Validate a Basic SSO Flow using WebGate Registration

In this section you validate single-sign on works to the OAM Kubernetes cluster via Oracle WebGate.

The instructions below assume you have a running Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) (for example ohs1) and Oracle WebGate installed either in an on-premises setup, or in a Kubernetes cluster. If you are deploying OHS on a Kubernetes cluster, see the Supported Architectures.

The instructions also assume you have a working knowledge of OHS and WebGate.

Update the OAM Hostname and Port for the Loadbalancer

You must update OAM with the protocol, hostname.domain, and port for your OAM entry point.

For example:

  • - if OAM URL’s are accessed directly via a load balancer URL, with hostname and port 443.
  • - if OAM URL’s are accessed directly via an OHS URL, with hostname and port 4443.
  • - if OAM URL’s are accessed directly via the ingress controller, with hostname and port 31501.

In the following examples change {HOSTNAME}:${PORT} accordingly.

  1. Launch a browser and access the OAM console (https://${HOSTNAME}:${PORT}/oamconsole). Login with the weblogic username and password (weblogic/<password>).

  2. Navigate to ConfigurationSettings ( View )Access Manager.

  3. Under Load Balancing modify the OAM Server Host and OAM Server Port, to point to the hostname.domain of your OAM entry point, for example and 443 respectively. In the OAM Server Protocol drop down list select https.

  4. Under WebGate Traffic Load Balancer modify the OAM Server Host and OAM Server Port, to point to the hostname.domain of your OAM entry point, for example and 443 respectively. In the OAM Server Protocol drop down list select https.

  5. Click Apply.

Register a WebGate Agent

  1. Launch a browser, and access the OAM console.

  2. Navigate to Application SecurityQuick Start WizardsSSO Agent Registration. Register the agent in the usual way.

  3. After creating the agent, make sure the User Defined Parameters for OAMRestEndPointHostName, OAMRestEndPointPort, and OAMServerCommunicationMode are set to the same values as per Update the OAM Hostname and Port for the Loadbalancer. Click Apply.

  4. Click Download to download the agent zip file and keep in a safe place. This file this will be required in Configure OHS to use the WebGate.

Configure the Application Domain

  1. In the OAM console, navigate to Application SecurityApplication Domains. Click Search, and click the domain for the agent just created.

  2. In the Application Domain page, under Resources, click Create and protect a simple resource, for example /myapp/**. Change the following:

    • Type: HTTP
    • Host Identifier: <your_application_domain>
    • Protection Level: Protected
    • Authentication Policy: Protected Resource Policy
    • Authorization Policy: Protected Resource Policy

    Note: The purpose of the above is to test a simple page protection works. Once everything is confirmed as working, you can configure your desired resources and policies.

  3. Click Apply.

Create Host Identifiers

  1. In the OAM console, navigate to Application SecurityAccess ManagerHost Identifiers. Click Search, and click the Name for the agent just created.

  2. In the Host Name Variations, click Add.

  3. In the new line that appears, add the details for any URL that will be used for this WebGate, for example if you access a protected URL via, then under Host Name enter and under Port enter 443. Click Apply.

  4. Repeat for any other required URL’s.

Configure OHS to use the WebGate

Follow the relevant section depending on whether your are using on-premises OHS, or OHS deployed in Kubernetes.

On-premises OHS installation

The instructions in this section are for on-premises OHS installations only.

In all the examples below, change the directory path as appropriate for your installation.

  1. Run the following command on the server with Oracle HTTP Server and WebGate installed:

    $ cd <OHS_ORACLE_HOME>/webgate/ohs/tools/deployWebGate
    $ ./ -w <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1 -oh <OHS_ORACLE_HOME> -ws ohs

    The output will look similar to the following:

    Copying files from WebGate Oracle Home to WebGate Instancedir
  2. Run the following command to update the OHS configuration files appropriately:

    $ cd <OHS_ORACLE_HOME>/webgate/ohs/tools/setup/InstallTools/
    $ ./EditHttpConf -w <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1 -oh <OHS_ORACLE_HOME>

    The output will look similar to the following:

    The web server configuration file was successfully updated
    <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/httpd.conf has been backed up as <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/httpd.conf.ORIG   
  3. Copy the agent zip file downloaded earlier and copy to the OHS server, for example: <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config. Extract the zip file.

  4. Obtain the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (cacert.pem) that signed the certificate for your OAM entry point. Copy to the to the same directory, for example: <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config.


    • The CA certificate is the certificate that signed the certificate for your OAM entry point. For example if you access OAM directly via a load balancer, then this is the CA of the load balancer certificate.
    • The file must be renamed to cacert.pem.
  5. Restart Oracle HTTP Server.

  6. Access the protected resource, for example, and check you are redirected to the SSO login page. Login and make sure you are redirected successfully to the home page.

OHS deployed on Kubernetes

If deploying OHS on Kubernetes you must copy the agent zip file downloaded earlier to the $WORKDIR/ohsConfig/webgate/config directory and extract it.

See Prepare your OHS configuration files for detailed instructions.

Changing WebGate agent to use OAP

Note: This section should only be followed if you need to change the OAM/WebGate Agent communication from HTTPS to OAP.

To change the WebGate agent to use OAP:

  1. In the OAM Console click Application Security and then Agents.

  2. Search for the agent you want modify and select it.

  3. In the User Defined Parameters change:

    a) OAMServerCommunicationMode from HTTPS to OAP. For example OAMServerCommunicationMode=OAP

    b) OAMRestEndPointHostName=<hostname> to the {$MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}. For example

  4. In the Server Lists section click Add to add a new server with the following values:

    • Access Server: Other
    • Host Name: <{$MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}>
    • Host Port: <oamoap-service NodePort>

    Note: To find the value for Host Port run the following:

    $ kubectl describe svc accessdomain-oamoap-service -n oamns

    The output will look similar to the following:

    Name:                     accessdomain-oamoap-service
    Namespace:                oamns
    Labels:                   <none>
    Annotations:              <none>
    Selector:                 weblogic.clusterName=oam_cluster
    Type:                     NodePort
    IP Families:              <none>
    Port:                     <unset>  5575/TCP
    TargetPort:               5575/TCP
    NodePort:                 <unset>  30540/TCP
    Endpoints:      ,
    Session Affinity:         None
    External Traffic Policy:  Cluster
    Events:                   <none>

    In the example above the NodePort is 30540.

  5. Delete all servers in Server Lists except for the one just created, and click Apply.

  6. Click Download to download the webgate zip file. Copy the zip file to the desired WebGate.

  7. Delete the cache from <OHS_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/ohs1/cache and restart Oracle HTTP Server.