

class coherence.processor.Processors

The Processors class provides a set of static methods for creating standard Coherence coherence.processor.EntryProcessor’s.

static conditional_put(filter: Filter, value: V, return_value: bool = False) EntryProcessor[V]

Construct a coherence.processor.ConditionalPut that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the coherence.filter.Filter applied to the entry evaluates to True.

param filter:

the coherence.filter.Filter to evaluate an entry

param value:

a value to update an entry with

param return_value:

specifies whether the processor should return the current value in case it has not been updated


a processor that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to True.

static conditional_put_all(filter: Filter, values: dict[K, V]) EntryProcessor[V]

Construct a coherence.processor.ConditionalRemove processor that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the coherence.filter.Filter applied to the entry evaluates to True. The new value is extracted from the specified map based on the entry’s key.

  • filter – the coherence.filter.Filter to evaluate all supplied entries

  • values – a dict of values to update entries with


a processor that updates one or more entries with the provided values if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to True

static conditional_remove(filter: Filter, return_value: bool = False) EntryProcessor[V]

Constructs a coherence.processor.ConditionalRemove processor that removes an coherence.client.NamedMap entry if and only if the coherence.filter.Filter applied to the entry evaluates to True.

This processor may optionally return the current value as a result of the invocation if it has not been removed (the coherence.filter.Filter evaluated to False).

  • filter – the coherence.filter.Filter to evaluate an entry

  • return_value – specifies whether the processor should return the current value if it has not been removed

static extract(extractor: ValueExtractor[T, E] | str | None = None) EntryProcessor[E]

Construct an coherence.processor.ExtractorProcessor using the given coherence.extractor.ValueExtractor or string expression to extract a value from an object cached within a coherence.client.NamedMap.

For clustered caches using the coherence.processor.ExtractorProcessor could significantly reduce the amount of network traffic.


extractor – the coherence.extractor.ValueExtractor or string expression to use by this processor or the name of the method to invoke via java reflection. If None, an coherence.extractor.IdentityExtractor will be used.

static increment(name_or_manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, increment: int | float | Decimal, post_increment: bool = False) EntryProcessor[int | float | Decimal]

Construct an coherence.processor.NumberIncrementor processor that will increment a property value by a specified amount, returning either the old or the new value as specified.

  • name_or_manipulator – the coherence.extractor.ValueManipulator or string expression

  • increment – the numeric value representing the magnitude and sign of the increment

  • post_increment – pass True to return the value as it was before it was incremented, or pass False to return the value as it is after it is incremented


static invoke_accessor(method_name: str, *args: Any) EntryProcessor[R]
Constructs a coherence.processor.MethodInvocationProcessor that invokes the specified method on

a value of a cache entry.

  • method_name – the name of the method to invoke

  • args – the method arguments


a coherence.processor.MethodInvocationProcessor that invokes the specified method on a value of a cache entry and optionally updates the entry with a modified value

static invoke_mutator(method_name: str, *args: Any) EntryProcessor[R]

Constructs a coherence.processor.MethodInvocationProcessor that invokes the specified method on a value of a cache entry updating the entry with a modified value.

  • method_name – the name of the method to invoke

  • args – the method arguments


a coherence.processor.MethodInvocationProcessor that invokes the specified method on a value of a cache entry and optionally updates the entry with a modified value

static multiply(name_or_manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, multiplier: int | float | Decimal, post_multiplication: bool = False) EntryProcessor[int | float | Decimal]

Construct an NumberMultiplier processor that will multiply a property value by a specified factor, returning either the old or the new value as specified.

  • name_or_manipulator – the ValueManipulator or the property name

  • multiplier – the Number representing the magnitude and sign of the multiplier

  • post_multiplication – pass True to return the value as it was before it was multiplied, or pass False to return the value as it is after it is multiplied

static nop() EntryProcessor[bool]

Construct an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that does nothing and returns True as a result of execution :return: an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that does nothing and returns True as a result of execution

static preload() EntryProcessor[None]

coherence.processor.PreloadRequest is a simple coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that performs a get call. No results are reported back to the caller.

The coherence.processor.PreloadRequest process provides a means to “preload” an entry or a collection of entries into the cache using the cache loader without incurring the cost of sending the value(s) over the network. If the corresponding entry (or entries) already exists in the cache, or if the cache does not have a loader, then invoking this coherence.processor.PreloadRequest has no effect. :return:

static script(name: str, language: str, *args: Any) EntryProcessor[Any]

Create a coherence.processor.ScriptProcessor that wraps a script written in the specified language and identified by the specified name. The specified args will be passed during execution of the script.

static touch() EntryProcessor[None]

Creates an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that touches an entry (if present) in order to trigger interceptor re-evaluation and possibly increment expiry time. :return:

static update(updater_or_property_name: ValueUpdater[V, bool] | str, value: V) EntryProcessor[bool]

Construct an coherence.processor.UpdaterProcessor based on the specified ValueUpdater.

