
Helm charts for Oracle commercial products

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Deploy Oracle SOA Suite on Kubernetes with the WebLogic Operator

The quick and easy way to deploy this chart on Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is to go check out the related Terraform template here https://github.com/oracle-quickstart/oke-soa.

The Terraform template helps deploy some of the Kubernetes dependencies, however if you are deploying on other cloud providers, you will need to provision the persistent storage (as well as the database, for a production deployment).

To deploy manually, review the instructions below:


This deployment of Oracle SOA Suite makes use of the Oracle SOA Suite Helm Chart based on the fmw-kubernetes release.

The Helm chart is provided as an example and is not currently officially supported by Oracle. Refer to the fmw-kubernetes release for the officially supported deployment.

Although this release follows the same flow as the fmw-kubernetes release, only the Traefik ingress controller is currently supported.

1. Mandatory Prerequisites

To deploy this chart, you will need:

1.1 Oracle Container Registry

You will need an Oracle Container Registry account created through the Oracle Single Sign-On portal https://profile.oracle.com/myprofile/account/create-account.jspx.

Log in with your Oracle account credentials or create a new account, and agree to the terms of use for the images you need to use:

1.2 Oracle SOA Suite Docker Image

The chart uses the Oracle SOA Suite Docker image from the Oracle Container Registry. This is a mandatory requirement.

You must accept the terms of use for this image before using the chart, or it will fail to pull the image from registry.

1.3 Oracle Database Docker Image

You may provision the database supporting the Oracle SOA suite domain schemas separately, and point the chart to it by providing the database url. The database must be accessible from the Kubernetes cluster. This is the recommended way to deploy this chart.

If you intend on deploying the database within the kubernetes cluster (optional; not for production), you must agree to the terms of the Oracle database Docker image:

Note that the deployment in cluster is for testing purpose only and not for production.

2. Other Prerequisites

To easily deploy the prerequisites through a Terraform script, check the related repository here: https://github.com/oracle-quickstart/oke-soa

2.1 Create a Secret with your Oracle Container Registry Credentials

In this document, we will be deploying everything in the soans namespace. Change the namespace name according to your needs.

We’re creating a docker registry login credential secret named image-secret

kubectl -n soans create secret docker-registry image-secret \
--docker-server=container-registry.oracle.com \
--docker-username=<Oracle Container Registry login email> \
--docker-password=<Oracle Container Registry login password> \
--docker-email=<Oracle Container Registry login email>

2.2 Network File System (NFS Server)

You must have provisioned a Network File Storage (NFS) server and mount point before deploying this chart.

The chart requires the IP address of the NFS server and the path for the mount point.

If you’re using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you can provision all the infrastructure or parts of it with the Terraform template here: https://github.com/oracle-quickstart/oke-soa

You can also provision a File System manually with the instructions below:

2.2.1 Provision an Oracle File Storage Mountpoint

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Console, under Storage -> File Storage select File Storage.

  2. Click Create File System.

  3. Under Export Information, click Edit Details.

  4. Enter the export path name you wish to use (for example /sharevolume).

  5. Under Mount Target Information, click Edit Details.

  6. Enter the mount path name (for example /sharevolume).

  7. Select the subnet reachable from your Kubernetes cluster.

  8. Click Create.

2.3 Provision Chart Dependencies

This SOA Suite Helm chart has dependencies on the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator, an ingress controller (Traefik) and Oracle Database.

See the Terraform script to deploy these dependencies in an automated fasion. Below are the manual steps.

2.3.1 Create a Namespace for the SOA Suite Domain

  1. Create a namespace for the SOA Suite domain:
kubectl create namespace soans

Note: We create the SOA Suite deployment namespace prior to installing the other charts, so we can pass this name to the dependent charts. If you don’t know the namespace or might create it later, you will need to update the dependent charts with the namespace name after it is created.

2.3.2 Provision the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator

  1. Create a namespace for the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator:

     kubectl create namespace weblogic-operator
  2. Create a service account for the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator:

     kubectl create serviceaccount -n weblogic-operator weblogic-operator
  3. Add the weblogic-kubernetes-operator repository to your Helm repositories:

     helm repo add weblogic-operator https://oracle.github.io/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/charts --force-update
  4. Install the Helm chart:

    In this example we’re installing the chart in the weblogic-operator namespace created above.

     helm install weblogic-operator \
     weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \
     --version 3.4.0 \
     --namespace weblogic-operator \
     --set image=ghcr.io/oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator:3.4.0 \
     --set serviceAccount=weblogic-operator \
     --set "domainNamespaces={soans}" \

