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Step 1. Create a compartment -

Go to OCI console -> Identity & Security -> Compartments.

Click on Create Compartment. This opens up a new window.

Choose demonosql as compartment name, choose a description and add it.

Step 2. Create an API Key and Auth Token for your user

Login to OCI console.

Click on your Profile -> User Settings. On the bottom left, click on Auth Tokens. Click on Generate Token.

Provide a description and then hit Generate Token. This will generate a token. Make sure to copy the token and save it for future steps.

Step 3. Create a VCN with Internet Connectivity (VCN Wizard) - vcn_nosql_demos

Go to OCI console -> Networking -> Virtual Cloud Networks.

On the left List Scope - Compartment - choose demonosql compartment

Click on Start VCN Wizard. This opens up a new window. Choose Create VCN with Internet Connectivity and start the Wizard

Choose vcn_nosql_demos as VCN Name, click next and Create it.

Step 4. Allows TCP traffic for ports: 443 HTTPS

On the left Click on Security Lists, Click on Default Security List for vcn_nosql_demos and then Ingress Rules This opens up a new window

Choose as Source CIDR, then TCP as IP Protocol, then 443 as Destination Port Range and add it

Step 5. Create the dynamic group and the policies

guidelines are provided in ./privs/dynamic-group directory

Step 6. Create the NoSQL Tables -

guidelines are provided in demo-lab-baggage deployment steps section of README

Step 7. Create the Function Application - nosql_demos

Go to OCI console -> Developer Services -> Applications .

On the left List Scope - Compartment - choose demonosql compartment

Click on Create Application. This opens up a new window.

Choose nosql_demos as Name, Choose the VCN created in step 3, Choose the public subnet and Create it.

Step 8. Configure Cloud Shell

follow the Instructions in the OCI Console - Getting Started for this application

Step 9. Deploy and test the functions in this GitHub repository

guidelines are provided in demo-lab-baggage deployment steps section of README

Step 10. Create the Stream

Go to OCI console -> Analytics & AI -> Streaming .

On the left List Scope - Compartment - choose demonosql compartment

Click on Create Stream. This opens up a new window.

Choose nosql_demos as Name, Choose the default stream pool and Create it.

Step 11. Create and configure the Service Connector - nosql_demos

Go to OCI console -> Analytics & AI -> Service Connector Hub .

On the left List Scope - Compartment - choose demonosql compartment

Click on Create Service Connector. This opens up a new window.

Choose nosql_demos as Connector Name, provide a description

Choose streaming as a source and functions as a target

On the Configure Source panel, choose default as Stream Pool and nosql_demos as Stream

On the Configure Target panel, choose nosql_demos as Function Application and load-target as Function

Create default policy allowing this service connector to read from Streaming in compartment demonosql.

Create default policy allowing this service connector to write to Functions in compartment demonosql.

and Create it.

Step 12. Create and configure the API Gateway - nosql_demos - /BaggageDemo/{api}

Go to OCI console -> Developer Services -> API Gateway.

On the left List Scope - Compartment - choose demonosql compartment

Click on Create Gateway. This opens up a new window.

Choose nosql_demos as Name, Choose the VCN created in step 3, Choose the public subnet and Create it.

On the left choose Deployments

Click on Create Deployment. This opens up a new window. Use the From Scratch wizard

Choose BaggageDemo as Name, Choose /BaggageDemo as path prefix and click Next

Choose /{api} as a Path, Choose GET as a Method, Choose Oracle Functions as Type, Choose nosql_demos as Application and then demo-api as a Function Name

Click on Next and Create it.

Step 13. Update the policies with the good ocid- if needed

if you created the default policy allowing this service connector, you don’t need modify the policies created in step 5

Step 14. Execute the API and Streaming tests

guidelines are provided in the README:

  1. DEMO-Service-Connector
  2. DEMO-API-Gateway