While it’s possible to update a value via standard Map API, using the updater allows for clustered caches using the UpdaterProcessor allows avoiding explicit concurrency control and could significantly reduce the amount of network traffic.

  • updater_or_property_name – a ValueUpdater object or the method name; passing null will simpy replace the entry’s value with the specified one instead of updating it

  • value – the value to update the target entry with

static versioned_put(value: V, allow_insert: bool = False, return_current: bool = False) EntryProcessor[V]

Construct a coherence.processor.VersionedPut that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the version of the new value matches to the version of the current entry’s value. This processor optionally returns the current value as a result of the invocation if it has not been updated (the versions did not match).

  • value – a value to update an entry with

  • allow_insert – specifies whether an insert should be allowed (no currently existing value)

  • return_current – specifies whether the processor should return the current value in case it has not been updated

static versioned_put_all(values: dict[K, V], allow_insert: bool = False, return_current: bool = False) EntryProcessor[V]

Construct a coherence.processor.VersionedPut processor that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the version of the new value matches to the version of the current entry’s value (which must exist). This processor optionally returns a map of entries that have not been updated (the versions did not match).

  • values – a dict of values to update entries with

  • allow_insert – specifies whether an insert should be allowed (no currently existing value)

  • return_current – specifies whether the processor should return the current value in case it has not been updated


class coherence.processor.EntryProcessor

Bases: ABC, Generic[R]

An invocable agent that operates against the entries within a NamedMap

__init__() None

Constructs a new EntryProcessor

and_then(processor: EntryProcessor[Any]) EntryProcessor[Any]

Returns a coherence.processor.CompositeProcessor comprised of this and the provided processor.


processor – the next processor


a coherence.processor.CompositeProcessor comprised of this and the provided processor

when(filter: Filter) EntryProcessor[R]

Returns a coherence.processor.ConditionalProcessor comprised of this processor and the provided filter.

The specified entry processor gets invoked if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to true; otherwise the result of the invocation will return None.


filter – the filter :return: Returns a coherence.processor.ConditionalProcessor comprised of this processor and the provided filter.


class coherence.processor.ExtractorProcessor(value_extractor: ValueExtractor[V, R] | str)

Bases: EntryProcessor[R]

ExtractorProcessor is an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor implementation that extracts a value from an object cached within a NamedMap.


A common usage pattern is:

>>> cache.invoke(aPerson,ExtractorProcessor("age"))

For clustered caches using the ExtractorProcessor could significantly reduce the amount of network traffic.

__init__(value_extractor: ValueExtractor[V, R] | str)

Construct an ExtractorProcessor using the given extractor or method name.


value_extractor – the coherence.extractor.ValueExtractor or string expression to use by this filter or the name of the method to invoke via java reflection


class coherence.processor.CompositeProcessor(*processors: Any)

Bases: EntryProcessor[R]

CompositeProcessor represents a collection of entry processors that are invoked sequentially against the same MapEntry.

__init__(*processors: Any)

Construct a CompositeProcessor for the specified array of individual entry processors.

The result of the CompositeProcessor execution is an array of results returned by the individual EntryProcessor invocations.


processors – the entry processor array

and_then(processor: EntryProcessor[Any]) CompositeProcessor[R]

Returns a coherence.processor.CompositeProcessor comprised of this and the provided processor.


processor – the next processor


a coherence.processor.CompositeProcessor comprised of this and the provided processor

when(filter: Filter) EntryProcessor[R]

Returns a coherence.processor.ConditionalProcessor comprised of this processor and the provided filter.

The specified entry processor gets invoked if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to true; otherwise the result of the invocation will return None.


filter – the filter :return: Returns a coherence.processor.ConditionalProcessor comprised of this processor and the provided filter.


class coherence.processor.ConditionalProcessor(filter: Filter, processor: EntryProcessor[V])

Bases: EntryProcessor[V]

ConditionalProcessor represents a processor that is invoked conditionally based on the result of an entry evaluation. A ConditionalProcessor is returned from the when() function, which takes a filter as its argument.

__init__(filter: Filter, processor: EntryProcessor[V])

Construct a ConditionalProcessor for the specified filter and the processor.

The specified entry processor gets invoked if and only if the filter applied to the cache entry evaluates to true; otherwise the result of the invocation will return null.

  • filter – the filter

  • processor – the entry processor


class coherence.processor.NullProcessor

Bases: EntryProcessor[bool]

Put entry processor.

An implementation of an EntryProcessor that does nothing and returns true as a result of execution.

__init__() None

Construct a Null EntryProcessor.


class coherence.processor.PropertyProcessor(manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, use_is: bool = False)

Bases: EntryProcessor[R]

PropertyProcessor is a base class for EntryProcessor implementations that depend on a ValueManipulator.