    Note: We’re passing the namespace soans for the SOA Suite domain in domainNamespaces. If the namespace is created later, you will need to update the weblogic-operator chart after the namespace is created with:

     helm upgrade weblogic-operator \
     weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \
     --reuse-values \
     --version 3.4.0 \
     --namespace weblogic-operator \
     --set "domainNamespaces={soans}" \

2.3.3 Provision the Traefik Ingress Controller

  1. Create a namespace for Traefik

     kubectl create namespace traefik
  2. Add the Traefik Helm repository to the known repositories

     helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik
  3. Install the Traefik Helm chart:

     helm install traefik-operator \
     traefik/traefik \
     --version 10.19.5 \
     --namespace traefik \
     --set image.tag=2.6.6 \
     --set ports.traefik.expose=true \
     --set ports.web.exposedPort=30305 \
     --set ports.web.nodePort=30305 \
     --set ports.websecure.exposedPort=30443 \
     --set ports.websecure.nodePort=30443 \
     --set "kubernetes.namespaces={traefik,soans}" \

    Note: Use the additional option --set service.type=NodePort when deploying on a cluster without a load balancer service.

    Note: Here again we pass the soans namespace created earlier to the ingress controller chart. If the namespace is created later, update the traefik chart with:

     helm upgrade traefik-operator \
     traefik/traefik \
     --namespace traefik \
     --reuse-values \
     --set "kubernetes.namespaces={traefik,soans}" \

3. Usage

3.1 Credentials

We’re providing examples passing username and passwords as Helm chart values, but we recommend using secrets to store these credentials.

To create the secrets, use:

kubectl create secret generic ${name} -n ${namespace} \
        --from-literal=username=${username} \

Then pass the name of the secret as secretName when credentials are required (i.e. domain.credentials.secretName, domain.rcuSchema.credentials.secretName, and oracledb.credentials.secretName)

3.1 Install the SOA Suite Helm Chart

  1. Add this repository to your list of known repositories

     helm repo add oracle https://oracle.github.io/helm-charts --force-update
  2. To install the chart, you need to specify a few variables, including:

    • The name of the secret to access the Oracle Container Registry account.
    • The domain.domainName: name of the domain to create.
    • The domain.type: type of SOA domain. Possible values are: soa, soaosb, soaess, soaessosb
    • The domain.credentials.username and domain.credentials.password: username and password for the Admin login.
    • The domain.rcuSchema.prefix: password for the RCU schemas.
    • The domain.rcuSchema.credentials.password: password for the RCU schemas.
    • The domain.storage.nfs.server: NFS server IP.
    • The domain.storage.path: NFS server mount point path.
    • The oracledb.credentials.password: password for the SYS user on the database.
    • The oracledb.url: connection URL for the Oracle database to use to create the RCU schema.
     helm install soainfra oracle/soa-suite \
         --namespace soans \
         --set 'imagePullSecrets[0].name=image-secret' \
         --set domain.domainName=soainfra \
         --set domain.type=soaessosb \
         --set domain.credentials.username=weblogic \
         --set domain.credentials.password=Welcome1 \
         --set domain.rcuSchema.credentials.password="<RCU_password>" \
         --set domain.storage.nfs.server=<FILE_STORAGE_IP> \
         --set domain.storage.path=<FILE_STROAGE_MOUNT_PATH> \
         --set oracledb.provision=false \
         --set oracledb.sysPassword="<SYS_PASSWORD>" \
         --set oracledb.url="<DATABASE_URL>" \
         --wait  \
         --timeout 600s

If you wish to provision the database as part of the chart (not suitable for production):

  1. Instead of supplying the oracledb.url, set the following values:

         --namespace soans \
         --set 'imagePullSecrets[0].name=image-secret' \
         --set domain.domainName=soainfra \
         --set domain.type=soaessosb \
         --set domain.credentials.username=weblogic \
         --set domain.credentials.password=Welcome1 \
         --set domain.rcuSchema.credentials.password="<RCU_password>" \
         --set domain.storage.nfs.server=<FILE_STORAGE_IP> \
         --set domain.storage.path=<FILE_STROAGE_MOUNT_PATH> \
         --set oracledb.sysPassword="<SYS_PASSWORD>" \
         --set oracledb.provision=true \
         --wait  \
         --timeout 600s

    The Oracle database will be provisioned with the default pdb=pdb, cdb=cdb, domain=k8s unless overridden.

Upon installation, the RCU schema will be created and the domain files will be created on the file storage provided.

Stopping the domain

helm upgrade soainfra oracle/soa-suite -n soans \
    --reuse-values \
    --set domain.enabled=false

Uninstall the chart

Uninstalling the chart will destroy the domain entirely, deleting the files on file storage and dropping the schema on the database.

For the files to be removed properly, the domain must be shut down first as per the step above (stopping the domain)

Once the domain was shut down, delete the chart with:

helm delete soainfra -n soans