long |
OracleOperationBuilder.count() |
Counts the number of documents.
OracleCollection |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.createCollection(String collectionName) |
Creates a collection with the specified name.
OracleCollection |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.createCollection(String collectionName,
OracleDocument collectionMetadata) |
Creates a collection with the specified name and
implementation-specific collection metadata, expressed in
OracleCollection |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.createCollection(String collectionName,
OracleDocument collectionMetadata,
OracleDatabaseAdmin.CollectionCreateMode mode) |
Creates a collection with the specified name and
implementation-specific collection metadata, expressed in
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFrom(Object content) |
Creates a new document with the provided key and provided
JSON content object.
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFrom(String key,
Object content) |
Creates a new document with the provided key and JSON content
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFromByteArray(byte[] content) |
Creates a new document with the provided byte[] JSON content.
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFromByteArray(String key,
byte[] content) |
Creates a new document with the provided key and
byte[] JSON content.
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFromByteArray(String key,
byte[] content,
String mediaType) |
Creates a new document with the provided key, byte[]
content, and content type.
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFromString(String content) |
Creates a new document with the provided String JSON content.
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFromString(String key,
String content) |
Creates a new document with the provided key and
String JSON content.
OracleDocument |
OracleDocumentFactory.createDocumentFromString(String key,
String content,
String mediaType) |
Creates a new document with the provided key, String
content, and media type.
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.createIndex(OracleDocument indexSpecification) |
Create an index using an index specification (expressed in JSON).
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.createJsonSearchIndex(String indexName) |
Turns on Json Search Index.
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.drop() |
Drops the collection.
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.drop(boolean purge,
boolean dropMappedObject) |
Drops the collection.
List<OracleDropResult> |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.dropCollections(boolean force) |
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.dropIndex(String indexName) |
Drops the named index.
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.dropIndex(String indexName,
boolean force) |
Drops the named index.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.filter(String filterSpecification) |
Finds documents matching a filter specification
(a query-by-example expressed in JSON).
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.filter(OracleDocument filterSpecification) |
Finds documents matching a filter specification
(a query-by-example expressed in JSON).
OracleDocument |
OracleCollection.findOne(String key) |
Finds an OracleDocument matching a key.
List<String> |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.getCollectionNames() |
Gets a list of the names of all collections in the database.
List<String> |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.getCollectionNames(int limit) |
Gets a list of the names of collections in the database with a
limit on the number returned.
List<String> |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.getCollectionNames(int limit,
int skip) |
Gets a list of the names of collections in the database with a
limit on the number returned, starting at a specific offset in
the list.
List<String> |
OracleDatabaseAdmin.getCollectionNames(int limit,
String startName) |
Gets a list of the names of collections in the database with a
limit on the number returned, starting at the first name greater
than or equal to startName .
<T> T |
OracleDocument.getContentAs(Class<T> type) |
Returns the content as the specified type.
byte[] |
OracleDocument.getContentAsByteArray() |
Returns the content as a byte array.
String |
OracleDocument.getContentAsString() |
Returns the content as a String .
OracleCursor |
OracleOperationBuilder.getCursor() |
Returns OracleCursor which is an iterator over
result documents.
OracleDatabase |
OracleClient.getDatabase(Connection connection) |
Gets the document collections database.
OracleDatabase |
OracleClient.getDatabase(Connection connection,
boolean avoidTxnManagement) |
Gets the document collections database.
OracleDocument |
OracleCollectionAdmin.getDataGuide() |
Returns a JSON data guide for the collection.
OracleDocument |
OracleOperationBuilder.getOne() |
Returns a single document.
boolean |
OracleCursor.hasNext() |
Returns true if the next OracleDocument
is available.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.hint(String hints) |
Adds execution hints to the operation
void |
OracleCollection.insert(OracleDocument document) |
Inserts a document into the collection.
OracleDocument |
OracleCollection.insertAndGet(OracleDocument document) |
Inserts a document into the collection.
OracleDocument |
OracleCollection.insertAndGet(OracleDocument document,
Map<String,?> options) |
Inserts a document into the collection.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.key(String key) |
Finds a document with a specific key.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.keyLike(String pattern,
String escape) |
Finds documents with keys matching a supplied pattern .
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.keys(Set<String> keys) |
Finds documents with specific keys.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.limit(int limit) |
Specifies an upper limit on the number of results.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.lock() |
Indicates that the operation should lock the documents.
boolean |
OracleOperationBuilder.mergeOne(OracleDocument document) |
Merges the specified document into an existing one.
OracleDocument |
OracleOperationBuilder.mergeOneAndGet(OracleDocument document) |
Merges a document.
OracleDocument |
OracleCursor.next() |
Returns the next OracleDocument .
OracleCollection |
OracleDatabase.openCollection(String collectionName) |
Opens a collection with the specified name.
int |
OracleOperationBuilder.remove() |
Removes documents.
int |
OracleOperationBuilder.replace(OracleDocument document) |
Replaces target document(s) with supplied document.
boolean |
OracleOperationBuilder.replaceOne(OracleDocument document) |
Replaces target document with supplied document.
OracleDocument |
OracleOperationBuilder.replaceOneAndGet(OracleDocument document) |
Replaces target document with supplied document.
void |
OracleCollection.save(OracleDocument document) |
Saves a document into the collection.
OracleDocument |
OracleCollection.saveAndGet(OracleDocument document) |
Saves a document into the collection.
OracleDocument |
OracleCollection.saveAndGet(OracleDocument document,
Map<String,?> options) |
Saves a document into the collection.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.skip(long skip) |
Specifies the number of results to skip.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.startKey(String startKey,
Boolean ascending,
Boolean inclusive) |
Specifies that only keys that come after (or alternatively before) the
specified key.
void |
OracleCollectionAdmin.truncate() |
Deletes all documents in the collection.
OracleOperationBuilder |
OracleOperationBuilder.version(String version) |
Finds a document with a specific version.