processes, default 1

-k|--key key

Set the key that will be used when storing results in the repository database. The default is the same as the project name.

-r|--runperiod N

Set the runperiod in seconds; the default is 295s. You will get the nicest graphs if the value chosen is a bit less than a multiple of 300s. If less than 125s, no awr reports will be created.


In stead of the normal simulation of an average arrival rate, run everything in a busy loop without any waiting/queuing taking place. You typically do this with much fewer threads (and/or processes) as each thread in each process constantly will be executing emulated business transactions.

Note that all burst features are turned off and that only the processing in the normal pool (set via pool_type in your project file) is done. You should normally arrange for your connections to be dedicated and set pool_type:="dedicated", but if you do use e.g. sessionpool, sessions will constantly be acquired and released.


Show two graphs during the run using gnuplot’s output to X-Windows; this requires a properly set DISPLAY environment variable. One graph will show distribution of sessions on database instances together with counts of open and active sessions when a session pool is in use. The other graph will show the throughput of the various emulated business transactions.


An alternative to the previous, where the second running graph will show total throughput and queue time respectively total time per transaction for a few selected emulated business transactions. This is particularly useful when using external control to immediately see the effect of any changes.


Use side 2 for the aw_transaction workload; it is used by oltpforever2 and should not be done directly by the user.

-R|--runfile file

In stead of using the normal run.rwl file found in the oltp directory, use the file named. The primary use of this is for experiments that require modifications to run.rwl.


If your orders and order_items tables are partitioned, you can use the -a option to make sure an empty set of partitions are created at the start of the run. Only use this if the automatic allocation via interval partitions appears to cause trouble

-o file|--extraoutput

Add the contents of the named text file to generated html output; this can be used if you want to add more information than feasible using komment.

-x script|--extrascript

Execute the named script (which must be in your current directory) after completion; it will be provided one argument which is the runnumber.

-i|--integer|-d|--double spec

Provide the option to rwloadsim when doing the actual run, i.e. when run.rwl (or the file given as the -R option) is executed.


-K|--awrkill n

See COMPLETION at oltpcore(2rwl).


You often don’t need anything but a few options. All graphs, html files, etc. will have a default title that is specified in your parameter file. You can provide additional text by adding extra arguments to the oltprun command.


Copyright © 2023 Oracle Corporation
Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl


oltp(2rwl), oltpcore(2rwl), oltpscale(2rwl), oltpforever(2rwl), oltpkomment(2rwl)