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Creating the Client VM in the OCI tenancy

Only follow the instruction in this module if you have are in an instructor led lab and the instructor has provided you with details of a pre-prepared tenancy to use.

This page will guide you on how to set up a Compute instance on the Oracle Cloud, running a Linux desktop. You will be using a Custom Image that was prepared by your instructor, which contains all the client-side components you need for running this lab, such as Eclipse and a variety of command-line tools.


Your instructor will inform you if the VM’s have already been created for you or not.

Self-Registration on the Cloud

Creating the Compute instance

You will now see the list of instances already running in this compartment.

This will open the Create Compute Instance wizard. Fill in the following elements:

You have finished the wizard!

Once the create button has been clicked you will see the Vm details page. Initially the state will be provisioning but after a few minutes it will switch to Running, and you will see that a public IP address has been assigned. Make a note of that IP address.

Installing a VNC viewer

Connecting to the VM

Use your VNC client to connect to the VM desktop on display 1. The precise format of the VNC connect string will vary depending on your VNC client, but it will be something like:

When you connect you will get warnings about an insecure connection, as this lab does not process any confidential data and is only running for a short time that’s OK

You will need to enter a password for the VNC session. The instructor will provide you with this.

Configuring the database credentials in the VM

If you have not setup the database configuration in the VM yourself as part of the tenancy setup then you will need to configure the database credentials. (In some instructor led labs this may been done for you, in those situations your instructor will advise you)

Please follow the instructions to get and install the ATP database wallet