oerstats − RWP*Load Simulator oerstats table
Whenever an rwloadsim program receives an ORA- error, the error will be output to stderr, but execution will by default continue. If running with the --oerstats option, the occurrence of the error will additionally by saved in the oerstats table in the repository database.
create table oerstats ( runnumber number not null , procno number not null , oer number not null , second number(*,6) not null , oertxt varchar2(70) , sname varchar2(30) , oeseq number not null , oerinst varchar2(16) , constraint oerstats_pk primary key(runnumber, procno, oeseq) )
This is the number that uniquely identifies a run, it is retrieved from a sequence number for each run that saves statistics.
The Oracle error number.
The time-stamp when the Oracle error was received in seconds since the common start time.
The error text truncated to 70 characters.
If available, the variable name of the sql causing the error, otherwise the name of the procedure or function.
A number without any particular meaning; it only exists to allow this table to have a primary key.
The name of the instance that the session was connected to; this is also found in v$instance.instance_name. It is retrieved as the OCI_ATTR_INSTNAME of the service context and it will be save as NULL if it does not exist, which could be the case in case of connection errors.
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statistics(1rwl), directive(1rwl)