__init__(manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, use_is: bool = False)

Construct a PropertyProcessor for the specified property name.

This constructor assumes that the corresponding property getter will have a name of (“get” + sName) and the corresponding property setter’s name will be (“set” + sName).

  • manipulator – the manipulator or property name

  • use_is – prefix with is


class coherence.processor.PropertyManipulator(property_name: str, use_is: bool = False)

Bases: ValueManipulator[V, R]

PropertyManipulator is a reflection based ValueManipulator implementation based on the JavaBean property name conventions.

__init__(property_name: str, use_is: bool = False)

Construct a PropertyManipulator for the specified property name.

This constructor assumes that the corresponding property getter will have a name of either (“get” + sName) or (“is” + sName) and the corresponding property setter’s name will be (“set” + sName).

  • property_name – a property name

  • use_is – if true, the getter method will be prefixed with “is” rather than “get”

get_extractor() ValueExtractor[V, R]

Retrieve the underlying ValueExtractor reference.

Return type:

the ValueExtractor

get_updator() ValueUpdater[V, R]

Retrieve the underlying ValueUpdater reference.

Return type:

the ValueUpdater


class coherence.processor.NumberMultiplier(name_or_manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, multiplier: int | float | Decimal, post_multiplication: bool = False)

Bases: PropertyProcessor[int | float | Decimal]

NumberMultiplier entry processor.

__init__(name_or_manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, multiplier: int | float | Decimal, post_multiplication: bool = False)

Construct an NumberMultiplier processor that will multiply a property value by a specified factor, returning either the old or the new value as specified.

  • name_or_manipulator – the ValueManipulator or the property name

  • multiplier – the Number representing the magnitude and sign of the multiplier

  • post_multiplication – pass true to return the value as it was before it was multiplied, or pass false to return the value as it is after it is multiplied


class coherence.processor.NumberIncrementor(name_or_manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, increment: int | float | Decimal, post_increment: bool = False)

Bases: PropertyProcessor[int | float | Decimal]

The coherence.processor.NumberIncrementor coherence.processor.EntryProcessor is used to increment a property value of a numeric type.

__init__(name_or_manipulator: ValueManipulator[T, E] | str, increment: int | float | Decimal, post_increment: bool = False)

Construct an coherence.processor.NumberIncrementor processor that will increment a property value by a specified amount, returning either the old or the new value as specified.

  • name_or_manipulator – the coherence.extractor.ValueManipulator or string expression

  • increment – the numeric value representing the magnitude and sign of the increment

  • post_increment – pass True to return the value as it was before it was incremented, or pass False to return the value as it is after it is incremented


class coherence.processor.ConditionalPut(filter: Filter, value: V, return_value: bool = True)

Bases: EntryProcessor[V]

coherence.processor.ConditionalPut is an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that performs an update operation for an entry that satisfies the specified condition.

While the coherence.processor.ConditionalPut processing could be implemented via direct key-based coherence.client.NamedMap operations, it is more efficient and enforces concurrency control without explicit locking.

Obviously, using more specific, fine-tuned filters (rather than ones based on the coherence.extractor.IdentityExtractor) may provide additional flexibility and efficiency allowing the put operation to be performed conditionally on values of specific attributes (or even calculations) instead of the entire object.

__init__(filter: Filter, value: V, return_value: bool = True)

Construct a coherence.processor.ConditionalPut that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to True.

  • filter – the coherence.filter.Filter to evaluate an entry

  • value – a value to update an entry with

  • return_value – specifies whether the processor should return the current value in case it has not been updated


class coherence.processor.ConditionalPutAll(filter: Filter, the_map: dict[K, V])

Bases: EntryProcessor[V]

ConditionalPutAll is an EntryProcessor that performs an update operation for multiple entries that satisfy the specified condition.

This allows for concurrent insertion/update of values within the cache.


For example a concurrent replaceAll(map) could be implemented as:

>>> filter = PresentFilter.INSTANCE
>>> cache.invokeAll(map.keys(), ConditionalPutAll(filter, map))

or putAllIfAbsent could be done by inverting the filter:

>>> filter = NotFilter(PresentFilter())

Obviously, using more specific, fine-tuned filters may provide additional flexibility and efficiency allowing the multi-put operations to be performed conditionally on values of specific attributes (or even calculations) instead of a simple existence check.

__init__(filter: Filter, the_map: dict[K, V])

Construct a ConditionalPutAll processor that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to True. The new value is extracted from the specified map based on the entry’s key.

  • filter – the filter to evaluate all supplied entries

  • the_map – a dict of values to update entries with


class coherence.processor.ConditionalRemove(filter: Filter, return_value: bool = False)

Bases: EntryProcessor[V]

ConditionalRemove is an EntryProcessor that performs n remove operation if the specified condition is satisfied.

