Additional Configuration

Creating a Connection to Oracle WebCenter Content Server

To enable content integration within Oracle WebCenter Portal create a connection to Oracle WebCenter Content Server using JAX-WS. Follow the steps in the documentation link to create the connection.

Note: If the Oracle WebCenter Content Server is configured with SSL, before creating the connection, the SSL certificate should be imported into any location under mount path of domain persistent volume to avoid loss of certificate due pod restart.

Import SSL Certificate

Import the certificate using below sample command, update the keystore location to a directory under mount path of the domain persistent volume :

$ kubectl exec -it wcp-domain-adminserver -n wcpns /bin/bash
$ cd $JAVA_HOME/bin
$ ./keytool -importcert -alias collab_cert -file /filepath/sslcertificate/contentcert.crt -keystore /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/wcp-domain/DemoTrust.jks

Update the TrustStore

To update the truststore location edit domain.yaml file, append to the spec.serverPod.env.JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable value. The truststore location used in option should be same as keystore location where the SSL certificate has been imported.

  # an (optional) list of environment variable to be set on the servers
  - name: JAVA_OPTIONS
    value: "-Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=true -Dweblogic.ssl.Enabled=true"
  - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
    value: " -Xms256m -Xmx1024m "
  - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
      claimName: wcp-domain-domains-pvc
  - mountPath: /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains
    name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume

Apply the domain.yaml file to restart the Oracle WebCenter Portal domain.

$ kubectl apply -f domain.yaml