Access to interfaces through ingress
a. Changes in /etc/hosts to validate hostname based ingress rules
The instructions below explain how to set up NGINX as an ingress for OUD.
By default the ingress configuration only supports HTTP and HTTPS ports. To allow LDAP and LDAPS communication over TCP, configuration is required at the ingress controller/implementation level.
Use Helm to install NGINX.
Add the Helm chart repository for installing NGINX using the following command:
$ helm repo add stable
The output will look similar to the following:
"stable" has been added to your repositories
Update the repository using the following command:
$ helm repo update
The output will look similar to the following:
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
Update Complete. Happy Helming!
Create a Kubernetes namespace for NGINX:
$ kubectl create namespace <namespace>
For example:
$ kubectl create namespace mynginx
The output will look similar to the following:
namespace/mynginx created
Create a $WORKDIR/kubernetes/helm/nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml
that contains the following:
Note: The configuration below:
installed with value oud-ds-rs
as a deployment/release name in the namespace oudns
. If using a different deployment name and/or namespace change appropriately.# Configuration for additional TCP ports to be exposed through Ingress
# Format for each port would be like:
# <PortNumber>: <Namespace>/<Service>
# Map 1389 TCP port to LBR LDAP service to get requests handled through any available POD/Endpoint serving LDAP Port
1389: oudns/oud-ds-rs-lbr-ldap:ldap
# Map 1636 TCP port to LBR LDAP service to get requests handled through any available POD/Endpoint serving LDAPS Port
1636: oudns/oud-ds-rs-lbr-ldap:ldaps
enabled: false
# The secret referred to by this flag contains the default certificate to be used when accessing the catch-all server.
# If this flag is not provided NGINX will use a self-signed certificate.
# If the TLS Secret is in different namespace, name can be mentioned as <namespace>/<tlsSecretName>
default-ssl-certificate: oudns/oud-ds-rs-tls-cert
# controller service external IP addresses
# externalIPs:
# - < External IP Address >
# To configure Ingress Controller Service as LoadBalancer type of Service
# Based on the Kubernetes configuration, External LoadBalancer would be linked to the Ingress Controller Service
type: LoadBalancer
# Configuration for NodePort to be used for Ports exposed through Ingress
# If NodePorts are not defied/configured, Node Port would be assigend automatically by Kubernetes
# These NodePorts are helpful while accessing services directly through Ingress and without having External Load Balancer.
# For HTTP Interface exposed through LoadBalancer/Ingress
http: 30080
# For HTTPS Interface exposed through LoadBalancer/Ingress
https: 30443
# For LDAP Interface
1389: 31389
# For LDAPS Interface
1636: 31636
To install and configure NGINX Ingress issue the following command:
$ helm install --namespace <namespace> \
--values nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml \
lbr-nginx stable/ingress-nginx
is your deployment namestable/ingress-nginx
is the chart referenceFor example:
$ helm install --namespace mynginx \
--values nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml \
lbr-nginx stable/ingress-nginx
The output will look similar to the following:
NAME: lbr-nginx
NAMESPACE: mynginx
STATUS: deployed
The ingress-nginx controller has been installed.
