
Helm charts for Oracle commercial products

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Oracle Tuxedo Workstation SSL server

This Helm chart creates an Oracle Tuxedo Workstation (WS) SSL server with two services: BASICWS and TOUPPER


  1. Build a tuxedows_svr container image using the sample Oracle Tuxedo Workstation App.

  2. Upload the tuxedows_svr image you built in step 1 to a private container registry and take a note of its location. This location will be used in the helm install step later in this procedure.

  3. If you want to be able to connect to the Tuxedo WS server from an external source, use the tuxedo-lb Helm chart to obtain an external IP address:

      EXT_IP=$(kubectl get service --namespace default tuxedo-loadbal-svc --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

    This IP address will provide external access to the Tuxedo services running on your Kubernetes cluster on ports 9055, 9060 and 2071 to 2075.

Create the Tuxedo WS SSL server

To create a Tuxedo Workstation SSL server using this Helm chart, run:

helm install \
  --set imagePullSecrets=`<your-secret-file-for-container-registry-access>` \
  --set image.repository=`<tuxedows_svr image location in container registry>`  \
  --set TuxExternalIP="${EXT_IP}" \
  tuxedo-ws-install oracle/tuxedo-ws