While the ConditionalRemove processing could be implemented via direct key-based NamedMap operations, it is more efficient and enforces concurrency control without explicit locking.

__init__(filter: Filter, return_value: bool = False)

Construct a coherence.processor.ConditionalRemove processor that removes an coherence.client.NamedMap entry if and only if the filter applied to the entry evaluates to True.

This processor may optionally return the current value as a result of the invocation if it has not been removed (the coherence.filter.Filter evaluated to False).

  • filter – the filter to evaluate an entry

  • return_value – specifies whether the processor should return the current value if it has not been removed


class coherence.processor.MethodInvocationProcessor(method_name: str, mutator: bool, *args: Any)

Bases: EntryProcessor[R]

An coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that invokes the specified method on a value of a cache entry and optionally updates the entry with a modified value.

__init__(method_name: str, mutator: bool, *args: Any)

Construct coherence.processor.MethodInvoctionProcessor instance.

  • method_name – the name of the method to invoke

  • mutator – the flag specifying whether the method mutates the state of a target object, which implies that the entry value should be updated after method invocation

  • args – the method arguments


class coherence.processor.TouchProcessor

Bases: EntryProcessor[None]

Touches an entry (if present) in order to trigger interceptor re-evaluation and possibly increment expiry time.

__init__() None

Construct a TouchProcessor


class coherence.processor.ScriptProcessor(name: str, language: str, *args: Any)

Bases: EntryProcessor[Any]

ScriptProcessor wraps a script written in one of the languages supported by Graal VM.

__init__(name: str, language: str, *args: Any)

Create a coherence.processor.ScriptProcessor that wraps a script written in the specified language and identified by the specified name. The specified args will be passed during execution of the script.



class coherence.processor.PreloadRequest

Bases: EntryProcessor[None]

PreloadRequest is a simple coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that performs a get call. No results are reported back to the caller.

The coherence.processor.PreloadRequest process provides a means to “preload” an entry or a collection of entries into the cache using the cache loader without incurring the cost of sending the value(s) over the network. If the corresponding entry (or entries) already exists in the cache, or if the cache does not have a loader, then invoking this coherence.processor.EntryProcessor has no effect.

__init__() None

Construct a PreloadRequest EntryProcessor.


class coherence.processor.UpdaterProcessor(updater_or_property_name: ValueUpdater[V, bool] | str, value: V)

Bases: EntryProcessor[bool]

UpdaterProcessor is an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor implementations that updates an attribute of an object cached in an InvocableMap.

While it’s possible to update a value via standard Map API, using the updater allows for clustered caches using the UpdaterProcessor allows avoiding explicit concurrency control and could significantly reduce the amount of network traffic.

__init__(updater_or_property_name: ValueUpdater[V, bool] | str, value: V)

Construct an UpdaterProcessor based on the specified ValueUpdater.

  • updater_or_property_name – a ValueUpdater object or the method name; passing null will simpy replace the entry’s value with the specified one instead of updating it

  • value – the value to update the target entry with


class coherence.processor.VersionedPut(value: V, allow_insert: bool = False, return_current: bool = False)

Bases: EntryProcessor[V]

VersionedPut is an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that assumes that entry values are versioned (see Coherence Versionable interface for details) and performs an update/insert operation if and only if the version of the specified value matches the version of the corresponding value. VersionedPutAll will increment the version indicator before each value is updated.

__init__(value: V, allow_insert: bool = False, return_current: bool = False)

Construct a VersionedPut that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the version of the new value matches to the version of the current entry’s value. This processor optionally returns the current value as a result of the invocation if it has not been updated (the versions did not match).

  • value – a value to update an entry with

  • allow_insert – specifies whether an insert should be allowed (no currently existing value)

  • return_current – specifies whether the processor should return the current value in case it has not been updated


class coherence.processor.VersionedPutAll(values: dict[K, V], allow_insert: bool = False, return_current: bool = False)

Bases: EntryProcessor[V]

VersionedPutAll is an coherence.processor.EntryProcessor that assumes that entry values are versioned ( see Coherence Versionable interface for details) and performs an update/insert operation only for entries whose versions match to versions of the corresponding current values. In case of the match, the VersionedPutAll will increment the version indicator before each value is updated.

__init__(values: dict[K, V], allow_insert: bool = False, return_current: bool = False)

Construct a VersionedPutAll processor that updates an entry with a new value if and only if the version of the new value matches to the version of the current entry’s value (which must exist). This processor optionally returns a map of entries that have not been updated (the versions did not match).

  • values – a dict of values to update entries with

  • allow_insert – specifies whether an insert should be allowed (no currently existing value)

  • return_current – specifies whether the processor should return the current value in case it has not been updated