It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
You can watch the status by running 'kubectl --namespace mynginx get services -o wide -w lbr-nginx-ingress-nginx-controller'
An example Ingress that makes use of the controller:
kind: Ingress
annotations: nginx
name: example
namespace: foo
- host:
- backend:
serviceName: exampleService
servicePort: 80
path: /
# This section is only required if TLS is to be enabled for the Ingress
- hosts:
secretName: example-tls
If TLS is enabled for the Ingress, a Secret containing the certificate and key must also be provided:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: example-tls
namespace: foo
tls.crt: <base64 encoded cert>
tls.key: <base64 encoded key>
helm upgrade
to update nginx-ingress If required, an nginx-ingress deployment can be updated/upgraded with following command. In this example, nginx-ingress configuration is updated with an additional TCP port and Node Port for accessing the LDAP/LDAPS port of a specific POD:
Create a nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml
that contains the following:
# Configuration for additional TCP ports to be exposed through Ingress
# Format for each port would be like:
# <PortNumber>: <Namespace>/<Service>
# Map 1389 TCP port to LBR LDAP service to get requests handled through any available POD/Endpoint serving LDAP Port
1389: oudns/oud-ds-rs-lbr-ldap:ldap
# Map 1636 TCP port to LBR LDAP service to get requests handled through any available POD/Endpoint serving LDAPS Port
1636: oudns/oud-ds-rs-lbr-ldap:ldaps
# Map specific ports for LDAP and LDAPS communication from individual Services/Pods
# To redirect requests on 3890 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-0:ldap
3890: oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-0:ldap
# To redirect requests on 6360 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldaps-0:ldap
6360: oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-0:ldaps
# To redirect requests on 3891 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-1:ldap
3891: oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-1:ldap
# To redirect requests on 6361 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldaps-1:ldap
6361: oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-1:ldaps
# To redirect requests on 3892 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-2:ldap
3892: oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-2:ldap
# To redirect requests on 6362 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldaps-2:ldap
6362: oudns/oud-ds-rs-ldap-2:ldaps
# Map 1444 TCP port to LBR Admin service to get requests handled through any available POD/Endpoint serving Admin LDAPS Port
1444: oudns/oud-ds-rs-lbr-admin:adminldaps
# To redirect requests on 4440 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-0:adminldaps
4440: oudns/oud-ds-rs-0:adminldaps
# To redirect requests on 4441 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-1:adminldaps
4441: oudns/oud-ds-rs-1:adminldaps
# To redirect requests on 4442 port to oudns/oud-ds-rs-2:adminldaps
4442: oudns/oud-ds-rs-2:adminldaps
enabled: false
# The secret referred to by this flag contains the default certificate to be used when accessing the catch-all server.
# If this flag is not provided NGINX will use a self-signed certificate.
# If the TLS Secret is in different namespace, name can be mentioned as <namespace>/<tlsSecretName>
default-ssl-certificate: oudns/oud-ds-rs-tls-cert
# controller service external IP addresses
# externalIPs:
# - < External IP Address >
# To configure Ingress Controller Service as LoadBalancer type of Service
# Based on the Kubernetes configuration, External LoadBalancer would be linked to the Ingress Controller Service
type: LoadBalancer
# Configuration for NodePort to be used for Ports exposed through Ingress
# If NodePorts are not defied/configured, Node Port would be assigend automatically by Kubernetes
# These NodePorts are helpful while accessing services directly through Ingress and without having External Load Balancer.
# For HTTP Interface exposed through LoadBalancer/Ingress
http: 30080
# For HTTPS Interface exposed through LoadBalancer/Ingress
https: 30443
# For LDAP Interface referring to LBR LDAP services serving LDAP port
1389: 31389
# For LDAPS Interface referring to LBR LDAP services serving LDAPS port
1636: 31636
# For LDAP Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-ldap-0
3890: 30890
# For LDAPS Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-ldap-0
6360: 30360
# For LDAP Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-ldap-1
3891: 30891
# For LDAPS Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-ldap-1
6361: 30361
# For LDAP Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-ldap-2
3892: 30892
# For LDAPS Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-ldap-2
6362: 30362
# For LDAPS Interface referring to LBR Admin services serving adminldaps port
1444: 31444
# For Admin LDAPS Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-0
4440: 30440
# For Admin LDAPS Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-1
4441: 30441
# For Admin LDAPS Interface from specific service oud-ds-rs-2
4442: 30442
Run the following command to upgrade the ingress:
$ helm upgrade --namespace <namespace> \
--values nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml \
lbr-nginx stable/ingress-nginx
is your deployment namestable/ingress-nginx
is the chart referenceFor example:
$ helm upgrade --namespace mynginx \
--values nginx-ingress-values-override.yaml \
lbr-nginx stable/ingress-nginx
Using the Helm chart, ingress objects are created according to configuration. The following table details the rules configured in ingress object(s) for access to Oracle Unified Directory Interfaces through ingress.
Port | NodePort | Host | Example Hostname | Path | Backend Service:Port | Example Service Name:Port |
http/https | 30080/30443 | <deployment/release name>-admin-0 | oud-ds-rs-admin-0 | * | <deployment/release name>-0:adminhttps | oud-ds-rs-0:adminhttps |
http/https | 30080/30443 | <deployment/release name>-admin-N | oud-ds-rs-admin-N | * | <deployment/release name>-N:adminhttps | oud-ds-rs-1:adminhttps |
http/https | 30080/30443 | <deployment/release name>-admin | oud-ds-rs-admin | * | <deployment/release name>-lbr-admin:adminhttps | oud-ds-rs-lbr-admin:adminhttps |
http/https | 30080/30443 | * | * | /rest/v1/admin | <deployment/release name>-lbr-admin:adminhttps | oud-ds-rs-lbr-admin:adminhttps |
http/https | 30080/30443 | <deployment/release name>-http-0 | oud-ds-rs-http-0 | * | <deployment/release name>-http-0:http | oud-ds-rs-http-0:http |
http/https | 30080/30443 | <deployment/release name>-http-N | oud-ds-rs-http-N | * | <deployment/release name>-http-N:http | oud-ds-rs-http-N:http |
http/https | 30080/30443 | <deployment/release name>-http | oud-ds-rs-http | * | <deployment/release name>-lbr-http:http | oud-ds-rs-lbr-http:http |
http/https | 30080/30443 | * | * | /rest/v1/directory | <deployment/release name>-lbr-http:http | oud-ds-rs-lbr-http:http |
http/https | 30080/30443 | * | * | /iam/directory | <deployment/release name>-lbr-http:http | oud-ds-rs-lbr-http:http |
In the table above, example values are based on the value ‘oud-ds-rs’ as the deployment/release name for Helm chart installation. The NodePorts mentioned in the table are according to ingress configuration described in previous section. When External LoadBalancer is not available/configured, interfaces can be accessed through NodePort on a Kubernetes node.
For LDAP/LDAPS access (based on the updated/upgraded configuration mentioned in previous section)
Port | NodePort | Backend Service:Port | Example Service Name:Port |
1389 | 31389 | <deployment/release name>-lbr-ldap:ldap | oud-ds-rs-lbr-ldap:ldap |
1636 | 31636 | <deployment/release name>-lbr-ldap:ldap | oud-ds-rs-lbr-ldap:ldaps |
1444 | 31444 | <deployment/release name>-lbr-admin:adminldaps | oud-ds-rs-lbr-admin:adminldaps |
3890 | 30890 | <deployment/release name>-ldap-0:ldap | oud-ds-rs-ldap-0:ldap |
6360 | 30360 | <deployment/release name>-ldap-0:ldaps | oud-ds-rs-ldap-0:ldaps |
3891 | 30891 | <deployment/release name>-ldap-1:ldap | oud-ds-rs-ldap-1:ldap |
6361 | 30361 | <deployment/release name>-ldap-1:ldaps | oud-ds-rs-ldap-1:ldaps |
3892 | 30892 | <deployment/release name>-ldap-2:ldap | oud-ds-rs-ldap-2:ldap |
6362 | 30362 | <deployment/release name>-ldap-2:ldaps | oud-ds-rs-ldap-2:ldaps |
4440 | 30440 | <deployment/release name>-0:adminldaps | oud-ds-rs-ldap-0:adminldaps |
4441 | 30441 | <deployment/release name>-1:adminldaps | oud-ds-rs-ldap-1:adminldaps |
4442 | 30442 | <deployment/release name>-2:adminldaps | oud-ds-rs-ldap-2:adminldaps |
If it is not possible to have a LoadBalancer configuration updated to have host names added for Oracle Unified Directory Interfaces then the following entries can be added in /etc/hosts
files on the host from where Oracle Unified Directory interfaces will be accessed.
<IP Address of External LBR or Kubernetes Node> oud-ds-rs-http oud-ds-rs-http-0 oud-ds-rs-http-1 oud-ds-rs-http-2 oud-ds-rs-http-N
<IP Address of External LBR or Kubernetes Node> oud-ds-rs-admin oud-ds-rs-admin-0 oud-ds-rs-admin-1 oud-ds-rs-admin-2 oud-ds-rs-admin-N
To use Oracle LDAP utilities such as ldapbind
, ldapsearch
, ldapmodify
etc. you can either:
Run the LDAP commands from an OUD installation outside the Kubernetes cluster. This requires access to an On-Premises OUD installation oustide the Kubernetes cluster.
Run the LDAP commands from inside the OUD Kubernetes pod.
$ kubectl exec -ti <pod> -n <namespace> -- bash
For example:
$ kubectl exec -ti oud-ds-rs-0 -n oudns -- bash
This will take you into a bash session in the pod:
[oracle@oud-ds-rs-0 oracle]$
Inside the container navigate to /u01/oracle/oud/bin
to view the LDAP utilties:
[oracle@oud-ds-rs-0 oracle]$ cd /u01/oracle/oud/bin
[oracle@oud-ds-rs-0 bin]$ ls ldap*
ldapcompare ldapdelete ldapmodify ldappasswordmodify ldapsearch
Note: For commands that require an ldif file, copy the file into the <persistent_volume>/oud_user_projects
$ cp file.ldif <peristent_volume>/oud_user_projects
For example:
$ cp file.ldif /scratch/shared/oud_user_projects
The file can then be viewed inside the pod:
[oracle@oud-ds-rs-0 bin]$ cd /u01/oracle/user_projects
[oracle@oud-ds-rs-0 user_projects]$ ls *.ldif
Note: The examples assume sample data was installed when creating the OUD instance.
Note If your ingress is configured with type: LoadBalancer
then you cannot connect to the external LoadBalancer hostname and ports from inside the pod and must connect from an OUD installation outside the cluster.
Command to perform ldapsearch
against External LBR and LDAP port
$OUD_HOME/bin/ldapsearch --hostname <External LBR> --port 1389 \
-D "<Root User DN>" -w <Password for Root User DN> \
-b "" -s base "(objectClass=*)" "*"
The output will look similar to the following:
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-root-dse
lastChangeNumber: 0
firstChangeNumber: 0
changelog: cn=changelog
pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
supportedAuthPasswordSchemes: SHA256
supportedAuthPasswordSchemes: SHA1
supportedAuthPasswordSchemes: SHA384
supportedAuthPasswordSchemes: SHA512
supportedAuthPasswordSchemes: MD5
numSubordinates: 1
vendorName: Oracle Corporation
vendorVersion: Oracle Unified Directory
componentVersion: 4
releaseVersion: 1
platformVersion: 0
supportedLDAPVersion: 2
supportedLDAPVersion: 3
supportedControl: 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3
supportedControl: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413
supportedControl: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
supportedControl: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473
supportedControl: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.12
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113894.1.8.21
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113894.1.8.31
supportedControl: 2.16.840.1.113894.1.8.36
maintenanceVersion: 2
supportedSASLMechanisms: PLAIN
supportedSASLMechanisms: EXTERNAL
supportedSASLMechanisms: CRAM-MD5
supportedSASLMechanisms: DIGEST-MD5
majorVersion: 12
orclGUID: D41D8CD98F003204A9800998ECF8427E
entryUUID: d41d8cd9-8f00-3204-a980-0998ecf8427e
ds-private-naming-contexts: cn=schema
hasSubordinates: true
nsUniqueId: d41d8cd9-8f003204-a9800998-ecf8427e
structuralObjectClass: ds-root-dse
namingContexts: cn=changelog
namingContexts: dc=example,dc=com
Command to perform ldapsearch
against External LBR and LDAP port for specific Oracle Unified Directory Interface
$OUD_HOME/bin/ldapsearch --hostname <External LBR> --port 3890 \
-D "<Root User DN>" -w <Password for Root User DN> \
-b "" -s base "(objectClass=*)" "*"
In the example below LDAP utilities are executed from inside the oud-ds-rs-0
pod. If your ingress is configured with type: LoadBalancer
you can connect to the Kubernetes hostname where the ingress is deployed using the NodePorts.
Command to perform ldapsearch
against Kubernetes NodePort and LDAP port
[oracle@oud-ds-rs-0 bin]$ ./ldapsearch --hostname <Kubernetes Node> --port 31636 \
--useSSL --trustAll \
-D "<Root User DN>" -w <Password for Root User DN> \
-b "" -s base "(objectClass=*)" "*"
Note: In all the examples below:
a) You need to have an external IP assigned at ingress level.
b) | json_pp
is used to format output in readable json format on the client side. It can be ignored if you do not have the json_pp
c) Base64 of userDN:userPassword
can be generated using echo -n "userDN:userPassword" | base64
Command to invoke Data REST API:
$curl --noproxy "*" -k --location \
--request GET 'https://<External LBR Host>/rest/v1/directory/uid=user.1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com?scope=sub&attributes=*' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp
The output will look similar to the following:
"msgType" : "urn:ietf:params:rest:schemas:oracle:oud:1.0:SearchResponse",
"totalResults" : 1,
"searchResultEntries" : [
"dn" : "uid=user.1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
"attributes" : {
"st" : "OH",
"employeeNumber" : "1",
"postalCode" : "93694",
"description" : "This is the description for Aaren Atp.",
"telephoneNumber" : "+1 390 103 6917",
"homePhone" : "+1 280 375 4325",
"initials" : "ALA",
"objectClass" : [
"uid" : "user.1",
"sn" : "Atp",
"street" : "70110 Fourth Street",
"mobile" : "+1 680 734 6300",
"givenName" : "Aaren",
"mail" : "",
"l" : "New Haven",
"postalAddress" : "Aaren Atp$70110 Fourth Street$New Haven, OH 93694",
"pager" : "+1 850 883 8888",
"cn" : "Aaren Atp"
Command to invoke Data REST API against specific Oracle Unified Directory Interface:
$ curl --noproxy "*" -k --location \
--request GET 'https://oud-ds-rs-http-0/rest/v1/directory/uid=user.1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com?scope=sub&attributes=*' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp
Note: In all the examples below:
a) | json_pp
is used to format output in readable json format on the client side. It can be ignored if you do not have the json_pp
b) Base64 of userDN:userPassword
can be generated using echo -n "userDN:userPassword" | base64
c) It is assumed that the value ‘oud-ds-rs’ is used as the deployment/release name for helm chart installation.
Command to invoke Data SCIM API:
$ curl --noproxy "*" -k --location \
--request GET 'https://<Kubernetes Node>:30443/iam/directory/oud/scim/v1/Users' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp
The output will look similar to the following:
"Resources" : [
"id" : "ad55a34a-763f-358f-93f9-da86f9ecd9e4",
"userName" : [
"value" : "user.0"
"schemas" : [
"meta" : {
"location" : "http://<Kubernetes Node>:30443/iam/directory/oud/scim/v1/Users/ad55a34a-763f-358f-93f9-da86f9ecd9e4",
"resourceType" : "User"
"addresses" : [
"postalCode" : "50369",
"formatted" : "Aaccf Amar$01251 Chestnut Street$Panama City, DE 50369",
"streetAddress" : "01251 Chestnut Street",
"locality" : "Panama City",
"region" : "DE"
"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:oracle:2.0:OUD:User" : {
"description" : [
"value" : "This is the description for Aaccf Amar."
"mobile" : [
"value" : "+1 010 154 3228"
"pager" : [
"value" : "+1 779 041 6341"
"objectClass" : [
"value" : "top"
"value" : "organizationalperson"
"value" : "person"
"value" : "inetorgperson"
"initials" : [
"value" : "ASA"
"homePhone" : [
"value" : "+1 225 216 5900"
"name" : [
"givenName" : "Aaccf",
"familyName" : "Amar",
"formatted" : "Aaccf Amar"
"emails" : [
"value" : ""
"phoneNumbers" : [
"value" : "+1 685 622 6202"
"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User" : {
"employeeNumber" : [
"value" : "0"
Command to invoke Data SCIM API against specific Oracle Unified Directory Interface:
$ curl --noproxy "*" -k --location \
--request GET 'https://oud-ds-rs-http-0:30443/iam/directory/oud/scim/v1/Users' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp
Note: In all the examples below:
a) | json_pp
is used to format output in readable json format on the client side. It can be ignored if you do not have the json_pp
b) Base64 of userDN:userPassword
can be generated using echo -n "userDN:userPassword" | base64
Command to invoke Admin REST API against External LBR:
$ curl --noproxy "*" -k --insecure --location \
--request GET 'https://<External LBR Host>/rest/v1/admin/?scope=base&attributes=vendorName&attributes=vendorVersion&attributes=ds-private-naming-contexts&attributes=subschemaSubentry' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp
The output will look similar to the following:
"totalResults" : 1,
"searchResultEntries" : [
"dn" : "",
"attributes" : {
"vendorVersion" : "Oracle Unified Directory",
"ds-private-naming-contexts" : [
"cn=admin data",
"cn=virtual acis",
"subschemaSubentry" : "cn=schema",
"vendorName" : "Oracle Corporation"
"msgType" : "urn:ietf:params:rest:schemas:oracle:oud:1.0:SearchResponse"
Command to invoke Admin REST API against specific Oracle Unified Directory Admin Interface:
$ curl --noproxy "*" -k --insecure --location \
--request GET 'https://oud-ds-rs-admin-0/rest/v1/admin/?scope=base&attributes=vendorName&attributes=vendorVersion&attributes=ds-private-naming-contexts&attributes=subschemaSubentry' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp
Command to invoke Admin REST API against Kubernetes NodePort for Ingress Controller Service
$ curl --noproxy "*" -k --insecure --location \
--request GET 'https://oud-ds-rs-admin-0:30443/rest/v1/admin/?scope=base&attributes=vendorName&attributes=vendorVersion&attributes=ds-private-naming-contexts&attributes=subschemaSubentry' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 of userDN:userPassword>' | json_pp